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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
“Okay, Mom! Let’s hit the road! Can I drive?” I asked.
“No, Bobby. I’ll drive first and then you can when we get to Tupelo. It’s almost 400 miles to Atlanta so I’m sure you’ll get a chance to drive. I know you’re itchin’ to try out my little red car,” she said with a grin.
“Did Dad get it for you?”
“No way! I traded in the old station wagon and paid the rest with my own hard earned money! So buckle up and hold onto your hat! By the way, did you put both suitcases and my dresses in the trunk?”
“Yes, Mom, and I’ve got my camera, too… Wow! She sure has a lots of pickup! So, how come you got this zippy thing? I thought only men went middle age crazy… You know. Sort of reliving their hot cars and hot sex days…”
“Okay, son of mine. I’ll let you in on a female secret. You’ve heard of the 80/20 rule and the 50/50 proposition, right? Well, this is the 40/20 rule: women hit their sexual peak at 40 and men hit theirs at 20. Plus the fact is that a woman’s biological clock is ticking really loudly about the same time! Shazam! Where are you when I need you Captain Midnight?”
“Isn’t Dad, uh, interested?”
“He’s working so hard that I think he’s forgotten about his wife. When I met him in college, I thought that he was what I was looking for: a creative genius with above average equipment so we got married. Then I found out that he compensated for the genius part by working twice as hard as anyone else and that put a cramp in his sex drive. But, what about you? How is college life? Are you dating anyone special?”
“There is one girl that I’ve been out with the last month or so…”
“What does she look like?”
“She’s five foot four, hazel eyes, and … well, she’s about your size.”
“What color hair?”
“The same as yours — light brown — and her pert nose and small mouth are the same.”
“And is she older than you?”
“Yes, about four years older. Why would you ask that?”
“Me thinks you want a girl just like the girl that married dear old Dad!”
Blushing I said, “Hmmm. Sure sounds that way. Not to change the subject but why do you have to go to Atlanta?” I asked.
“I have to make a presentation of our new software to two banks there. One tomorrow at 10 and another one at 11 on Wednesday. This is a technical presentation so the flat chested one gets to go.”
“You’re not …”
“What did you say, Bobby?”
“Nothin’,” I mumbled. Then I asked “Are we going to see Aunt Helen when we’re there?”
“I’m supposed to give her a call tomorrow afternoon after my business meeting. Maybe we’ll go out to görükle escort bayan dinner.”
“Is she really your twin? I mean… identical?”
“Well, we started out identical but, she ‘enhanced’ the size of her tits.”
“I hadn’t noticed.”
“You lie!! Every time you see her your tongue hangs out and you drool! Now, you can’t deny that. Look at you blush!”
“I like yours better– more natural. I mean -uh- I like breasts that are natural looking like yours. I shouldn’t say that I like my mother’s breasts.”
“You don’t like my tits?”
“They are beautiful! I just don’t feel right about admiring my own mother’s breasts.”
“Well, pardon me, but I see Mr. Happy feels alright about my tits! ‘Good morning, Mr. Happy!’ Can I give Mr. Happy a squeeze, Bobby?”
“No, Mom, no!”
“Why should YOU be the only one that gets to squeeze him? After all, you’re probably fantasizing about ME! You should let me give him a hug. Tell you what— you let Mr. Happy out to play and I’ll take my bra off and let you fondle my little bitty titties! See? Two for the price of one! Can’t beat that! Oh, I guess you do…”
“I guess you do beat Mr. Happy. What do you say, sonny boy? Wanna grope your horny mama?”
“I want to but I really shouldn’t.”
“Well, we need to stop at the next gas station and fill up and … take care of everything!”
“That’ll be $37, ma’am. Thanks. Any thing else?”
“May I have the key to the restroom?”
“Sure. Here you go. It’s around the side to the right. Next.”
“I need a key to the ‘Men’s’.”
“Sorry– It’s closed. Someone shit all over in there. I just haven’t had time or inclination to clean it up. You’ll have to wait ’til the lady comes out.”
“Thanks anyway.”
“Get your ass in here!”
“Mom! What are you doing?”
“I’m unzipping your fly. What does it look like? Now, get your cock out and… Oh my! You are so much bigger than your father! The question is: Is Mr. Happy going to get bigger and harder when I get this bra off? There. Look at these, Bobby! What do you think? Go ahead. Touch them.”
“Oh, mama! They’re beautiful! They feel so firm and …”
“Don’t be so gentle! Squeeze them! Pull and twist the nipples… Oh, yes! You do good, little son of mine! And guess what? Your cock is even longer and harder than before!”
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Do it anyway! That’s it… Pull and twist. -mm mm- shit, that’s good. Okay, that’s enough for now. Get ready for a speedy hand job. My turn to squeeze and altıparmak eskort massage!”
[Bang! Bang!] “Hey in there! I’ve got to go bad! Play time is over! Pull up your pants and open the door!”
