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Amateur Porn with my Master

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My master and I shared a common fantasy – I wanted to be on video and be seen by thousands in amateur porn. He wants to put me out there, showing the world his little slut as she fucks random men on his command. Was this a mutual need to feed our egos? Maybe a little, but for me it was mostly to please my master, to prove I am his whore, to do as he pleases, and in turn, aroused by his desires and demands of me. I knew the risks – the potential exposure, having my image on a free porn website for all the world to see, being discovered by someone who knows me. Despite these risks, I knew my master would protect my identity. I wanted to be on video, I wanted to be owned, I wanted him to take control and make our fantasy come true.

I had not considered the specific details of how I wanted to be videotaped, or what acts I would perform or with whom. My master said he would set up everything for my next visit, but only know that he would fuck my ass hard for all to see. The only thing he said with certainty was that I was to pack a school girl outfit and pony tails for my long hair. This was the only instruction I was given prior to flying out to see him. I also ordered tattoo concealer online. I have distinctive tattoos that would easily give my identity away to someone who knew me or knew of me. All I had to do was pack, fly out to see him, and await further instructions.

My trip began as any other visit to my master – flying in on a weeknight, the eternal drive back to his apartment waiting and waiting for the delicious first fuck upon my arrival. For the trip, I wore a tight short revealing red sundress with tall stilletto red heels for the flight. With each visit I push the boundaries of slutty attire for the plane flight. My master likes to visualize the men staring at me, to imagine my slightly flirtatious manner taking over, even though in life I am oblivious to the stares and flirts. He loves knowing that I will indulge him and tell him the details of chatting with various strange men, to know that they are stealing peeks at my tits as I lean in and speak in a soft but sultry voice. He is always confident in the knowledge that no matter what, no one fucks me unless he gives permission. I do not wear my wedding rings when I see my master. Instead, always wear the ring he gave to me to symbolize our commitment to each other and his ownership of me as my master.

My master picks me up from the airport, and we drive to his apartment. No sooner is my luggage on the floor when he grabs me and pulls me into him. The long hug, the kiss, so delicious, wanted and longed for by both. His hands caressing my back and moving slowly to my ass, first softly rubbing then gripping firmly. My arms wrapped around his strong body and we trade delicate kisses on each others’ necks.

Suddenly, without warning, he tightens his grip on my body and lifts me and throws me onto the bed! I land on my stomach and know that this was not a time for making love or soft sensual sex. Instead, I was going to be pounded by my master. I freeze as he bends over me and does not bother to take his clothes off. He pulls his thick hard cock out through the zipper of his shorts and begins shoving it into my pussy. He does not care if I am wet, he just shoves his cock in and pulls my hips up into him as he stands at the side of the bed. He is fucking my pussy, pounding it hard with his hard cock, and all I can do is moan loudly. He calls me his “fucking cunt whore”, and I do not fight him or dare beg for what I want. He is in control and he knows what I need. Then he pulls out, yanks me off the bed and I land hard on the floor. I instinctively get on my knees. I know what he will make me do next and I want to see if I can do it better than the last time I was with him, until some day I can do it exactly the way he likes it.

I could feel the rug burns on my knees as he grabbed my hair and dragged my body into position. He began fucking my face with his thick long cock, grabbing the back of my head and kept shoving his cock down my throat. Tears ran down my face and I gagged at the taste of my pussy and the tight fit of his thick cock in my mouth. I put my arms around him and grab his ass for balance. This time I am helping push his body into me and getting his cock further down my throat. Tears running down my face, gagging, choking, sucking, slurping, and trying harder not to pull back. I think to myself, “Have I improved at all, master? Am I pleasing you the way you like?” Without warning, my master suddenly pulls back, takes off his clothes, extends his hands to pull me up, and slides my sundress over my body. He gently picks me up and lays me down on the bed on my back and climbs on top of me, the full weight of his body on me as he slides his cock inside of my now dripping wet tight pussy. I am excited when he tells me I have improved some, but I still need so much work to give him the blow job he so richly desires from me. I feel disappointment again as I still have not improved enough and Pendik escort bayan the sinking realization that I have a long way to go before I can suck his cock exactly as he desires, and the reward of his hot thick cum shooting down my throat.

