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An Unlikely Hero – Alternate Version

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I changed the girl’s name in this alternate version of the story. This was actually my first draft. I thought it was good so kept it instead of writing over it with the version I posted. I made some changes and decided to post it as well and see what the readers think. Personally, I think it’s better than the first, but you be the judge.

For those of you who wrote to ask me to add specific things to my stories, I can only say that what I write is based on my personal likes and dislikes. If I’m not into something I won’t write it into my stories. What you see is what you get. Still, you’re welcome to ask and I may just incorporate your ideas into my work. You’ll never know.

Once again, all characters engaged in sexual relationships or activities are 18 years old or older.


An Unlikely Hero – Alternate Version

by st0rmbringer

It was a difficult year, but it had started out good.

First, she got a job and left home a month after graduating from college. She rented her very first apartment, which was both scary and exciting. Her parents helped her out, giving her the money to pay for the security deposit, first and last month’s rent then told her she was on her own. After that, as newly-minted empty nesters, they sold their house, bought an RV and hit the road.

As a straight A student in school, she took every advanced placement class available since freshman year. She even enrolled in a local university and took college-level courses, earning enough college credits that she was able to earn her bachelor’s degree in mathematics less than a year after graduating high school. By that time, she’d also completed a teacher preparation program, and passed the state’s required standardized educator tests… all before the age of 20.

When most of her peers were starting their second year of college, she entered the workforce as a substitute teacher.

Ever since she could remember, she’d wanted to be a math teacher. Every class, every elective she’d ever taken was aimed at this goal. She’d always had the ability to manipulate numbers in her head, which gave her an unnatural ability to solve complex math problems and she loved to teach others.

Most would expect such a girl to be a wallflower, an unpopular bookworm with few friends and no social life, but she was the complete opposite. She was popular and well-liked by pretty much everyone. She was friendly to all and always willing to help anyone and everyone with their homework. More than one kid owed their high school diploma to her natural skill as a teacher.

The fact that Lara Carrington was stunningly beautiful did nothing to hurt her social life. It also greased the skids to help her reach her goals. Her long, slim face, enormous blue eyes and square jaw that did nothing to detract from her delicate beauty, instead, they enhanced it, giving an impression of strength and determination… which she had in spades.

Lara was five two, slender, shapely, and seemingly frail. She had long honey blonde hair that fell to her mid back. It was straight, fine as cornsilk and streaked with natural platinum highlights.

She’d never played sports, but she loved to ride her bike. The exercise kept her body toned and supple. When she moved into her apartment, her dad bought her a stationary bike because he didn’t think she was particularly safe in her new neighborhood.

The job as a substitute math teacher at the local middle school didn’t pay much so she decided to try to supplement her income by tutoring struggling students from the local junior college.

Two months after moving into her tiny little studio apartment, she discovered just how difficult life would be now that she was on her own. A substitute teacher’s pay barely covered rent and utilities, so she had to find other work to cover groceries and incidental living expenses. She virtually lived on Ramen noodles.

She desperately needed to earn more money and decided to step up her search for students to tutor. She went to the junior college on a Friday afternoon and got permission to make her information available to students who needed tutoring.

As Lara pinned a paper advertising her services on a cork board with her number listed vertically all along the bottom edge so students could tear it off and take it with them then call her later, she noticed someone standing next to her reach out a thick-fingered hand and tear one off.

Surprised, she glanced up at the person’s round face. He was about six feet tall and had to weigh 300 pounds. His face was a bright florid red, his cheeks were thick slabs which quivered in fright when he noticed her watching him. His deep-set eyes were small and beady, but most unfortunate of all, his nose was small, wide, and upturned, making him look unnaturally piglike.

“You need someone to help tutor you in math?” she asked him softly.

He glanced at her and looked quickly away, looking shy and more than a little scared.

“Y-Y-Y-Yeah,” he stuttered, talking to the slip Beylikdüzü travesti of paper in his hand. His voice was unnaturally high which was weird coming from such a large person. “I-I-I-If I don’t get some help I-I-I-I’m gonna fail the class.”

She stared hard at him, noting the old worn clothes, scuffed and tattered sneakers, and tangled messy brown hair.

