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Adam and Emily Ch. 02

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Dalilah Strong

Adam and Emily started dating in high school. As their relationship developed, so did their mutual satisfaction for heavy petting and finally masturbation. They had done almost everything short of actual intercourse. Emily wanted to back off a little while still craving the joy she got from her intense orgasms. They both went off to college in the fall, albeit to different colleges. They kept up with each other by social media and emails. Each rightly assumed that they were made for each other. Their first semester was pretty easy, for the thrill of the close sexual contact was still vivid in each of their minds.

The long-distance relationship was fun but not very sexually fulfilling. As time went by, they longed for the intimate touch that was fading into memory. Emily and Adam both poured themselves into their studies and eventually developed friendships from classes and organizations. There was nothing approaching dating others. They professed their undying love for each other to their circles of friends. However, during social gatherings, they were certainly exposed to members of the opposite sex. Eventually a cute guy asked Emily out. She was embarrassed to refuse the request and later confided in her roommate.

Her roommate, Sarah, listened and advised her that even though she was committed to Adam she still should take in the entire college experience. What would a little social dating hurt in the grand scheme of things?

Emily explained, “I know, Sarah, but Adam and I are so close in many ways. I don’t want to cheat on him.”

“And how do you know that he feels the same?”

“Because we talk and text all the time.”

“Maybe you should talk about loosening the ties a little so you can have a little social life here.”

“I understand, Sarah, but I don’t feel comfortable bringing the subject up. I don’t want him to think that I would cheat on him.”

The conversation played over from time to time with Sarah employing other girlfriends to get Emily to loosen up some. Adam was going through a similar withdrawal. He did not have a wandering eye but there were plenty of nice co-eds who seemed to be interested in him.

As time passed, Sarah finally got Emily to agree to a bowling date. Her boyfriend’s roommate, Josh was a little shy and the boyfriend asked Sarah to help him out. Sarah figured a low impact double date would not hurt either one of them. Reluctantly, Emily agreed to go bowling. They had a nice time. They bowled and then had a late dinner. The girls returned to their apartment. Sarah mentioned to Emily that it was good to see her having a good time.

“See,” Sarah said, “You can go out, have a good time with a guy and not have to always worry about the sex thing.”

Emily admitted that it was fun but she had no intention of developing a relationship with Josh.

“He is very handsome.” Emily agreed.

Over time, Emily and Josh did have a few more dates with Sarah and her boyfriend, Tom. Tom was more pushy than Sarah at trying to help the dating relationship between Josh and Emily grow. Emily knew that this was never going to happen. As nice a Josh was, she was not going to abandon her relationship with Adam.

Things went pretty much like that into their second semester. The girls picked up a new roommate in their fourplex apartment. Joni was a freer spirit that either Emily or Sarah. She was more a social butterfly and dated quite frequently with any number of guys. She was not shy about bringing her boyfriends to their fourplex and the roommates got to meet a variety of guys calling on Joni. Joni was of the opinion that college was a necessary evil before entering into to the business world. There was no sense in not enjoying the social life while there. The girls learned that it was not the social life that Joni craved, but the sex life. And she had plenty of social and sex. Quite frequently they could all hear Joni screaming while trying to stifle herself. Emily knew from the sounds that Joni was a hot cummer. In a way she envied Joni. Here she was in college, listening to her sexually active roommate enjoying sex while she, Emily, had only her fingers to bring herself off. She tried to masturbate when all of her roommates were gone so she could let loose some pent-up steam.

Late in the second semester, she learned that her roommate, Sarah, would be transferring that summer. They were close, having double dated some. Emily had not spent any time with Josh after the first few dates. She told him that she was concentrating on her studies and had a boyfriend back home. There had been no spark there anyway, so Josh also moved on. With Sarah transferring, they were no longer in the same circle. That made it less awkward.