He continues to slide in and out of me with more passion than force now, but he is speaking in a low tone in my ear. He is filling me in on the details of tomorrow. I was getting fucked on camera and there would be other men fucking me. I was to do exactly as I was told, or else. “Or else” was meaningless; I had no choice and I wanted to please him. I try to do better each time I see him, but it is a process. This slower fucking was a small reward for my slight improvement in sucking his cock, but I was not even close to meeting his requirements. He said I would be seen by many and he would control the video. I would be exposed for the world to see as his slave, and to expect to be sore and raw by the time he was finished with the video. I felt fear and arousal at the prospect of proving myself worthy of being his whore, to continue being his whore. The conflicting feelings caused my pussy to reach full ecstasy and I could feel the inside explode into delightful spasms of multiple orgasms. That was my first mistake.

Before the throbbing could stop, my master pulled out and jumped off the bed. He grabbed me by my hair and pulled me into the bathroom. He then shoved me up against the mirror and rammed his cock so hard into my ass I screamed. He growled at me that I did NOT have his permission to cum. What a stupid fucking cunt that I could not control myself and again violate “the rule” – I could not cum until he told me to cum. We had been working at training my body to cum on command but my mind slipped with the fear and arousal of what tomorrow held that my body took over. The pain was excruciating and he brutally pounded my ass harder and harder. He was holding one hip with one hand and controlling my head with his other by grabbing my hair tight in his fist and pulling hard. He loved to grab my hair and pull it back to make me look in the mirror. Slowly the pain dissipated and I began to moan in pleasure. He was not interested in my pleasure. My lesson was brutal for disregarding “the rule” and he ordered me to shut the fuck up so he could cum.

He came in my ass, volumes of cum in my ass, spilling onto the floor. My body instinctively cums when he does, but this time I knew better and forced myself not to get lost in the moment. He pulled out and ordered me onto my knees. I instinctively began sucking his cock clean, tasting the juices from my ass and my pussy along with the delicious taste of his cum. He was always in control and even though he came, he was not done with me as his slave. My evening was dedicated to obeying all his commands – speaking only when given permission, and all physical contact was driven by him until he ordered me to get ready for bed. I used the restroom, brushed my teeth and climbed naked into bed. He then pulled me into him and held me for the night, but not without an ominous warning – be prepared for everything and anything tomorrow and to remember I was his whore, no matter what, and there was no backing out. He drifted off to sleep as we laid in bed with our bodies glued together, but my eyes were wide open, wondering what he was going to make me do that would forever be preserved on video and seen by so many.


I wake to the feel of my master grabbing me harder in embrace. I lay with my back to him and I can feel his hard cock against my backside. He gently pulls me toward him and he kisses my neck and plays with my tits. Then he rolls me onto my back and gently plunges his long thick cock inside my pussy. He would fuck me slowly and softly, then increase the intensity, until he was pounding my pussy hard, and then he would slow down again. He did not have to work today and he did not have to refocus his energy so he allowed himself to fuck me, hard and soft, hard and soft, until both he and I came. Then we laid in each others arms and drifted off to sleep again. He is a good master and he respects that I cannot be a slave when I first wake-up so when he fucks me in the morning I am allowed to cum without his permission.

I awoke an hour later and saw my master on the floor, busy on his laptop. I kissed his head and then made myself a cup of coffee. I brushed my teeth and took my coffee and sat outside on the stoop. No matter what, he is a good master and knows what I can and cannot do. I need time in the morning to wake-up so I am healthy the rest of the day. He gives me time, space, and solitude to take my time showering, shaving, putting on make-up, and straightening my hair. When I finish, I lay back down on the bed while he showers. He is very quiet this morning and I know he is working on his plan. When he emerges from the shower and starts to dress he asks if I am ready now to start the day. I tell Escort Pendik him my body is good and I am ready for everything. I am pleased that my ass is not sore this morning and is ready again for him to fuck whenever he wanted. I know he did not want me to, but as a good master, he allowed me to practice stretching my ass when I was home using graduated dildos. I only wanted to stretch enough that I could remain tight but have the ability to take his cock multiple times on a trip and still have the pain of the first plunge.

