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Lily POV:
The sun didn’t rise that Thursday morning, its rays didn’t find their way through Lily’s window, and it wasn’t able to lay down a layer of warmth to her cheek and cause her to turn away and slumber just a few minutes more. Normally she would wake up easily this way after she enjoyed holding her eyes closed for a couple moments. She would throw off the covers and start getting dressed and ready and minimally presentable before her first children arrived. No, instead it was a crash of thunder just outside her home that brought her bolt upright in her bed. She gasped for air and caught her breath, pursing her lips together, letting out a slight whistle and then a growl before she let out a string of obscenities, damning the storm, damning the noise, and after glancing at the blank screen of her alarm clock, sending the electric company and their call takers straight to hell. How dare she be awakened this way when she had the day off? Why can’t she have a clear sunny day to enjoy all to herself for once? She thought to herself that today wasn’t about to be a day she would let go, no matter what it threw at her.
Her lab Brody was in the room as that thought finished in her head. He wasn’t very fond of lightning or thunder, but once he laid down next to her and snuggled into the covers askew over her bed, he was calm enough to fall back asleep. Time to get up and see what time it is. Her phone wasn’t at her bedside table where she normally charges it. Without the house phone working she wouldn’t be able to call and make it ring, but if it hadn’t charged overnight it might not bother ringing anyway. Lily slid out of bed and stepped on her blue nightie, that would do, she stepped into it and pulled it right up then headed for the kitchen, hoping her phone might still be in her purse. Brody sighed and stretched his legs a bit as she pulled the door almost closed behind her and then she headed down the darkened hallway with brief flashes of lightning helping her not step on any toys that might have made their way down towards her room.
Once in the kitchen she saw her phone sitting right next to her purse, except it didn’t look quite right, and she picked it up – too light – and realized it was only the hardcover case. Where the hell is the phone? She knew she brought it home, here’s the case, it’s not in there, but it has to be somew…there it is, by the sink. She flicked the screen to life and saw it was already 10 o’clock, but her battery was down to 10 percent. Wow, when you get the chance to sleep in, you sure take it, don’t you Lily? Four messages, none looked super important, two from Greg who annoyed the hell out of her two nights before, one from her mother asking if she could make lunch, and one from an unknown with only a phone number. Great, who did she give her number to last night, she was only having drinks at the Mexican place with the girls. Well, she never talks to many guys there anyway, so she put her phone down. Lily checked the Folgers can, no coffee – damnit – guess I can grab something after I get out the door. Lily took her phone, put it back in the case, and headed back to her bedroom to put it on the charger.
This day off might be starting out crappy, but I’m not letting it ruin the rest of my day, she thought. A quick shower brought the rest of her life back to her face and hands and long shapely legs. Toweling off she thought she heard her phone buzz a bit but there’s no need to check it now. Legs and lady bits need tended to, it can wait. Besides, something in the back of her mind was telling her today was important for some reason, and although she couldn’t remember why, she figured she better look her best in case whatever that something was came to her. She ran the razor around and up and over and down and across and every touch to her skin made her more confident. You can’t be your best if you let the little bursa eskort stuff go for long, her mother always told her that, and after a few years of a sudden single life she believed it more and more every day. And with that it’s time to get dressed to get out and about. But today is special, for whatever reason, she thought, and she chose a red and white dress she hadn’t worn in a few months.
Once in her car, Lily fired it up and smacked the wiper and light switches on the dash, hoping they would make some kind of difference in this mess. The rain didn’t seem to be letting up anytime soon, and it even felt harder as she neared her friend Jessica’s house. It felt like the rain was actually shaking her car as it hit, wait, that’s not possible, then why is the car shaking? Lily pulled over onto a side street and got out to find the worst possible reason for a shaking and thumping, one flat tire on the right rear, which if she had another spare would be a perfect match to the spare already on her left rear. She quickly ran back around and sat in her seat, shutting the door to keep the rain out, not like it mattered much since she was already sopping wet from head to toe. She reached into her purse to get her phone, the phone she didn’t put in her purse because it was still on the charger in her bedroom at home. Wow, she thought, maybe I should just walk from here, Jessica probably wants to drive her Jeep anyway. Just at that moment, a taxi pulled out of the driveway of the house she was stopped in front of. She saw a man waving to the taxi as it pulled away from the curb, probably headed for the airport. The man stopped waving and looked at Lily’s teal Cavalier, and not recognizing it at all he thought nothing of it and went back inside. She suddenly thought that maybe he could let me use his phone to call Jessica and AAA. She got out and hurried up the driveway to the front door, shook the excess water out of her hair, and rang the doorbell.
