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Addiction: Pixie Dust (Pt. 02)

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By uciboy



Friday Evening

Victoria Gong lit a Virginia Slims 120 freehanded as she drove through the posh suburb towards the homes of her daughter’s friends, Chris Forrest and Katie Vu. She removed the cigarette with her fingers and snapped the white ball in her mouth deep into her lungs. Within seconds, two creamy streams cascaded downwards through her nostrils.

Adjacent to her own middle class neighborhood, this particular community of Richmond, Virginia exuded the stench of new money. Not that she held any ill-will towards the inhabitants of these McMansions. As a child, Victoria loved riding her bike through these streets, dreaming of how she and her mother would one day move on up into the upper-class “white” neighborhood. Alas, that never happened. After Victoria’s mother died, she inherited the single-family home and decided to remain where she was. After all, for a college student and a single mother just starting out in her twenties, it was a blessing to have a house that was already paid off. Not only that, the upper-class school district overlapping her street was top notch, nurturing the academic brilliance of her daughter, JoAnn, and paving the girl’s way for her to be admitted into a private high school with a scholarship.

That high school, Robert E. Lee Academy, would now become the focal point to the plans about to unfold — plans that, Victoria was certain, would change the world. After this mother had breathed in a handful of Pixie Dust while going undercover at the Phillip Morris Black Ops lab to cover a story for the online news magazine,The Advocate, she became a willing acolyte to the smoking cause. Indeed, by now everyone in her newsroom would be conceptualizing stories to promote the joy of smoking after she paid an earlier visit to her editor, Ron Barker, and handed him a large bag full of Pixie Dust balls to distribute to the staff and their families.

But there was still much to do. When Victoria agreed to assist the lab in converting the student body of her daughter’s school into smokers, she understood that this would be more than just a controlled study of how teens would react to exposure of the Pixie Dust. Robert E. Lee Academy is an exclusive high school, admitting only 125 applicants per year out of the thousands who apply. The upper echelon of Richmond society sent their children there. What better way to bring about a smoking revolution than to start at the top of the social hierarchy? If Richmond was to become ground zero for this revolution, Robert E. Lee Academy would be its initial headquarters.

She and Kyle Bach, the Director of the Black Ops lab, had discussed how to bring those plans to fruition come Monday. But first there were some loose ends to tie up. Both Chris and Katie were back at her house, wrapped in the rapturous arms of nicotine addiction after JoAnn had exposed them both. Now their families would need to be brought into the fold. Chris’ mother, an Assistant Director at the US State Department, and Katie’s mother and uncle, both owners of a popular Karaoke club, would be useful in different ways. In the immediate future, however, their help would be needed the following Monday at Robert E. Lee Academy.

When Victoria had reached her destination, she paused in the middle of the street for a moment to ponder which of the two homes standing side by side to enter first. Katie’s mom, she knew, was already a smoker. The real fun, therefore, lay in converting Chris’ sister, Bella, who at 15 had not yet taken up the addiction herself. Victoria took a puff and then looked at her watch, letting the smoke waft out of her mouth before taking a sharp inhale. Bella’s mother, Linda Forrest, always came home late from the 2 hour drive from DC. The teenager would therefore be alone. Victoria took another puff and smiled, drawing the smoke upwards into her nostrils in wave after wave from a devilish grin. With her decision made, she parked the car in Chris’ driveway.


“Aiee,” a blond haired, thin teenager said upon opening the front door, using the Chinese honorific of “auntie” she had learned from her brother’s girlfriend. “Chris isn’t here. In fact, I think he’s with JoAnn.”

“Yes, Bella, I know,” Victoria said as she walked through the door. She knew she didn’t need to be asked in as she was close with the Forrest family. “In fact, he’s at my home right now.” Then she turned and added with a wink, “I’m actually here to see you.”

“Me?” Bella asked in surprise as she closed the door.

Victoria walked towards the kitchen down a hallway, again needing no invitation to do so as she had been in this home many times to socialize with Chris’ mother. “Is your Mom home?”

“No, not yet,” the girl responded, following this houseguest down the hall.

When Victoria entered the kitchen and saw a clean ashtray sitting on top of a four seated round table, she smiled. “Let’s have a chat, şişli escort shall we?” she said, and proceeded to pull out her pack of Virginia Slims 120’s and sat down on one of the chairs. Immediately she lit a long cigarette freehanded, illuminating the tip a fiery orange.