“I can help you but it’s not for free, you know,” she said. “I charge fifty dollars an hour. Can you manage that?”

He glanced shyly at her again.

“I-I-I can pay,” he stuttered. “I’ve got the money.”

She was able to get him to talk and they agreed on a one hour, two-day-a-week schedule for the next four weeks. He gave her his address and she agreed to meet him at his house.

She thrust out her hand at him for a handshake.

“You know from that paper in your hand that my name is Lara,” she said. “What’s your name?”

The boy shook her hand gingerly. His limp hand felt like a dead fish, it was thick, heavy and disgustingly moist with sweat.

“I’m Charlie Barnes,” he said, his high voice cracking on the ‘a’ of his last name.

“Alright Charlie, I’ll see you at your house on Tuesday at six,” she said and walked away. She was excited to get started and this looked like a good beginning.

She was young and naïve. She had no clue what she’d just gotten herself into. No clue that this random encounter would change the entire course of her life.


Lara had never been to that part of town, a mostly black neighborhood.

As her Honda hybrid crept through the dilapidated streets, she passed house after house in poor state of repair. Kids played in the streets and groups of boys hung out in the street corners, hooting and catcalling as she passed.

She became more and more nervous as she followed her phone’s directions to Charlie’s house.

She’d looked him up, but he barely had a social media presence. What little there was available was innocent and mostly had to do with Pokémon, so she decided he was harmless.

Lara finally made it to the boy’s house, but there were no parking spots available on the street. She had to go one block over to find an open spot.

She got out of the car and, hugging a math book and a notebook tightly to her chest, walked down the block to Charlie’s house.

She wanted to make a good impression on Charlie’s parents and decided to wear jeans and a conservative blue blouse, one that didn’t plunge down to reveal her cleavage. Her boobs weren’t enormous, but they were round and firm and her bra highlighted them enticingly.

There were no kids playing or hanging out in this street, but an ancient black man watched her with gleaming dark eyes. He rocked on a rocking chair holding a 40 ounce beer bottle in one hand and a cigarette between the fore and middle finger of the other. He called out to her.

“Whachu doin’ hea white girl,” he said. His loud voice was harsh and raspy. “You lookin’ fo trouble or somethin’?”

He was old, wrinkled and shriveled. His wooly grey hair was tangled and snarled, he had a potbelly, the top of his body was bent forward and there was a hump over the left side of his shoulder. The hand holding the cigarette leaned shakily on a heavy wooden cane.

She heard him cackle as she walked by.

“If you goan see them Barneses, white girl, you in fo a naaasty suprise.”

His laugh was cracked, wheezy… and ominous.

Lara kept walking, trying to ignore the old man, but she could feel his old eyes on her as she passed his house. She could almost feel them bore into her ass and wished her jeans weren’t so tight, but all the jeans she owned fit her body snugly.

“You oughta git back in yo car and git outta hea,” he said gloomily, laughter gone. “Don’ go in dere.”

Seeing the house number on the mailbox, she turned towards the house next door to where the old man rocked.

The front yard was littered with mysterious humps poking through tall grass and weeds. One looked like it could be an old washing machine another was an old rotting love seat. Many others strange humps littered the yard. She wound her way through, following a well-worn path through the mess.

She tried to ignore the staring old man and climbed the six cracked and worn steps to the sagging porch. She was nervous. Some of the boards seemed rotten and weak. She heard the sounds of a popular TV sitcom coming loudly from inside, accompanied by occasional barks of male laughter.

Once at the door, she stopped, took a deep breath and knocked tentatively. She really needed this money. She glanced nervously in the old man’s direction. He was watching her intently, muttering and slowly shaking his wooly head as if in disappointment.

She had to knock hard three more times to be heard over the TV.

“Whadafuck?!” said a nasally male voice in a petulant annoyed tone. “Someone knockin’ at da door. Charlie, go find out who dat is and get rid of ’em. Charlie! Charlie!”

“Charlie Beylikdüzü travestiileri fuckin’ ain’t here, asshole,” said another male voice. “Go git the door and quit your fuckin’ hollerin’.”

She heard a groan of frustration then angry stomping footsteps approached and the door opened suddenly wide.

Lara gasped.

