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Maya, Antonia, Mary Lou, Cindi, Antonia’s new boyfriend Mason, and I sat on Antonia’s porch having a few beers and going over the plans for our wedding, looking for anything we might have missed.
The first signs of Spring had appeared, and students were wearing shorts once again.
Maya and I had wanted to move into a new place after we began living together, although we weren’t hopeful of finding anything nice in the middle of the school year. By an incredible stroke of good fortune, the two coeds who had been living in the apartment upstairs from Antonia never returned from Christmas break. Antonia put us in contact with the landlord, and we signed a lease right away. It was a very large and nice apartment–same floor plan as Antonia’s–but more importantly, we would be living just a flight of stairs away from Antonia. Maya had sublet her own apartment for peanuts, but that could not be helped.
“One of the many advantages of having a bisexual girlfriend is that we can all ogle the coeds, and nobody gets mad,” observed Mason, as a couple of hot female students walked by on the sidewalk before us.
After Antonia dumped Emile, Maya and I had talked about helping her find a suitable replacement. The first guy that came to my mind was Maya’s ex, but she quickly discarded this suggestion.
“I don’t think Antonia liked him that much.”
We decided to think about other options, and left it there.
Shortly after we became lovers with Antonia, I asked Maya whether Antonia was still interested in finding a man.
“I asked Antonia about this,” responded Maya, “and she said yes, but she said she didn’t think it would be easy.”
“Did she say why?”
“Yes, she said it would be hard to find a guy compatible with her lifestyle.”
“That’s true. I worry that she might end up leaving us.”
“No way. She said there is no way in hell she would allow some guy to force her to change her lifestyle. If she met some guy, and he wanted to take her out of this life we have, or if he would not be a good fit for us, that would be a deal breaker.”
To emphasize her point further, Maya added: “She’s not gonna give up her life for any guy. She was very adamant about this.”
“That’s good to hear. I was a little worried, quite frankly. I don’t know if Antonia appreciates how central she is to our life. I would be totally heartbroken if she left us.”
“Me too. I love Antonia very much.” After a pause: “I think she does know.”
Mason came into our lives quite by accident. Antonia and he met while waiting in line at the checkout counter in the University Bookstore, and began to chat. Mason asked her out, and Antonia accepted. They fucked on the first date; no surprise there. Then they went on a few more dates, and Antonia seemed to take to him. When Mason suggested that they take their relationship to the next level, Antonia said she wanted me to “have a talk” with him.
“I’ll talk to him,” I agreed.
I asked Mason a couple of days later for a bite to eat and a few beers at a popular bistro-type place less than a block from campus.
After a few minutes of small talk, “What are your intentions with Antonia?” I went straight to the point. “Antonia is an extremely sexual person; I’m sure you’ve noticed.”
“Yes, I have.”
“The point I’m trying to make is that she will never be monogamous. She might marry you, have your children, but she will always have other lovers.” I paused. “And another thing: she will be the boss of you. She is incredibly sweet and kind, but she will expect you to always do as you are told. Is that something you can live with, and accept?”
“Yes, I can accept that.”
“You need to do better. You need to embrace it.”
“I really like Antonia a lot. And, you guys are crazy, I love your lifestyle, and I would love to be a part of it.”
“Excellent. Welcome to our family. Trial basis, of course!” I laughed. He laughed too.
The air cleared, we had some more beers, and then parted ways.
Maya and I had wanted a small wedding, just close friends and family. Her and my parents were opposed to our idea, believing, as most parents do, that their friends should be invited to their offspring’s weddings. The battle between us and them had finally been settled and fifty people would attend. Our parents were paying for it, so there was that.
The wedding was to take place here in our college town, it being the place where Maya’s parents lived. They were both professors at our university. The wedding was almost upon us, to take place in two weeks. Something Maya and I wanted, to the horror of both sets of parents, was that Antonia, Mary Lou, and Cindi accompany us on our honeymoon. Antonia wasn’t sure whether her relationship with Mason had progressed to the point where we should take him on our honeymoon, but Maya and I thought it would be nice for him to come, so he got invited too.
“That’s weird, only the bride and groom go on their honeymoon,” Maya’s mother had complained. “It’s their time to be alone and fuck each other’s brains out.”
“You don’t understand, esenler escort mom, we all fuck each other!”
Maya’s mom’s only words were: “I just hope none of our friends find out.”
“Are you kidding, how are they not gonna find out? It’s not a secret!”