“Aiee, I didn’t know you smoked!” the teenager exclaimed.

Bella was tall at 5’9″ for her age. She had piercing blue eyes well framed with bangs over her forehead and straight blond hair which reached down to the nape of her neck in the back. She had the look of a European teenager straight out of a 1970s ABBA music video. Victoria didn’t know what the ethnic origin of the surname Forrest was, but she always wondered if this family had Nordic blood flowing through their veins. Chris’ mother, Linda, was a very sophisticated smoker when she held a Virginia Slims aloft, no doubt picked up from her years as an embassy employee who loved the café scene of Europe. Only now after her own joyful reconversion into a smoker did Victoria wonder why this beautiful teenager had not yet taken up the habit since Bella’s svelte body and slender fingers were absolutely perfect for a 120.

“The question, Bella…” Victoria paused, tilted her head slightly upwards, and turned the 120’s tip a bright orange with a cheek-hollowed puff which she inhaled deeply before exhaling a bubbly cone above the teenager’s head, “…is why you haven’t started?” She laid the pack and lighter on the table within easy reach of Bella’s hand.

Bella appreciated the fact that Victoria had always treated her as an adult. She was like family. The fact that Bella was close to her, even calling her auntie in Chinese, was a contrast with how her brother kept some distance, even referring to her always as “Mrs. Gong.”Maybe he has a crush on her, the teen often thought to herself.She’s certainly as beautiful as her daughter, JoAnn; and Chris always does act a bit nervous around her.

Yet despite the close relationship she had with this woman, Bella was still taken aback by the question of why she had not yet started smoking. “You know I’m only 15, right?”

Victoria grinned as she held the long cigarette just beyond her lips. “The perfect age to start.” She brought the 120 to her mouth and slowly puffed, breathing in the smoke through her nose as she did so and then exhaling through her nostrils as she took a double pump. She was determined to make smoking look as beautiful and exciting as possible to entice this girl sitting next to her. “Haven’t you ever wondered what it feels like?”

“Actually, Aiee,” Bella said, “I have been thinkinga lot about it.” She then added in a whisper, “I’m not supposed to tell anyone this, but I think it’s okay to share it with you seeing that you’re a smoker now,” she said with a glance at the cigarette between Victoria’s fingers. “I was really surprised when Chris started smoking two years ago….”

“Wait,” Victoria replied dumbstruck as she sat up straight in her chair, “Chris smokes?”

“Don’t tell JoAnn,” Bella responded quickly. “He loves her so much and doesn’t want her to know because she’s such an anti. I’ve often heard him and Katie say how much they wished that JoAnn would join them….”

“Wait,what?” Victoria exclaimed, now truly shocked. “Katie smokes,too?”

Bella smiled wickedly as she nodded her head. She was actually enjoying sharing this secret that she swore never to reveal. “Chris came out of the closet last year after my Mom made him confess. Apparently he’d just been filching one or two cigarettes a day for about a year; but when he started taking packs out of her carton as he got more addicted, well, she couldn’t help but notice that.”

“And Katie?” Victoria brought the shrinking cigarette to her lips and took a long puff.

“I don’t know her story, only that she’s been smoking a lot longer than Chris.” Bella watched a thick wave of smoke oozing out of Victoria’s mouth who sat clearly enthralled by this news. She had to admit that she liked the sight of that and was seriously considering picking up the pack of VS-120’s sitting on the table.

“And your Mom was okay with that?” Victoria asked, wondering how she would have reacted pre-exposure to the Pixie Dust if she suddenly found, say, JoAnn smoking a cigarette in the bathroom.

“Mmm-hmmm,” Bella said nodding her head. “You see, ever since Dad died four years ago, Mom has had a lot of difficulty dealing with her grief and the loneliness she feels. I honestly don’t think she wants to be a mother. I don’t mean that in a negative way, though. I mean, I know she loves and cares about us. But rather than see us as two children, she would rather see as two ‘friends.’ She doesn’t want the responsibility of being a parent. I think she was actually happy when Chris started smoking because it brought them closer.”

Bella decided to pick up the pack after all.