David POV:
David kept smacking his phone on the bedside table. It’s a proven fact that when you’re only half awake and hearing alarms going off, you can’t turn them off by smacking your phone next to you if the alarm clock is on the dresser on the other side of the room. That didn’t stop David, from trying, but by the time the phone hit the floor he had no choice but to give up. His wife Cindy came in and pulled off the covers, telling him, “get up, you have to be up, I have to go, my flight is in a few hours, there’s no time this morning to sleep in.” David rolled over a bit, adjusted himself in his shorts, and sat up. It was a long night. If she wasn’t talking in her sleep, ordering people around at her job, then she was flopping over, it’s amazing how good of aim she has when she’s not aiming for anything, and his kidneys were sore because of it.
Time to wake up, thought David, get her out the door so you can have a few days of peace and quiet. Once refreshed and awakened by a hot shower, David tossed on a red and white plaid shirt and a pair of khakis. It was still dark outside, but he thought he heard thunder, too. Who knows, it’s still six something in the morning and as long as the taxi shows up it’ll be fine, she’ll be gone, it can rain all day, he has more on his mind to deal with. Coffee finished off his cloud of sleepiness and he started helping his wife pack for that business trip. Laptop, charger, mouse, headset, laptop bag is done. Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, shaving gel, razors, Q-tips, tampons, Tylenol, the lavender lotion his mother gave her every year for her birthday, maybe this time she’d use it, bathroom bag is done. She had already laid her outfits out on the bed, he put them in the bag in the order they’d need to come out. Nothing fancy, just business attire plus a couple T-shirts and a flowery lacy full length nightgown. Very conservative. Even if David could go with, there’s görükle eskort bayan no sense in packing anything racy, it’s not like he’d get a chance to see her in it anyway. Clothes bag is done. He took the three bags and set them down by the front door so he could load them in the cab when it arrived. Two more hours to freedom. The kids weren’t even awake yet, it might be a really good morning!
That’s when the sky exploded, a bright flash of lightning and a huge crash of thunder. Not good weather for flying but he would have to trust that it would be okay. The rain came down in sheets, looking out the kitchen window, he couldn’t even see the house across the street at times. He’s glad he wasn’t going up in this mess but he worried about his wife for more than the usual reason. New Orleans is a wild town and she was a wild girl when they met, and it made him wonder what her nights would be full of, would they be like two years ago when her name was on the VIP guest list for a swinger party? This was an accident, he had seen it on her computer screen when he was looking for something on her desk, and it was at the top of her email inbox? Was it worth it, letting her run around on her business trips? Maybe, she provided so well for the kids and let him get laid a few times a month, it’s not so bad, is it? At any rate, a horn honking outside took him out of the thought and he opened the door. Cab drivers, he was one once, he would always get out and help with bags, but this fat, balding idiot was just sitting there tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. Fine, he thought, and he took the bags out to the green and white clunker himself, he had to tap on the window glass to get the driver to pop the trunk. Bags in, trunk closed, wife hurrying out the door, leaving it open, she got in the cab and shut the door, lowering the window an inch to say goodbye. No kiss, just impatience. He returned to the porch to shake off some of the rain and waved to her while she didn’t wave back. What a morning. He turned to go in and noticed a little teal colored car sitting on the curb with a flat tire and a girl sitting back down inside, rummaging through her purse. For a moment he wondered if she needed help, but then he heard one of the kids open the fridge, and had to go check it out.
After a sippy cup of milk was on the table and some animated dinosaurs were on the TV, David heard the doorbell ring. Was it Cindy? Maybe she forgot something, her phone maybe, or the charger for it? He opened the door to see a tall and well built blonde girl, couldn’t be much more than twenty-five, soaking wet from head to toe, shivering slightly. Her dress matched his shirt and was sticking to her, showing the outline of a pair of nipples the size of his ring fingertips. Her lips were parted and she was saying something to him, but he was so enamored with her beauty that he couldn’t hear a word she said.