While I put on a pair of jeans and a cami, he is busy packing things into a bag, including his laptop. I am not paying attention while I am dressing but he tells me to pack a small bag with the horrible school girl outfit. I grab the other items I brought with me, including pony tails and the tattoo concealer. I notice he has a large duffel bag that is completely stuffed and I begin to wonder what all he has inside. He tells me we need to leave and we exit his apartment. All items carelessly tossed into the back seat of his car. He is silent on the drive and I am mindful that he is in master mode and I am to speak when given permission. We arrive at a motel several miles away from his apartment but much deeper into the city. He instructs me to wait in the car while he checks in. The motel is single-story so he is able to come back and drive and park the car into a space near the room. We grab the bags from the backseat and walk inside the cheap motel room. One bed, one nightstand, and one dresser.

He starts removing items from his bag and I notice he has two laptops – his new one and his old one. He fires both of them up and tells me to log into my account on a swinger site and to enter the chat room. Sometimes the obvious escapes me but I notice he is wearing a baseball cap, which he generally loathes, and he still has his sunglasses on. I go into the chat room and see profile names that are familiar. They are surprised to see me as I never go in there and they wanted to know why I came in. I typed in that I think I would be putting on a show. I am told to go into the bathroom and change into the outfit. I dreaded this task but did as I was told. The dark plaid very very mini skirt, the tiny white blouse that ties at the midriff, the white stockings, and the black Mary Jane shoes. I pull out the pony tails and my comb and put my hair into two pony tails high on each side of my head. I put on another layer of mascara and reapply lipstick. He knows I think I am too old for this look. The body works fine for the outfit but I cannot deny my face does not look young, and I think the outfit ages me instead of giving the illusion that I am younger. I know my true age and I believe I look my age, but I have no idea how I am perceived through the eyes of other men. Ironically, I am often oblivious to the men who look and smile at me when I am in public, unless someone else tells me how often I am being “checked-out.”

I come out of the bathroom and I see he has his cell phone open, condoms and lube on the nightstand, and both laptops activated and the light of the cameras on the laptops are on. He tells me to go back into the chat room but his voice is a whisper. I wonder if the audio is running. There is a knock on the door and I type into the chat room that the show is beginning. They are already making comments about my outfit as I am now on camera in the chat room. I was too nervous to read the comments, only noting the frequent use of my nickname “Irish” and “‘Rish”. My master opens the door and two men walk in. They look me over and smile as they know I am who they are going to fuck. One comments he is relieved because he never knows what to expect when he responds to a CL ad, particularly one that will be videotaped. The discussion I only half hear is that there would be no facials. I suddenly realize I forgot to put on the tattoo concealer and mention this as I start to head back to the bathroom. My master orders me to only conceal the tattoo on my back, but not any of the others. I am slowly beginning to realize this is not just for broadcast on the swinger site. It is very well known that I have a tattoo on my ass. It is the one people love the most and identifies me as the woman nicknamed Irish and ‘Rish.

I step into the bathroom and pull off the blouse and reach behind awkwardly to conceal the tattoo on my back. I know he hates it but I think he simply wants the focal point to be on my ass and nowhere else. I am told to get on the bed on my knees. The two men are nice looking with good bodies, reasonably tall as I like men that are tall, and I feel my inner ham starting to emerge. I love being public and I love putting on a show and these two men were definitely fuckable by my standards. I could feel myself getting wet. My master told me to do as they pleased. He was still dressed and concealed but I see he has his cell phone out and pointed toward us. He wants to film, not participate. I ask the men to take their clothes Pendik Rus Escort off so I could see what surprises they had in their pants. I know I am on audio so I speak a little more loudly but sultry as well. The men come over to me and they are aware of the laptops and attempt not to obscure the view. My master has the camera ready but he is also aware that he is staying out of the view of the laptops. I could not understand why both laptops were on and assumed maybe he had reactivated his account and had logged into the chat room. I could not be more wrong.