That summer the steamy romance between Adam and Emily was on full tilt. They picked up where they left off. The inevitable finally happened and they agreed to have intercourse. Birth control would be the ‘pull-out’ method. Emily actually enjoyed Adam cumming on her stomach Bornova travesti and breasts. As the summer wore on, they fucked as often as they could. Each had a summer job. Before they were ready, the fall semester was about to begin. They were both doing well and making good grades. The last three days before they had to return to their respective colleges were a whirlwind of sexual activity. Their jobs had ended and they spent almost every hour together. When Emily was on her period, she gave Adam blow jobs to get him off. She was getting good at it and even began swallowing his cum. This blew Adam away. He knew she was the one for him. He could hardly wait to finish college and get a good job so they could be married.

Finally, back at school, Emily missed Sarah. She was getting to know Joni better. Two more freshmen girls moved into the bedrooms making the fourplex full again. Joni sensed that Emily was a little lost without Sarah there. She began spending more time with Emily. They talked about their studies, guys, sex, and future careers. Joni didn’t see how Emily could refrain from dating in the culture of the more liberal college they attended. She eventually elicited from Emily that she was no longer a virgin. Joni laughed lustily when Emily told her that.

“God, Emily, I have almost forgotten when I lost my virginity. Going without sex is like going without water to me.”

“Yeah,” Emily agreed, “Once Adam and I finally had intercourse, we seemed not to be able to stop. I do miss it while we are a thousand miles apart. It is not like we can see each other on the spur of the moment.”

“I understand.” Joni replied. “But you freakin’ don’t have to do without.”

“I wouldn’t cheat on Adam.”

“Look, Emily, you don’t know that Adam wouldn’t cheat on you, do you?”

“I would hope not.”

“Well, it is not like you have to give up your relationship with Adam to get some dick.”

“Like I said, I feel that would be cheating.”

“Okay, but I know from experience that after I got fucked the first time, it kept getting better and better. I know I fucked too many guys but I didn’t want a lasting relationship at this age. There is time for that later. It is not like Adam would know. And you wouldn’t know if he was fucking someone either.”

“I guess that is right but don’t you think we could feel a different vibe when we made love?”

“Girl, you are missing vibes here. A good fucking will take the edge off. Fucking a variety of guys will keep you from having a serious relationship. You can save that for Adam. And also, it will help you concentrate on your studies. I mean, time for school and time for Emily. Right?”

True to her word, Joni was visited by a wide variety of guys. She was especially popular with black guys. She was 5’6″ tall and weighed about 120#. Solid. Not a skinny bean pole either. Her breasts were a little larger than Emily’s. Her butt: you could almost place a beer can on it and it wouldn’t fall off. Joni said that is why the black guys loved her so much. Her full ass. Not fat, by the way. Just solid and prominent. Joni ran about five days a week. Her stomach was flat. One of the defining characteristics was her dark red hair. She might have touched it up a little darker than her true color. She had a few freckles across her nose, but nothing on her body. Her skin was almost alabaster white. With her D cups and wide ass, she was the picture of the classic hourglass figure. Emily later saw her naked. She shaved her pubes. Her breasts were magnificent. Her areolas were around three and a half inches in diameter and blended into her skin almost like they had been paint gunned on. Her nipples lay relatively flat in her areolas and were not usually prominent. Her full breasts and the pretty areolas, along with her beaming white skin made Emily see how the black guys would love the contrast between skin colors when they had sex with her.

Emily took a job on campus part-time and was offered to work through the summer. She decided to take it and also some courses. She wanted to fast track as much as possible. Joni didn’t work but took a heavy load, also taking summer classes. Adam was also staying on his campus that summer. The strain of the long-distance had them both climbing the walls for sex. When their other two roomies left for the summer, Emily and Joni had the place to themselves. Joni invited her lovers over more frequently after making sure that Emily didn’t object. Inevitably several guys would show up and sometimes Emily would be there either studying or relaxing. She felt obligated to be somewhat sociable to the fellows.

On one occasions, Emily came in from her job and heard Joni climaxing at the top of her lungs. Emily retreated to her bedroom and took a shower. She put on a pair of gym shorts and an oversized tee shirt. She decided to grab a quick snack and soda from the kitchen. Going back upstairs, she ran into a tall black guy coming out of Joni’s Bornova travestileri bedroom.

“Well, hello there pretty one.” The guy said. “And who might you be?”

“Hi. Emily, Joni’s roommate.”