David asked her, “I’m sorry, can I help you?”
She replied, “yes, can I use your phone, I have two flat tires and am trying to get to a friend’s house, I was hoping she could come get me and then I can send a tow truck for the car later?” Nothing wrong with that, she just needs some help.
David invited her in, “hey, you can come in the living room and relax, I’ll get you a towel to dry off and find out what the kids did with the phone.”
She stood in the living room, she was afraid to sit on the couch because she was so wet, but once he brought her the towel she was able to wipe herself down. He watched her rub the towel through her hair, then down her neck, her chest, her legs, one at a time, they were so shapely and thick. He wondered how strong they were and what they would feel like wrapped around him. She bent over to dry her calves and feet and then sat down on the towel on the couch. He said, “by the way, my name’s David, but I uh, I can’t altıparmak eskort find the phone right now, but I’ll get my cell phone for you, it’s in the bedroom, I’ll be right back.”
He actually seemed kinda adorable, stuttering like that – a grown man – and Lily replied, “well, I’m Lily, and I won’t be but a minute, I’ll wait here.”
David walked into the bedroom and found his phone, his pants feeling remarkably tight after the little show this Lily put on for him in the living room. Did she do that on purpose? Nah, couldn’t be, she’s just stranded with bad tires in a bad storm and needs to make a phone call, that’s all. She might not know what she does to him at all and he probably better keep it that way. Still, there seemed to be something more and he really wanted to find out if he got the chance. He handed the phone to Lily and she dialed a local number. No answer. She tried again and still nothing.
David said, “if you want to stay here for a bit and see if she calls back, that’s OK, if one of my girls bothers you let me know I can put them in their room or something.”
Lily replied, “that’s OK, I’m used to kids running around, I run a day care out of my home, I just have today off, my one kid is headed to an appointment down in Dallas so I figured I’d go out with a friend, but she’s not answering.”
“OK,” he said, “let me know if you need anything, coffee, anything like that, the restroom is right here two doors down from the kitchen.”
“Thanks,” she replied, and as he walked back down the hall she went back to trying Jessica on the phone. Nothing, it wasn’t like her not to call unless she was getting busy or was in the shower. Might as well try again in a few minutes.
David walked into the bedroom again, releasing his hands after straining to hold his pockets to where she might not notice his hard-on. Why do I have to have this happen now, I don’t know this girl, it’s not like I’m cheating, am I? I’ll just stay back here and wait for her to say something, maybe her friend will come get her and I’ll be able to get back to work. Work didn’t seem important anymore, though. He could finish it later.
Daydreaming at his desk would have to come first, but it was interrupted by his oldest daughter asking if she could open a box of Pop Tarts. “Sure, go ahead, just make sure you share with your sisters.”
“OK Daddy, I’ll give them one,” which usually meant sure, I’ll give them one each and take the other six for myself. David wasn’t getting a blueberry pop tart this week. Oh well. Better go check on this Lily girl and see if she got a hold of her friend.
Back in the living room, Lily looked at the phone and was getting restless. The rain continued to pound away at the windows and she didn’t want to spend her day off in some strange guy’s living room. She flicked around through the menus looking for a game to keep her occupied. Not a lot of games here, oh yeah, that’s some sexy stuff, there. Hmmm…he’s got that hookup app I use, that’s the app she uses to talk to a few guys. Lily thought to herself, I didn’t take this guy for the dirty chat thing, maybe I’ve seen him before. She opened the app and saw it was HIM, THAT guy, NO, it couldn’t be, yeah he looks like him, but he just seems so NICE, so pedestrian, so boring, just a guy with some kids and a wife. How the hell could they be one and the same, this DVDaddy she was talking to could make her melt in just a few short words, he would stay up late with her at night if she needed him, and tell her all sorts of naughty things, things she loved to have done to her, things she wanted HIM to do to her, and here she was, in HIS house, and he was stuttering and acting shy and aloof and she didn’t understand the connection.
She looked up and saw David looking down at her and the hookup app open on the phone, she dropped it on the couch and sprang to her feet apologizing, “I’m sorry, I was just looking for a game to play! I didn’t know you were on this, and you’re someone I know, maybe I should leave, I don’t know about this, I mean, this wasn’t what I expected this morning!”
To be continued in Chapter Two…
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