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Becca XXX – Double Trouble Ch. 08

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Big Tits

Authors note: – This is a follow on to the previous episodes of Becca XXX Double Trouble. Please read them before reading this or you will not understand the plot or characters.

Becca XXX. Double Trouble. Ch 08

Pippa, Natalie and I walked down the staircase and into the reception hall where we’d first arrived. Waiting for us was a small gathering of people, which consisted of Tristan, his wife Helen and the twins, Singen and Isaac.

The men were dressed in dinner jackets and bow ties and Helen was wearing a long floaty red dress. She looked better than she had in her file photo, maybe her afternoon rest had freshened her up a little, but I could still tell she was a drinker. Her face was gaunt but the rest of her was slightly chubby. She seemed to carry her weight on her ass and belly like middle aged women do as they get older.

She was linking arms with her husband as though they were waiting to walk down the aisle at a wedding. I wondered if she was trying to show us that she owned this man or if she was just using him to stop herself from falling over. She looked half-cut already.

“By Jove, I don’t think I’ve seen three such elegant young girls in a long time. You all look positively radiant,” gasped Tristan.

“Thank you, Pippa has amazing taste in clothes,” I replied, doing a shy curtsy.

“Just make sure you give them back when you’ve soiled them,” said Helen, giving me a bitchy look.

“Sorry, this is my wife Helen,” said Tristan, presenting her to us. “Helen, this is Becca and Natalie.”

“Nice to meet you Mrs. Kingsley,” said Natalie, holding her hand out politely.

“Are these more of your street girls?” she said to Sinner, with utter distain in her voice, completely ignoring Nat’s gesture.

“Mummy, don’t talk like that,” he said. “It’s not very becoming of you. Be nice.”

She was a miserable cow, but I guess if your husband had a taste for barely legal prostitutes and your sons went to race meetings in the streets, she’d have every reason not to like us.

“You’d better tell Robert to keep an eye on the silver,” she continued her assault.

“That really won’t be necessary Mrs. Kingsley,” I butted in. “We might be many things, but we’re not thieves.”

She was already pissing me off and I’d only known her less than a minute.

“Time will tell,” she spat.

“Well, that’s gone well,” said Tristan sarcastically. “Shall we go through to the dining room.”

“Yes, lets,” said Ice looking daggers at his mother.

He held out his arm for me to link up with him and Sinner did the same for Natalie. We followed ‘mummy and daddy’ into the east wing like a procession. I felt a little guilty that Pippa was alone but judging by the state of her cum filled knickers on the bedroom floor she’d already had her fun for the day.

The east wing appeared to be identical to the west, where we’d had drinks earlier that afternoon. The floor was carpeted and the walls were lined in dark wood panelling. Fancy wall lights lit the way as we slowly made our way to the dining room. Along the way we passed a room marked ‘Study’ on the right which was at the front of the house. I already knew where it was, based on Lexa’s plans of Kingsley manor which I had memorised during our planning stage. Time spent on reconnaissance is seldom wasted and we needed to know our way around.

Robert was waiting for us at the entrance to the dining room at the back of the property. It overlooked the garden just like the room we’d been in for drinks.

“Dinner is served,” he said.

He opened the double doors like some sort of special ceremony and stood back to allow us to enter the large dining room.

It was another splendid display of wealth and opulence. The walls were papered with ornate pastel green wallpaper with gold swirls and the floor had black and white tiles arranged in a symmetrical pattern.

A large round oak table stood in the centre of the room, large enough for ten people, but only had places set for seven, equally spaced around it. There were a lot of glasses, crockery and cutlery laid out which looked equally as expensive. No wonder Helen had said hide the silver.

“Please be seated,” said Robert gesturing towards the dining table.

Tristan pulled the chair out for his wife and she shuffled in. He sat next to her. Sinner sat next to his father followed by Natalie and then Ice. I sat next to Ice and Pippa sat between me and her mother as we went full circle.

The men pulled the chairs out for the women to be seated and Robert did the honours for Pippa. It was very formal and gave me an insight as to how the British aristocracy must live. It was another world and one I could easily get used to.

I rubbed my hand up Ice’s leg under the table just to tease him and I whispered in his ear.

“Don’t forget to claim your prize tonight. The offer expires at midnight,” I whispered.

A huge grin crept across his face as he remembered I was going bursa eskort bayan to give up my ass to him for winning the wanking game earlier that week.