“I kind of envy that closeness,” she said, reaching in and delicately pulling out a 120. “Many times when I’m alone in the house, I’ve taksim escort stared into a mirror, watching myself hold a cigarette.” Bella loved the feel of that 120 between her fingers. She no longer felt like the teenage girl she was, but instead the woman she wanted to be. She knew that she was more mature than most kids her age, so why not take the fast track into adulthood and light it? She then added in a mesmerized tone, staring longingly at the Virginia Slims, “I know for certain she wouldn’t disapprove of me starting.” She then heard the flick of a lighter.

“So what are you waiting for?” Victoria said with a sinful gleam in her eyes reflected by the flame she offered to Bella.

Bella rested the cigarette in her hand on the table. “It’s a big decision. With two smokers in the house, there’d be no going back if I started and got addicted. I just don’t think it’s the right choice for me at this time in my life,” the teenager responded, picking up the pack in order to reinsert the 120.

“You just need the right motivation, Bella,” Victoria said sympathetically as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a ball of Pixie Dust.

“What’s that?” Bella asked curiously as she watched Victoria crush the ball between the palms of her hands.

“Your motivation,” Victoria replied before blowing the dust into the teenager’s face.


An hour had passed before Linda Forrest walked through the garage side door into the kitchen where Victoria and Bella were sitting, each with a lit 120 placed in their fingers and a full ashtray between them.

“Oh, my,” Linda exclaimed with a smile as she set down her brief case and coat, and reached into her purse for her pack of VS-120’s.

“Oh, Mom,” Bella gushed, “I can’t believe I was ever hesitant to start smoking. This is incredible!” She brought the freshly lit cigarette to her lips and took a puff. She then expertly French inhaled two creamy columns up into her nostrils. “Aiee has been teaching me all the tricks!” she said with smoke gushing out of her mouth.

After lighting a cigarette, Linda walked over to Victoria and casually put her arm around her good friend’s shoulders as they both watched the 15 year old blow smoke rings. “You were the last person who I thought would ever start smoking,” she said softly, looking down at Victoria.

“I’ve decided to resurrect some old habits from my youth,” Victoria responded playfully.

“Hmmm,” Linda hummed as she took a puff and snap inhaled, then exhaled a quick stream out of the side of her mouth. “Chris mentioned to me last night that JoAnn told him she caught you smoking. I couldn’t believe it…yet here you are in my own kitchen puffing away.” She tapped her 120 over the ashtray on the table. “JoAnn must be livid.”

“Actually,” Victoria replied with a twinkle in her eye, “she’s focused on a new goal: making the whole world smoke.”

Linda gasped in surprise. “The President of the Kicking Butts club on campus has become a smoker? Well, I’m sure that makes Chris happy,” she said with a chuckle.

“So I’ve recently learned,” Victoria responded with a wink at Bella. “Tell me again, Linda, what you do at the State Department.”

Linda took a seat at the table next to her daughter and again tapped her Virginia Slims over the ashtray. “Nothing glamorous these days. I run passport processing.”

“Oh, that’s an important position. I’m sure it will be useful for us when the time comes.” Out of the corner of her eye, Victoria could see that Bella was gleefully crushing a Pixie Dust ball between her palms.

“When the time comes for what?” Linda asked.


“Yes, honey,” Linda said as she turned her attention to Bella. Suddenly her head was engulfed in a cloud of fine, transparent dust. She sat frozen for a few seconds before a small smile began to form on her lips.

Victoria got up from her chair and moved towards Linda. “We’ve a lot to discuss,” she whispered into her friend’s ear, “but I need to run now. I’ll give you a call later tonight. You’ll need to take Monday off from work.” Victoria gave Bella a high five, and let herself out through the front door.


“That was fun,” she said with smoke pouring out of her mouth and nose as she dropped her cigarette on the pathway and crushed it with her foot. Then she glanced at the house next door. “And such a fucking turn-on.” Her pussy was flowing profusely with vaginal fluid. She desperately needed two fingers in her hole to break down the dikes, and Veronica Vu was just the smoking slut who could accommodate her.


“Victoria,” Veronica Vu said when she opened the front door. “What anunpleasant surprise.”

Unlike her relationship with Linda, Victoria did not get along with Veronica. Both women, in fact, barely tolerated each other, engaging in fake pleasantries whenever they happened to be brought together in the presence of their daughters. Partly it was just a clash of personalities; but in addition, Veronica mecidiyeköy escort was particularly irked at the anti-smoking efforts of JoAnn and the hypocritical stance Katie, a committed if closeted smoker, would take to hide her love for the habit. Victoria wasn’t responsible for that, of course, but Veronica didn’t care. She just needed a target for her anger.