Early evening daylight illuminated one of the ugliest faces she’d ever seen. She’d seen kids with acne before, but this guy took the cake. His face was a mass of scabs and swollen red skin. White unexploded puss-filled pustules clustered on the skin of his face, neck, chest and shoulders. It was a horror to behold and made her suck in her breath in pity and disgust.

The tall, bony young man stood eyeing her up and down. He wore a pair of dark jeans sagging over dirty gray underwear and a stained tan tank top that may have once been white. She could tell he liked what he saw.

She hugged the books tighter to her chest and gulped in trepidation. Maybe she should’ve listened to the old man next door. God, but she needed the money this job would offer.

“What can I do for ya?” he asked, not quite as annoyed now that he saw who was at the door.

“I’m here to tutor Charlie,” she said, nervously tossing back her blonde hair. “I’m supposed to meet him at six.”

He stared at her for several heartbeats.

She made a decision.

“Well, since he’s not here, I guess I’ll have to catch him some other time,” she said, turning to leave.

The horrifying young man caught her arm in an iron grip and yanked her into the house.

“Nah, he’ll be home any minute,” he said, closing the door behind her and pushed her further inside. “You can wait inside for ‘im.”

The place was a disaster. Porno mags, ashtrays, spit cups, takeout and pizza boxes, some with rotting food still in them, littered every table surface and stray piece of furniture scattered here and there. There were also mysterious small glass pipes stained black with soot littering the place, some cracked and littering the floor and others scattered on the furniture. Brown cockroaches of all sizes scurried over the trash and on the floors and walls.

The place stank of smoke and garbage mixed with sour unwashed bodies and stale farts.

Lara hugged the books tight against her and regretted not rushing off the porch and down those wooden steps as fast as she could when she’d had the chance.

Another man sat on a sagging brown couch in front of an old small TV. He was maybe in his late 40s, maybe early 50s. The younger man resembled him, but this guy had no chin. It looked as if his neck continued on to his mouth, which had an enormous overbite. He looked uncannily like a live version of a character from the Simpsons, the hillbilly named Cletus, but he was bald and at least 50 pounds overweight.

He stared at her with dark interested eyes while the pimpled monstrosity guided her to the couch and pushed her down to sit next to the older man then sat down on her other side, sandwiching her between them.

She cringed away from them in disgust.

“What we got hea?” the older man asked, no longer interested in the TV show. He picked up an ancient remote and switched it off.

The shit smell that poofed up from the couch when she fell onto it was foul and took a while to dissipate, but it just seemed to blend with the two men’s noxious body odor.

“I should leave,” she said, trying to stand.

The chinless man grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back down on the couch.

“She say she here to teach Fat Charlie how not to be an asshole or somethin’,” Zitface said.

Chinless laughed.

“Well, honey, I guess you’ll jus’ have to wait for da fat fuck,” he said. “We’ll just have to take care of ya til he gets ‘ere.”

Lara’s skin crawled when she felt Zitface’s hand slip behind her to caress her back while Chinless’ hand squeezed her shoulder and his cold fingers touched the skin of her neck.

She bit her quivering lower lip and tried to stand again, but they held her down on the couch. A fat tear rolled down her pale cheek and she whimpered in fear and dread.

She realized she hadn’t told any of her friends or family where she’d gone. She’d made so many mistakes.

“You tell anyone you was coming ‘ere?” Chinless asked, as if reading her mind.

Lara knew she should’ve said she’d told everyone she knew, but for some stupid reason she hesitated and knew instantly that hesitation was a big mistake.

Chinless watched more fat tears roll down her cheeks and was sure not a soul knew she was there. This stupid hot little bitch was a perfect gift-wrapped present they’d enjoy all night, he thought malevolently.

The two men forced her to her feet. The older man tore open her blouse, sending blue plastic buttons flying in every direction, and spread the blouse wide revealing a lavender Victoria’s Secret push-up bra. The other man unbuttoned her jeans and peeled them down her long shapely legs.

She dropped her books and travesti Beylikdüzü tried to fight them off but they easily overpowered her. Chinless caught her wrists and gripped them painfully, pinning her arms to her sides.

“Ya better pipe down and enjoy the ride or we’ll hurt ya,” Chinless said. “We’ll hurt ya real bad.”