“Just a minute! Let a lady arrange herself!”
“Sorry, Ma’am. I thought I saw a fellow go in.”
“Okay, it’s all yours… Enjoy! Come on, Bobby. You heard the man, ‘Play time is over!'”
“Looks like you’ve got a winner there, mister. You should marry her!”
“Can’t… she’s my mother.”
Mom let me drive from Tupelo to Atlanta. We made good time. Dad had suggested that since I was home from college for a week that I go with Mom instead of hanging around the empty house.
“Well, they ‘lost’ the change in reservations,” she told me after she checked in. “I had made a request to change the king size to a double room but somebody… Oh well, we’ll make do, okay?”
“Sure. Let’s go eat.”
“Slow down hungry man. Let’s go to our room, unpack, and unwind a bit with a glass of wine. Then, we’ll come down here and eat at that Polynesian Room over there.” She pointed at an exotic restaurant entrance. “Besides, I still need to play with Mr. Happy.”
“Did you see the smirk on the bellboy’s face, Mom?”
“He was just jealous of my Pretty Boy… How does it make you feel, Bobby, shacking up with a woman old enough to be your mother?”
“In a word, ‘Pretty Damn Good!'”
“Check the mini-bar for a split of Champagne or a bottle of wine while I pee.”
“Aren’t you going to close the bathroom door?”
“Why should I? I’m your mother!”
“I’ll get the Champagne.”
“Oh, Bobby. Would you come here? I need you to wipe my pussy.”
“Are you serious?”
“Of course… and use the Kleenex — not the toilet paper — it’s too rough! And blot– don’t rub. What do you think of her?”
“She’s the prettiest pussy that I’ve ever seen! Real or Internet!”
“Thank you kind Sir. Just for that, she’s not going to wear panties until we get back home. Look at you. I do believe that you get a hard-on every five minutes!”
“It’s your fault, Mother. You’re a sexy, beautiful, cock teaser.”
“NOT! Let’s go play right now! Strip and get face up on that bed! It’s playtime for mama’s boy toy!”
“Lord, help me! You’re naked! What are you fixin’ to do with that goo?”
“This is hand cream and it’s for lubricating your joy stick! Do you like it fast or slow, soft or hard, hot or cold, hand or mouth?”
“Just what you’re doing… I’m not going to last nilüfer escort very long. You may think I cum too fast… -uh- -uh- but, the fact is that… -uh- -uh- you have teased me all day… here it is! I’m there… oh, oh, gahhh!”
It was almost eleven by the time we got back to the room.
“Well, Bobby, what did you think of that?”
“Food was great! And that ‘Tonga Punch’ was too smooth!”
“And the waitress was cute, too?” she teased.
When Mom went into the bathroom to change, I put on pajama bottoms and climbed into the big bed.
She came out of the bathroom about 15 minutes later, turned off the lights and climbed into her side of the bed.
“Now stay on your side of the bed. Let’s not tempt fate. If anything happens, your father would throw me out without a cent! And I’m positive that he would cut off your -“
“Allowance?” I finished for her.
“-uh- -uh- No, you can’t go in there. It’s too big. Let me lift my leg… Let me help… There you go… You’re a real mother fucker, son of mine.”
The clock radio said 6:00. I yawned and opened my eyes and saw Mom sitting at the little table sipping coffee. “Oh, Lord!” I said. “I must have had a wet dream… My fly is all slimy.”
“Sorry, Bobby, but it wasn’t a dream,” Mom said in a quiet voice. “Sometime around 2, I felt an enormous erection prodding my backside. I figured that since you were asleep that we could just cuddle. We were like spoons. You buried your face in my hair and kissed the back of my neck. I raised my leg so I could feel your cock between my thighs but he was so long and so hard that he nudged my pussy lips apart and slipped in a little bit. That’s when I had my first orgasm. All I could think about was my son was fucking me. My pulsating pussy had a stimulating effect on your cock: it grew both thicker and longer. When it hit my cervix, I came again hard! I saw lights dancing in my eyes. You were humping me very slowly, very sweetly and then you stopped. Your cock pulsated so strongly that I could feel it! I’ve never felt a man’s cock coming before. And when I realized that my baby boy’s seed was spurting into me, I came again. I wanted that feeling to last forever. Your cock stayed sort of hard and I kept it inside of me while we slept.”
“I don’t know what to say, Mom.”
“Tell me that you love me. But let me finish… Later you woke me up by gently rocking the bed humping again. Our making love was so effortless, so warm and sensuous that I had a series of mini-orgasms and when you came again, it was like a rocket and I felt like flying! I couldn’t sleep after that so I got up, showered a long time, made the coffee and watched my lover/son sleep.”
“I’m afraid that if Dad ever finds out, he’ll skin us alive!”
“I’m sure he’ll find out, Bobby, because I think I ovulated yesterday and that you and I are going to have a baby!”
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
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