Her mom just shook her head and walked away. Our parents would have to deal with it. It wasn’t that Maya’s mother minded Maya sleeping with other women. As she had said to Maya and me one day over dinner: “every woman’s a lesbian.”
Between all of us, we had decided that we would go to Hawaii, and instead of renting the Bridal Suite, we would rent the Presidential Suite, which had three bedrooms.
All the women in our gang, which we called our family–as well as Maya’s older sisters Taylor and Roxana would be Bridesmaids. Felix would be my best man. That much had been settled. Antonia’s plus one would of course be Mason, Mary Lou and Cindi were of course a couple, who, by the way, would soon be getting married too. Taylor would go with her husband Dave, and Roxane with husband Chris.
“I’ll be in charge of organizing your bachelorette party,” announced Antonia.
Nobody questioned her right; it was only natural, she being Maya’s oldest and best friend.
“Do you need help” asked Mason.
“Of course not, this is a girls’ thing; boys have no say,” Antonia sternly corrected him.
“I hope you’re not planning to have strippers,” Mason asked stupidly.
“Strippers are what bachelorette parties are all about. Don’t you know anything about girls?” It was Mary Lou’s turn to scold somebody.
Mason looked at me, hoping for support. He still had a lot to learn, I thought to myself.
“Girls will be girls. Of course they should have strippers. It’s tradition,” I explained simply.
“So where do we find strippers?” Cindi, the practical one wanted to know.
“Google is your friend, sweetie, remember?” answered Antonia.
“Oh, yes, of course.”
“Should we do it now?” Mary Lou was getting excited.
“Not with Maya here,” said Antonia. “It’s supposed to be a surprise for her.”
“I already know you’re planning it, what’s the surprise?” snorted Maya.
“The details, my love, the details!” laughed Antonia.
“Can we get a video of the party?” I asked.
“We’ll see,” Maya offered, laughing. “No promises, though, okay?”
“Sweetie, please bring me my laptop,” Mary Lou instructed Cindi. Cindi did as she was told, and brought it out to the porch.
“Actually,” explained Mary Lou, without looking up from the screen while she typed on the keyboard, “some agencies have this deal where, if you hire a certain number of strippers, they’ll do a video recording of the party; some are very professional, with several cameramen to get all sorts of different perspectives, and stuff. Then they edit it and give you a finished product.”
And to Antonia: “Kathy Baker had that for her bachelorette party, do you remember her?”
“I remember her, but I didn’t go to her party, we weren’t that close; didn’t know about the video.”
Mary Lou continued: “when you hire a stripper agency–a full service one, I mean–they take care of everything. They have like different packages; you pick out the strippers you like from their catalog, and they take care of the rest.”
Time was running out. If the wedding was in two weeks, the bachelorette party would have to be this Friday. Antonia’s job wouldn’t be that hard; find the right agency, select the strippers, pick out decorations, drinks, food, party favors, music tracks, the date, of course, and place. Some agencies had agreements with different party venues if you didn’t have an adequate place of your own.
The girls looked through several adds for agencies on Mary Lou’s laptop, and picked one they liked best. You could reserve online or in person. They decided that they would all go the next day in person, except for Maya, of course.
The hard part would be deciding who to invite. There were the obvious ones: Maya, Antonia, Mary Lou, Cindi, Taylor, and Roxana.
“We can’t forget Kristal,” volunteered Mary Lou. Krystal was Mary Lou’s younger sister.
They finally decided on seven friends of Maya’s and Antonia’s. One of them would probably be a no show because she lived overseas. They were left with thirteen women expected to attend. To Maya’s and Antonia’s delight, they would all confirm and attend the party. I had met most of them, and they were all pretty hot.
“How many strippers should we get?” asked Cindi.
“As many as you want,” I suggested. “I don’t think you should get fewer than five.”
“Wouldn’t that be too many?” complained Mason.
“The more the merrier. Let the girls have their fun,” I answered simply.
As Friday approached, Mason, Felix, and I agreed we would meet that evening after dinner and go bar hopping, have a few beers, engage in deep conversation, and dance with some coeds.
I had suggested to the girls that they dress extra hot for the party. I pointed out that since the event would be video-taped, they would want istanbul esc to look their best. Reinforcing this idea, Maya also wanted this movie to form part of our official “Wedding Memories”, and we should count on keeping it forever. “Also,” I pointed out, “there’s gonna be naked men there. I’m sure you would want to look good for them!”