She stared at his ugly face and whined deep in her chest. It was the sound of despair and dread at what she knew was to come.

Resigning herself to her fate though still shaking with fear, she relaxed and they waited a moment before releasing her then they continued undressing her, whistling in admiration as more and more of her young shapely body was revealed.

Chinless dug in his pocket, pulled out and flipped open a small pocketknife.

Smiling mercilessly, his large yellow teeth poking out of his mouth like the crooked slats of an old fence, Chinless put the flat of the cold metal surface against her chest, at her clavicle where the cups connected and sliced through the material with a violent upward swipe of the small razor-sharp blade.

He also cut the straps at either shoulder, carelessly slicing her tender skin with the last sweep of the knife, and then he yanked the bra away and tossed it behind his shoulder to land on the floor next to a broken crack pipe.

Lara had squeaked in pain and fright when the cold metal blade sliced her sensitive skin. She tried to shy away from him and lift her arms to cover her quivering breasts, but Zitface held her arms tight against her body.

She stood in a matching set of pale lavender panties, shaking in fear and feeling as if she were about to lose control of her bladder.

With his lips curled in a malevolent bucktoothed grin, Chinless slipped the knife blade between the tender skin of her belly and her panties’ waistband and slowly sliced through the elastic material and the thin cloth.

She squeezed her thighs tightly together to try to keep the material in place, wanting to keep the ugly middle-aged man from seeing her bare pussy.

Chinless yanked the thin strip of lavender material away, ripping through the other leg and leaving a red welt on her inner thigh, and then he leaned forward at the waist and stared at her downy blonde pubic hair and moist red pussy lips.

He put his hands on her silky inner thighs and spread her long slender legs so he could examine her even closer.

His small beady eyes stared wide-eyed at the beautiful girl’s perfect sweet little pussy. It was flushed red and the labia were swollen and spread like the petals of a flower. Chinless licked his thin lips in anticipation, leaned forward even closer, used his thumbs to spread her petals apart, and stared in wonder at her tight and wetly gleaming hole.

Lara gagged at the man’s touch. She felt afraid, helpless and humiliated at his touch and at his closeness. Nobody had ever been so close to her private area, not her gynecologist, not her old boyfriend, no one. His gaze was so intense she could almost feel his eyes on her vagina.

Meanwhile, Zitface’s bony hands squeezed and pulled at her firm plump tits. They weren’t huge, but they weren’t small. They were a full pleasant handful and the acne disfigured face leered at her as he mauled them with callous disregard for the pain he caused her.

Neither of the two men cared one whit about her. To them, she was a just a thing to be used. Their hands were rough and uncaring. Everything they did was for self-gratification with not the slightest consideration for her.

Chinless reached out, crudely slipped a finger between her labia, and rooted around her slick wet flesh as if he were looking for an on switch. When he finally found her hot wet entrance, he thrust his thick finger inside her.

He laughed when she squirmed under his inexpert touch and again when she let slip a tight unwilling moan.

While Chinless continued fondling her, Zitface went to a wooden dining table and swept it clear with a sweep of his arm. They dragged her unresisting to it and bent her over until her plump young breasts were pressed against its cold unyielding surface.

She couldn’t help her body’s reaction. They’d pulled and tweaked her nipples until they were hard and flushed bright red in excitement. Now, they were pressed against the hard wooden surface while two pairs of hands touched her, or cruelly pinched and slapped her.

She was completely naked. They’d even taken off her shoes and socks. She felt chinless crowd in close behind her, tapping her ankles with his foot to get her to spread her legs wider. When she didn’t obey, she felt a sharp painful sting on her ass as he slapped her behind resoundingly then she felt his bulging erection press against her.

Again, she couldn’t control her body’s reaction. She felt an unexpected and uncontrollable arousal. She didn’t want to be turned on but the situation enflamed her. The two men didn’t turn her on, they were disgusting and beyond vile, but her body unwillingly reacted to the stimulation. She’d fantasized once or twice to fantasy rape scenarios and couldn’t help being a little turned on.

Chinless’ body moved away from her and she heard him and Zitface undress. She was still bent over the table with her feet spread wide, her forehead was pressed against its cold unyielding surface and she sobbed uncontrollably.

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