“I can’t wait,” he murmured under his breath.

I squeezed his thigh and gave him a slutty look before turning my attention back to everyone else.

Robert walked around to the head of the table and stood next to his master.

“Wine sir? May I recommend the Dom Perignon two-thousand-and-eight?” asked Robert politely.

“No, I think we’ll go with the Krug Grande Cuvée,” replied Tristan. “Better make it a couple of bottles to begin with and stick the rest on ice.”

I thought about being sarcastic and saying that Helen could do a case on her own, but I didn’t think it would go down very well.

“Very good sir.”

Robert shuffled off like he was gliding along the floor on air, whilst I tried to figure out which knife and fork to use. I knew you started on the outside and worked your way inwards, but that’s where my dining room etiquette ended. I was more of a snuggle-up-on-the-sofa-and-eat-a-takeaway kind of girl.

There was a small card on my plate which told us what each course consisted of. Course one was an hors d’oeuvre which was bruschetta. The appetiser was grilled lobster tails with lemon & herb butter, followed by a Caesar salad. The more I read it, the more it felt like an expensive hotel or restaurant. The main event was venison steak with sweet potato fries and garden vegetables and then key lime pie for dessert.

“Wow, this all sounds delicious,” said Natalie.

“Yes, our chef is very good,” said Tristan. “If there’s anything you don’t fancy just let Robert know and he’ll accommodate you with something else.”

I watched Pippa whispering to her mother, probably trying to calm her down which seemed to be working.

“So, Becca, what do you do for a living?” she asked.

I couldn’t decide if she was making an effort to be nice or if she already knew what I did and wanted to ridicule me.

“I work in a topless bar with Natalie,” I said. “The pays not great but the tips can be generous.”

“A topless bar?” she quizzed as though she’d never heard of such a thing.

“Yes, we serve drinks without a shirt or bra on,” I replied, looking her in the eye.

Pippa seemed excited but her mother looked horrified.

“How utterly vulgar,” she said turning her nose up. “Have you no self-respect?”

She’d gone down the ridiculing route after all.

“I have an amazing pair of breasts and enjoy having men looking at them whilst I earn money serving them drinks,” I said. “Why shouldn’t I show them off to people? One day they’ll be saggy and old and no one will be interested in them, so I’m making the most of it.”

As I mentioned saggy breasts, I looked at her chest to emphasise my point. She wasn’t that well-endowed but they weren’t exactly perky.

Pippa smirked at my comment and got a bitchy look from her mother.

Just as Helen was about to continue to verbally abuse me, Robert arrived with the champagne and she decided against it.

“The Krug Grande Cuvée, sir,” he said, holding out the bottle like waiters do. “Would you like to taste it?”

“No Robert, it’s fine, just pour it,” replied Tristan

The room fell into an awkward silence as the champagne was poured. He served Helen first and then the rest of the women before finishing with the men. By the time he’d poured everyone’s drinks, Helen had finished hers and had to have it refilled.

“It’s so good to have us all back together again,” said Tristan. “Here’s to family.”

He raised his glass in a toast and we all repeated his words.

“To family.”

After a quick sip of champagne the hors d’oeuvres arrived and we all started our dinner. Robert left us to it and retreated back to wherever he came from.

The food was sensational and obviously made with fresh ingredients. The portions were small but it didn’t matter as we were having five courses. The conversation shifted towards education as Tristan asked his children how they were getting on. He started with Pippa.

“How’s the studying coming along at university?” he asked.

“It’s going really well daddy. My last test scores were ninety percent,” she grinned proudly.

“What happened to the other ten percent?” he asked.

At first, I thought he was joking but his face told me that he wasn’t.

“Oh, come now, Tristan,” interrupted Helen. “Ninety percent is excellent.”

“I expect perfection from my little girl,” he replied. “Let’s hope your scores improve.”

“Sorry daddy, I’ll try harder,” she sighed.

Hearing her say ‘daddy’ the way she did just sounded wrong. I knew posh children often called their parents ‘mummy’ and ‘daddy’ even as grown-ups, but there was a sexual edge to it.

“What about you boys? I hope your test results are better than your last report,” he said, turning his interrogation onto the twins.

“We’re doing ok,” said Ice.

“How ok?”

“Around eighty bursa otele gelen eskort bayan percent.”