“Well, hello, Emily. I just was running down for some ice water. All this exercise has me dried out.”

“Okay.” Emily said, not knowing what else to say.

Just then she heard another male voice call out. “Hey, Al, bring me up a beer.”

Al smiled at Emily. Emily for her part blushed red and again retreated to her bedroom.

Emily smiled to herself when she got back in her room. Joni had two guys with her at the same time. There was no doubt that Joni’s screams were orgasmic releases. Emily could not understand how Joni could be having sex with two guys in the room. It opened up some mental questions that Emily would rather not try to picture. Were the guys taking turns? Doing her at the same time? How on earth could Joni be doing two guys at once?

She tried to study but her imagination along with Joni’s moans and shrieks kept her from concentrating. She imagined or actually heard one or both of the guys groaning and grunting on several occasions. There was little doubt that both big black guys were fucking her roommate without regard to being discreet. When the guys did finally leave, it was silent. Emily supposed that Joni was sleeping and recovering from her sexual athletics. What did bother Emily was that her panties were wet and getting wetter. She had to put this out of her mind. But she couldn’t. She thought of how she and Adam had slowly built up their prolonged foreplay. She was happy that they had waited as long as they did. She relished the thoughts of their time together getting each other off before finally doing the big thing last summer. But she was horny as hell now and there was no Adam near to satisfy her lust. Masturbation helped but in the end was not really fulfilling. If she could just put Adam out of her head for a little while she would love to get royally fucked like her horny roommate suggested.

Later when Joni came back out into the common area, she had no apologies. Emily felt like there was an elephant in the room but didn’t know how to break the silence. They went about making dinner and it seemed like the topic would remain buried until after they ate, Joni broke the silence.

“Okay, Emily, let’s hear it. I know you think I am a slut.”

“That’s not fair, Joni. I haven’t said a word. And no, I don’t think you are a slut.”

“Well, I guess I am in a way.” Joni offered. “I just love what a big cock does for me. It settles me down. Takes off the edge. I don’t think I could concentrate on my studies if I couldn’t get fucked once a week….. Okay maybe twice…… or every day. Who gives a fuck? I like sex. Hell, I like getting fucked. It may not be for you. I just can’t make it just frigging myself off. I don’t see how you do it.”

“Gosh, Joni, I guess that clears it all up then,” Emily laughed.

“Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to be so dramatic. I know you saw Jeff outside my room. He was laughing when he came back in. Even offered to invite you to join us. I told him to fuck his hand if I didn’t have enough pussy and ass for both of them.”

“Really, Joni?”

“Yeah, really. Yes, they did me at the same time. I never had so much black dick in me at once. And staying power? God, my sheets smell like a whorehouse. Just as one of them busted a nut in my pussy and started to go soft, the other one took his place. I lost count of how many times I came. Oh, I guess you heard? Those guys are relentless. They each came twice in my pussy before they double teamed me. One in my tight ass and the other in my sloppy pussy.”

Emily was getting hotter and wetter listening to Joni describe her afternoon delight. She was flushed in the face and her whole body seemed to be on fire. Joni noticed it.

“You are turned on. Aren’t you, Bitch?”

“No. No. I’m not.”

“Yes, you are, Emily. You wish you were getting fucked like me. Say it. I can see it written all over your body. Girl, if you don’t get some soon, I am afraid you will go off the deep end when you finally give that pussy up.”

“You know how I feel about that, Joni.”

“Yeah, I know what you say about that. But I can see how you feel about that. I am going to get you laid one way or the other.”

“Don’t say that, please.”

“Okay, Emily. But I bet you can’t go to sleep tonight without getting yourself off.”

“I already did that.” Emily blurted out.

“Good girl. Wasn’t enough though, was it?”


They left it there and later Emily finger fucked herself until she was raw. Her clit stood up like a soldier at attention. She had never been that hard before. Her cheeks burned as she came and came. But Joni was right. She had to go see Adam or let herself go and get some local cock.

For his part, Adam was in similar straights. He jacked off almost every day. Travesti bornnova Some days twice or three times. He missed Emily so bad. He missed her sweet pussy just as bad. He wondered if she felt the same way a thousand miles away.