“And, if you’re going to be drinking, you shouldn’t drive,” I had warned Maya.
“Not to worry,” she had explained. The agency would send by a limo to pick up each girl at their respective home.
On Friday evening, as I watched Maya get ready, I could see that she was quite aroused. When I reached under her tiny skirt and touched her pussy, it felt soaking wet. “You’re excited about tonight, aren’t you?”
“Yes, I am. Does it bother you, or do you like it?”
“I like it very much! I’m very happy for you, and it excites me that you’re excited.”
“Thank you, my love. You are truly the best fiancée any woman could hope for!”
I leaned against the bedroom door and watched Maya finish getting dressed and doing her makeup. She looked ravishing in a faux leather black tight-fitting miniskirt, a low-cut sleeveless satin white blouse, large dangling earrings, and her black six-inch platform pumps, and underneath, a black thong and bra.
Antonia came upstairs and walked into our apartment, which was unlocked, just like it usually was. The house had two apartments, Antonia’s and ours. To get into the building, you did need a key, but once inside the main door, we had no desire to restrict access to the individual apartments.
“We should go down, love; the limo is waiting.”
I looked at her and said: “You look absolutely delicious, Antonia!” She was wearing a pink knit miniskirt, matching cropped tank top, no bra, matching pink platform pumps, and party makeup.
“Thank you, sweetheart!”
“In a sec, sweetie, I just need to plug my fiancée.”
“I want you to wear this tonight when you go out with your friends, so you’ll be thinking of me.” Maya showed me the stainless buttplug she wanted me to wear.
“Bend over for me, honey.” Maya lubed up the plug and inserted it into my rectum. Then she gave my ass a nice slap.
“Come on, Maya, love!” Antonia insisted. “The limo is waiting and we still have to pick up all the others!” Antonia was getting anxious.
“When do you expect to be back,” I asked them. “At around twelve,” answered Antonia. I gave Maya and Antonia each a wet tongue kiss, and wished them a good time. I messed up their lipstick, so they had to redo it, standing in front of the large mirror in the foyer.
We all said “I love you,” at the same time, and, holding hands, they rushed out the door, their high heels making their typical clickety-clack as they scampered down the stairs.
Felix, Mason, and I went to a couple of bars, drank a few beers, and danced with some coeds. It was a pleasant evening, but I missed Maya. At around midnight, Maya phoned. I could hear music in the background. There had been a change of plans. Instead of ending at the planned time, the party would extend at least another hour. She and Antonia would be back at the house after two. It told her that I would probably be in bed by then.
Maya woke me when she walked in; she kicked off her heels noisily and climbed on the bed to kiss me.
She obviously had had a little too much to drink.
As she kissed me in the dark, I detected the unmistakable taste of cum in her mouth.
She placed her hand on my ass and gave my buttplug a little pull. “We’ll take this out tomorrow morning, ok, my love?”
“Whenever you say, my love. So, did you have fun?”
“Oh yes, I loved it, it was wonderful! Everybody had so much fun!”
“I’m so happy to hear that! Why don’t you take off your clothes and come to bed?”
“Okay love, I’m so tired; but in a good way!”
Maya began to undress, dropping her clothes on the carpet.
“I want to hear all about your party!”
“You’ll be able to watch EVERYTHING once we get the video.”
“When is that gonna happened?”
“Normally two days, but they might have it tomorrow.” A pause. “I’m quite sure tomorrow.”
Maya got into bed with me, spooning me as she always did,
She whispered in my ear: “I love you.”
I answered: “I love you,” but I don’t think she heard me, she had already fallen asleep.
Maya was a little hung over the next day.
We both woke up at the same time, as we normally did.
She smiled at me warmly, and kissed me.
“How is my party girl?” I asked.
“Wonderful! It was soo fucking amazing! So fun! Too bad you couldn’t go!”
“I didn’t know I had the option,” I feigned surprise.
“You didn’t, silly. It was only for girls!” Maya laughed.
“So did everybody else have fun too?”
“Oh, yes, everybody, even Taylor–and you know how she’s wound tight like a fucking clock–but she got with the program right away. Sucked every single guy several times. She even took off her dress, and Mary Lou started sucking on her tits while she sucked off escort güngören one of the strippers. It was fucking wild. Roxana is another story, she’s a slut, as you know. Nobody had to tell her twice. And then Maya had a funny thought and laughed. “Maybe some people think I’m a slut, ha, ha!”
“You mean there was sucking?” I asked in shock.