“Eighty? That’s abysmal! That’s an expensive school I’m paying for, that’s nowhere near good enough,” snapped Tristan.

“We’re still top of our class,” added Sinner. “Chill out father. It’s not all about studying.”

“Of course it’s all about studying. These years are very important for all of you,” he now directed his pep talk at all of his offspring.

“You boys are spending too much time at those awful street races,” added Helen. “Maybe we should take your cars away from you so you can concentrate better on your studies.”

It was interesting to see the family dynamics. Tristan and Helen obviously had high hopes for their children but they were pushing them too hard. All work and no play wasn’t healthy for anyone and it was no wonder they were seeking alternatives.

They had all the money they could ever need and although it bought them material things it didn’t necessarily bring them excitement. The twins liked fast cars and sex with slutty girls and Pippa liked horses and god knows what else, when it came to sex.

“We all need some downtime daddy,” said Pippa.

“You’ve got some downtime for the next week, it’s half term, but you don’t think today’s influential people got where they did without hard work when they were younger, do you?” said Tristan.

Nat and I kept quiet; it wasn’t our place to butt in during a family discussion.

“Yes, but…” stammered Sinner.

“No buts,” interrupted Tristan. “These are the facts. You only have to look at the elections to see I’m right. Both of those fine men worked their socks off to become leaders of their parties and the one who has worked the hardest will become the next prime minister in only a few weeks. You don’t think they spent all their time racing cars and partying, do you?”

“I’m sure they did a little bit,” replied Ice. “No one is that perfect.”

“Looking at the slur campaign against the left, I’d say one of them isn’t as strait laced as he makes out,” said Pippa. “He’s losing popularity by the day according to the latest polls.”

“Well, that’s my point exactly. If he’s done things in the past that are coming back to haunt him, he should have thought about it before hand. Who knows what might become of the three of you in the future? You need to ensure that no one has any dirt on you that can be used against you in the future,” said Tristan.

“It doesn’t really matter father. Even if there isn’t any, people will just make it up,” said Ice. “The leader of the left is denying all the allegations.”

“Well, he’s hardly going to admit it, is he?” laughed Sinner.

“It would be nice if he did,” said Natalie. “I’d vote for a politician who could actually answer a question straight, rather than avoiding it.”

There was a brief pause as everyone looked at Natalie. Even I was surprised she’d spoken up.

“We never answer a question directly,” said Sinner. “It’s part of the training. If we answer with a definitive yes or no it can be used later to get back at us if we change our minds.”

“So, don’t change your minds. Stick to the answer and follow it through,” she said. “Isn’t that called being honest?”

“I really don’t think we’re going to listen to the political analysis of a street girl,” laughed Helen.

“Mummy stop it,” chastised Pippa. “Nat and Becca are our guests and you’ve done nothing but be mean to them since you met them. Just stop it.”

“Pippa my dear, these girls have no understanding of politics, they dance around with their boobs out for men to ogle at, their opinion doesn’t count for anything.”

She was really goading us now, but Natalie kept a cool head.

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” she shrugged. “Having a degree in economics probably doesn’t count for much.”

The room fell into a stunned silence.

Robert arrived to remove the first course and replace it with the lobster tail appetiser. After he left Tristan broke the silence.

“You have a degree in economics?” he said.

“Yeah, I’m not just a pretty face and a fantastic pair of tits,” she said.

Pippa and the boys burst out laughing and even Tristan smirked.

“And what about you Becca,” said Helen as though my name had left a bad taste in her mouth. “Do you have any hidden talents?”

“I do yes, but maybe you should ask your sons about that,” I said raising my eyebrows.

Pippa and the twins laughed again.

“Well really!” she spat. “That’s not a dining room conversation and certainly not very lady like.”

“I’m not a lady,” I pointed out. “I’m just a street girl, remember?”

There was more laughter from the rest of the family. Helen was now the brunt of the joke as her humiliation back fired on her.

She downed her third glass of champagne and tucked in to her appetiser, rather than risking another sarcastic comment from me.

Pippa rolled her eyes as if to say bursa eve gelen escort ‘oh dear, that didn’t go down very well’ and she too started eating her food. Ice squeezed my thigh under the table to show his support.

“What are your thoughts on the elections, Becca?” asked Tristan who seemed to value my opinion unlike his wife.