As for Victoria, she thought that Veronica Vu was an arrogant “new money” bitch. But when you are as horny as hell and need sex now, beggars can’t be choosers. She immediately blew a handful of Pixie Dust into the woman’s face seconds after the antagonistic greeting. As Veronica stood in the entryway stunned, Victoria let herself in and closed the door.

“I know you don’t like me, Veronica,” Victoria said as she took the woman by the hand and led her into the living room where she sat her down on a couch. “And the feeling is mutual. But we both have something in common now.” Victoria feverishly pulled her pack of Virginia Slims out of her purse and proceeded to light a 120.God, how I need to cum. “We love smoking, and now so doboth of our daughters.”

Veronica, who was coming out of her stupor, had a wide smile on her face as she heard this. “Why am I feeling so blissful?” she asked whimsically. She reached for the freshly lit Capri which she had set in an ashtray when the doorbell rang. She took a long puff and inhaled through her nose at the same time she brought the smoke into her mouth.

“A new world is about to dawn, Veronica, with our daughters leading the way.”

“A new world?” Veronica whispered before again hungrily puffing on that delicious Capri.

“Now give me your hand,” Victoria said firmly, “and make me cum.”


Several hours later.

Victoria lay atop the sofa with Veronica leaning against her, wrapped in her arms. Gently she stroked the outer lips of her partner’s vulva, occasionally pausing over the clit and circling it with her index finger. After Veronica called her brother to tell him she would not be taking the graveyard shift at the Karaoke club but to be sure and stop by her home in the morning after he closed up at 3 am, Victoria had decided to stay the night.

These two former antagonists had come to have an understanding with one another. A Vulcan mind-meld could not have brought them closer. The orgasms they experienced as their fingers clawed one another’s pussies after Victoria’s arrival were monumental. Neither considered themselves bisexual; and neither of them cared. Through the addiction both now embraced, they only cared about one thing: smoky pleasure. As long as it was between two consenting adults (as the Pixie Dust had not altered their moral standards), it made no difference to them what gender their partner identified with.

“I can’t tell you how often your daughter has pissed me off with her anti-smoking comments,” Veronica said as she lit a fresh Capri.

“JoAnn can be tyrannically obsessive in her beliefs. But that’s why we need her for what’s to come.”

Veronica French inhaled another puff and held it deep in her newly transformed lungs. “Then I’m glad she’s on our side now.” She closed her eyes and gasped. “Oh, yes, right there,” she whispered as Victoria’s index finger settled into a steady rhythm circling around the clit. Veronica tilted her head back and took a long puff

“Let’s double the pleasure, shall we?” Victoria asked with a wicked smile as she inserted her own VS-120 into the corner of Veronica’s mouth at the same time she was puffing on the Capri. The tips of both cigarettes glowed brightly. “Don’t stop,” Victoria whispered malevolently. “Keep going.” Four seconds, five seconds, six seconds…after eight seconds, with the ash from both cigarettes growing longer and longer, Veronica finally stopped puffing, opened her mouth to reveal a massive white cloud as thick as a large cotton ball, and snap inhaled.

“Oh, fuck….” she groaned in ecstasy as her lungs were flooded with dense clouds of nicotine. Jolts of energy were rushing non-stop into her brain. She was soaring like an eagle, untethered from the world and all its responsibilities. She raised her pelvis off of the couch, her one free hand grasping Victoria’s and plunging its fingers into her pussy. Up and down her pelvis gyrated as a long wave of smoke slithered out of her half-opened mouth. She had never been so high in her life. Coke; speed; meth…nothing she had tried in her youth could even come close to the bliss she was experiencing at this moment.Must get higher. She brought her Capri to her lips while Victoria, her VS120 again placed in her companion’s mouth, egged her on.

“Keep flying,” Victoria said with rising excitement in her voice. “Feel its power. All you want is to obey it!”

After another 8 second double puff, Veronica inhaled the mushroom cap — and discovered that she had reached the peak.”Nnnn-god,” she mumbled in a cloud of smoke that gushed out of her mouth and nose when the orgasmic explosion between her legs occurred and her upper-torso keeled over. Violently she moved her pelvis up and down while Victoria rapidly fingered her pussy. “Yes, yes, yes,” the woman repeated over and over in a maniacal tone. “Ohhh, it’s so good. So wickedly wonderful.”

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