One of his friends kept after him to go out with the gang more regularly. He was trying to stay away from a one-on-one encounter with any one girl. Hell, yes, he was tempted every time they went. One night the inevitable happened. Two girls came over to their apartment to see his roommate. It wasn’t long before one of the girls talked the roommate into accompanier her across town to pick up a prescription. Adam was fucked. He knew it was a setup. The other girl, Justine, stayed with him. After some small talk, she moved a little closer to him on the couch. While they were talking, she moved even closer until she was touching his arm or shoulder as the conversation got more intense.

“You know they won’t be back for a while, don’t you?”

Adam was feeling a vibe from her. She snuggled up a lot closer to him and kissed him on the lips. She then guided his had to her breasts. She was pretty and had bigger breasts than even his Emily. They kissed some more and she moved his hand under her shirt letting him cup her full breast. Any red-blooded heterosexual male could not mistake her advances. He relished the fulness of her big breasts and lifted her bra up touching her nipples. She moaned into his ear, stood up and removed her shirt and bra.

“Show me to your bedroom?”

That was all it took. By the time Adam closed the door, Justine was standing naked next to his bed. She was beautiful. Medium height, gorgeous breasts, tiny waist and full hips. Also, a slick pussy. Adam moved toward her. She dropped to her knees and undid his jeans. Without wasting time, she pulled them down to his shoe tops and started sucking his soft cock. He was having doubts about getting an erection. At first, he thought of Emily. As she sucked his cock, he thought of his cock. Slowly he began to get erect. Justine smiled.

“I was wondering if you could handle this?” She joked as she felt him getting harder.

When he was at his fullness, she held his cock and licked the head. She pulled back and looked up at him then back at his cock. He couldn’t tell exactly what that meant. He wondered later if it meant that his cock was not up to her standards. After all, she was a real beauty and she had seduced him.

As she coated him with her saliva, she caressed his balls. She got up and lay on his bed inviting him to enter her beautiful slick pussy. She was wet and ready. He mounted her and she guided his cock into her pussy. She felt great to him. Her pussy seemed to envelope his cock. She wasn’t as tight as Emily had been. Obviously, her virginity was a thing of the very distant past. As he fucked her, his pent-up desire burst forth and he came in her too soon. He tried his best but he could not maintain an erection. He began to soften and his cock slid out her sloppy pussy. She let him roll off her and did her best not to show disdain.

“Maybe it will be better next time.” Was all she said.

They got dressed and talked until they could no longer think of something else to say. She saved him by asking him to give her a ride back to her apartment. When they got there, she kissed him on the lips but Adam could already feel the space between them. What was he thinking? It had to be his guilt about cheating on Emily. He could feel how disappointed Justine had been. She certainly had not cum. What an ass he felt like. This gorgeous woman had come on to him, blew him and let him fuck her. He got his orgasm and she got nothing in return. He stewed over this for weeks. His roommate asked him how he and Justine had gotten along.

Adam felt that the roommate already knew. His girlfriend had certainly conveyed Justine’s disappointment to him. At least that is what Adam thought. Needless to say, Justine didn’t call him or come around again.

After a few weeks, Adam confided in his roommate that he was feeling guilty about cheating on Emily and couldn’t really enjoy the sex with Justine. He hinted that maybe a second date might be better and could the ‘roomie’ set it up with his girlfriend and Justine?

Adam’s roommate did make contact with his girlfriend and Justine. One day when Adam got home from class, his roomie gave him a piece of paper with Justine’s number on it. He added that Justine had said if Adam wanted to see her again, he could damn well call like a man.

Adam was nervous when he finally did dial Justine’s number. She answered and he hum-hawed and stuttered until he finally got out an invitation to dinner. She seemed a little cool but did accept the invitation. That weekend he picked up Justine and took her to a medium-priced restaurant. After all, they were college students and money was always a problem. Adam was very courteous to her during the dinner and eventually both of them seemed to loosen up. When they pulled up to her apartment building Adam was uncertain what to do next. She sensed the awkwardness and invited him in.

She offered him something to drink and they talked.

“Justine,” Adam finally broached the topic. “I want to apologize for the last time we were together.”

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