“To be honest I haven’t really been following it,” I said. “I know we’ve got Hugh’s on the left and Wilson on the right but their policies seem very similar. Neither party is extreme left or extreme right. If you combine their differences and aimed them down the middle, I think the balance would be about right. It’s nothing more than a popularity contest if you ask me.”

I’d made a point of catching up on who was who and what the party policies were as I was expecting it to come up in conversation at some point. The twins were studying politics after all. Wilson was the guy with a scar on his chin and Hugh’s had ginger hair.

“Interesting philosophy,” he replied.

“I think if a political party had policies which supported both the people and country rather than one or the other, it would please most people.”

“Write this down boys,” giggled Tristan. “She’s talking a lot of sense.”

“You’re over simplifying it,” said Sinner. “It’s a lot more complicated than that.”

“I know, but having one party dragged through the mud just so that the other party can win, seems very childish to me,” I replied. “It doesn’t seem to be about who has the best policies or who’s doing the right thing for the people or the country, it’s about who can defend themselves better against media accusations and come out on top.”

“Slur campaigns are all part of politics,” said Ice. “But you are right. Whoever looks the best will win.”

“Well, I hear that Hugh’s s isn’t doing very well on that count,” said Pippa. “What is the slur campaign against him?”

“Oh, little sis, don’t you follow social media,” said Sinner, as though he was patronising a nine-year-old. “Hugh’s has been accused of screwing prostitutes, cheating on his wife and bribing people to keep it covered up. It’s the usual approach.”

“Is it true?” asked Natalie.

“Does it matter?” snorted Tristan. “He’s not going to come back from it, Wilson has as good as won it already.”

It was easy to see which side Tristan was voting for. In fact, the whole family seemed to be in Wilson’s court by the sound of their sniggers.

We had all finished our lobster tails by now and Robert was back once again to take away the plates and provide us with a fresh Caesar salad each.

“The food is amazing,” I said.

“Thank you, Miss Swanson, I’ll pass on your compliments to the chef,” said Robert, before he glided off again.

Helen had gone very quiet and at first, I thought it was because I’d made her into a laughing stock but that wasn’t the reason. She’d downed almost a whole bottle of champagne to herself in less than an hour and was looking like she wouldn’t make it to dessert. Her eyes were drooping and she looked half asleep.

“Is she alright?” I whispered to Pippa.

She glanced at her mother and then whispered back to me.

“She drinks more when she’s stressed,” she said. “She’ll be ok.”

She patted my thigh for reassurance as I watched Helen picking at her salad.

“Anyway, enough talk about politics, what have you got planned for our gorgeous visitors this weekend?” said Tristan sounding up beat.

“Please come horse riding with me tomorrow. Please, please please,” said Pippa gripping my thigh tighter.

I looked over at Sinner and Ice.

“She won’t take no for an answer Becca,” laughed Sinner. “It’s fine with us.”

“I guess I’m going riding then,” I shrugged at Tristan.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” cooed Pippa. “It’ll be so much fun. Natalie, are you coming too?”

“Hmmm horses scare me if I’m honest,” she replied. “I’ll give it a miss if that’s ok.”

“You can spend the morning at the pool with us if you like,” said Ice. “Then we can all meet up later.”

“Great,” beamed Pippa. “I can’t wait to show you around the grounds, we can go for a hack around daddy’s estate.”

Natalie and I had already planned to split up if the opportunity presented itself. It meant we could try and gather more information separately and then report back to each other at night when everyone was in bed. So far that plan was working.

I could ask leading questions to Pippa and Natalie could work her magic on the twins.

“You must show me your motor bikes too,” said Pippa excitably. “Maybe you could take me out on the back of it.”

“Of course,” I said.

“Not a chance in hell,” snapped Helen. “Those things are a death trap.”

Everyone seemed surprised that she’d said anything. I assumed we’d heard the last from her and that she’d fall asleep any second.

“Oh mummy, we won’t go too fast. Becca can run me to the gate house and back.”

“NO! I won’t have this little skank risking my daughter’s life,” she shouted.

The booze had definitely taken over but I wasn’t going to stand for that.

“I’m not a skank, Mrs Kingsley. Sure, I might be different to you, but there’s really no need to talk about me like that,” I said calmly.

“Oh shut up, I know what you are. I know what both of you are,” she said pointing at Nat and I with a jabbing finger.

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