The two men are both fit and in their thirties, or so I guessed. The blonde man starts kissing me and the man with the black hair is snuggled up on my side and grabbing my tits and playing with my pussy. I can see my master in the corner out of view of the laptops filming. I realize at my angle no one can see the men’s faces from the way the laptops are positioned. I got on my hands and knees and start sucking the blonde man’s cock. I am sideways on the bed so the side of my ass with the tattoo is facing the laptops. He stands at the side of the bed as I start sucking and slurping and sliding his cock in and out of my mouth. I hear my master tell the guy to “fuck Giada’s face.” I started to get alarmed but then realized many know my first name. I am not completely sure if the audio is on so either way, I relax and focus on the cock. I feel the other man getting on the bed, on his knees behind me, and I hear a package open and realize he is putting on a condom. He plunges into my sopping wet pussy, my skirt pulled up so my ass is visible and he begins to slowly push in and out of my pussy with his hands gently resting on my hip.

My master is telling the guy to fuck me harder and to “pound Giada’s pussy hard” and “she loves it hard and fast”. His voice, hearing my name, getting both my pussy and my face fucked, making me more and more wet. Plus knowing I was on cam in the chat room and my master was filming from a distance. He would know how to get the angles that the laptops could not see from the corner of the room where he was standing. He stayed dressed so I know he was only taking video and not playing. I wanted his cock in my ass but knew he would save that for when he deemed me worthy of his cock. I heard the guy whose cock I was sucking saying he wanted a turn pounding my pussy so he could cum. They switched places and one condom came off and another went on. They were both pounding me so hard and though I was gagging and could feel tears running down my face, I was still able to moan loudly as I started to cum multiple times, over and over, throbbing harder and harder. The louder I moaned and the more I came caused the men to intensify and before I knew it the guy I was sucking off exploded into my mouth and so much cum came out it was leaking down my chin. I heard the other guy yell out, “Oh fuck, Giada!” and he pounded so fast and came so hard it made me cum again.

The men pulled away and each walked around me to get their clothes and hit the bathroom to clean up. I was laying on my left side with my hands stretched out, fingers and toes numb from the pleasure. The men quietly left, thanking my master but not saying a word to me. My master told me to go into the chat room and type that I hoped they enjoyed the show, then to log off. The other laptop was still up and my master told me to look into the computer and smile. He said loudly, “Hope you enjoyed the preview. The real show starts in two hours.”

The real show? What did he mean? He went over to the second laptop and clicked and then shut the lid. I asked him if he was also logged into the chat room. That is when he said, “No, that laptop was for the live sex cam on Xhamster. They know your tat and your name.”


I ran into the bathroom and shut the door, feeling panic rising up and trying to stay quiet. He knew about the promise I had made, but he said my name! I trusted him to protect me and he betrayed me! Yet I was powerless and now knowing my identity was revealed, I still could not find a word as we had no safe word, to tell him that I had to stop. I was only his part time slave and I had other people to consider. Yet, I was consumed with wanting to please him, prove to him my worth as his whore and his slave, and this too was my fantasy. I started to feel a sense of liberation along with humiliation. He wanted to indulge our fantasy but to make me prove my worth. He always has a reason for the things he makes me do and the lessons that he teaches me. I have always trusted him and I had to find it within myself to trust him again.

I came out from the bathroom and he was laying on the bed without the baseball cap and the sunglasses. I could see his hard cock through his beige shorts and saw he was watching the video on his cell phone. He told me that the show I put on was nice and to lay down next to him and rest. The next round would not be on the swinger site. He said in an ominous voice that this show was tame for the swinger crowd. He had logged me out of the swinger site and had closed the old laptop. The other laptop was still up but the light for the video was off so I knew we could speak and act freely – no one could see us.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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