“What’d you think, silly?” laughing again.
“Well, I’m glad Taylor gave herself permission to have fun.”
“She started to worry after we left, though. Said she didn’t want Dave to find out what she did, made us swear we wouldn’t tell.” Maya sounded a little worried about her older sister. “I really don’t see how he’s not going to find out, you know, I mean, how can you keep that a secret?”
“I don’t think Dave would mind; it was just a party, what’s the big deal?”
“I guess you’re right.” Maya sounded a little relieved.
“Jealousy is so stupid,” I said thoughtfully.
“I know.”
Maya felt my ass for my plug.
“I would never take it out without your permission.”
Maya smiled at me warmly. “I know you wouldn’t, honey! I know you would never disobey me! I’m not checking because I don’t trust you.” Thoughtfully, “you know, it’s like when you own a beautiful thing, like a painting, or something else of great value, you just need to look at it sometimes, you know. It’s like that, and your tight little asshole is one of the most beautiful things I own. I just love reminding myself that I own this tight little fuck-hole!” She pulled gently on my plug and let go, and I felt my anus pull it back in.
“What other beautiful things do you own?”
“All of you, honey, all of you, I own you,” and she stuck her index finger on my chest.
She smiled and kissed me
I took Maya’s face in my hands “Oh my, you did have fun, didn’t you, there’s dry cum on your face and hair! What did you girls do?”
“You’ll have to wait for the video,” she giggled.
“I can’t wait, please tell me!”
“No. You will just have to wait. And, anyway, you’ll enjoy it so much more if I don’t tell you anything about it beforehand!”
I gave up insisting.
“Are we watching it with the others?” I asked.
“Yes, with Antonia, Mary Lou, and Cindi, and Antonia wants Mason to watch it with us too.”
“That sounds so hot!”
“Yeah. Look, you’re so excited, you’re so hard, and you’re leaking!” She wrapped her hand around my cock.
“Let me help you get cleaned up. You look a mess,” I offered.
“That is so sweet of you. I love you so very, very much!”
“I love you too, you know that, don’t you?”
“Of course!”
I gently licked the dry cum off her face, even licking her eyebrows, inside her nostrils, inside her ears, and around her lips. The cum in her hair would have to wait for when we showered later in the day.
“I’ve been so fucking horny since last night, my love, I need to fuck so bad!” Maya whispered hoarsely
“We have all day today. We can fuck all day long,” I answered, almost done licking her face clean.
“Yes, let’s; let’s fuck all day!”
We started to make out, passionately kissing, she stroking my cock and running her fingers up and down the crack of my ass while I fondled those enormous breasts I loved so much. I moved down to kissing her neck and then kissing her breasts and sucking on her large nipples.
“I’m gonna eat you until you cum,” I whispered,
“Yes, make me cum, I need to cum so bad!”
“Wait, wait!” she stopped me. “Let me change your plug for a vibe.”
With that, Maya pulled my plug out of my hole and put it in her mouth to clean it. Then she placed it on the nightstand. She slipped a finger into my ass, still slippery with the plug’s lube, and we kissed passionately. She reached for a large vibrating buttplug on the nightstand and lubed it up. Then she inserted it in my rectum, turned it on, and wiped the lube off her hands and whispered: “make me cum.”
I moved south, Maya spread her legs and I began kissing the insides of her thighs, moving teasingly towards her pussy and asshole. I kissed and licked, converging agonizingly slowly towards her holes. She was soaking wet, her whitish vaginal lube running down the crack of her ass. Maya responded with violent spasms when I finally placed a gentle kiss on her clit. I slipped two fingers in her pussy; and her asshole, lubricated with her vaginal secretions, easily let in another two fingers. I finger-fucked her two holes as I licked and gently nibbled on her erect clit.
Then I turned her over, grabbed her hips from each side and pulled her up onto her knees, her asshole now in my face. As I thumbed her clit, I pushed my tongue into her anus and her sphincter surrendered to my tongue. I tongued her deeply, as she invited me in.
I released her, and slipped my right thumb into her rectum, and two fingers from the same hand into her pussy, and moved up to kiss her back, then her neck. I went back to tonguing her holes, switching from one to the other. Then I turned Maya on her back again, and kissed her mouth as I fingered her holes. Switching from tongue to fingers and back, over and over; I pleasured my fiancée for over two hours. She came spasmodically several times during this period, screaming each time at the top of her voice, like she always does when cumming.
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