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Cody’s New Gig Ch. 05

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(Hi everyone! emma_montgomery here. The final chapters of Cody’s New Gig took a lot longer to get finished due to life and world circumstances, but I hope you all like them! Chapters 5 and 6 (with an epilogue) will both be coming out in quick succession, as they’re both done. Hopefully I’ll have a new story started before too long. Enjoy!)

“You get one opportunity to leave, and one opportunity to come back. Take whatever decision you make seriously.”

Hardly twelve hours ago Cody had been trying to shimmy out of a window in Lisa’s guest room. Now, comfortable in his stockings and lingerie, Cody began to wonder if he’d made the right choice after all…and if Lisa was serious about her offer.

Chapter 5 — Interlude, Acceptance

Cody stood in the too-small shower of his dingy studio, trying to lose himself in the steam. Everything Cody thought he knew about himself was being questioned. As his hands traced up and down the smooth, soft skin that was now his own, Cody couldn’t help but enjoy the sensation. Cody’s fingers lingered on his chest, the memory of Mick’s cum dripping down from his – Coco’s – mouth still fresh. From there Cody moved down to his hairless, limp penis and tight, smooth scrotum; then, to his ass cheeks, to the tight asshole Lisa had so wonderfully fucked. Maybe…

Cody tried to snap himself out of it. He picked up his shampoo and went to wash his hair, only to feel that his hair was close to a half-inch longer than it was when he woke up the previous day and was several shades lighter. Cody had always wondered if he would look good as a blonde. Maybe…

A rush of blood to Cody’s head made him dizzy. He stumbled out of the shower and into the apartment, without drying himself off. Cody slipped on the hardwood floor, his wet feet unable to find grip, and collapsed naked on the ground. Cody lay on the cold tile of his bathroom for what felt like hours, overcome with internal conflict he felt unable to even comprehend. Cody reflected on Lisa’s parting words – he was given one chance to leave, and he would be given one more chance to return. It would be final, either way. Even if Cody stayed here, tried to go back to his “old life”, it’s clear that his mind and body had already changed. Would they keep changing, regardless? What was it Lisa had said… if Cody’s mind accepted that his masculinity was no more, that it wouldn’t return? That can’t be true.

More time – minutes or hours or more – passed as Cody sat on the floor of his bathroom. The enclosed space felt comforting, barely large enough to fit a shower and a toilet, and Cody had always felt like he could better handle his thoughts in such close quarters. Sure enough, as time passed, Cody calmed down. He was being ridiculous. Cody had always struggled with anxiety, and this was clearly an extended panic attack. None of this was real. Cody had stumbled into a weird situation, but he was out of it now. Cody stood and looked himself in the mirror again. His hair was longer, but he hadn’t gotten a haircut in months. And as for the blonde? Maybe he imagined it. Obviously that woman had drugged him and shaved him somehow, but that would grow back. This was all in his imagination. Cody swished around some mouthwash and tousled his hair and smiled at himself in the mirror.

As Cody was getting dressed, his phone buzzed. It was a message from a number he didn’t recognize. A picture. Cody unlocked his phone.

Cody felt his heart drop. It was a picture of…him. But it wasn’t him. It was her. Coco. On her knees in a dingy elevator, her eyes looking up lovingly at the camera, with a thick cock draped across her face. Coco was smiling, an empty-headed grin of bliss. Cody could swear her eyes were different than his, bigger, happier.

Another message came through.

“Thought you’d want a memento. Had a flight this morning. I’ll call when I’m back in town. -Mick”

This one did not make Cody’s heart drop. It made Cody’s heart…soar. He wants to see me again. He wants to-

Cody’s phone buzzed again. Another from Mick.

“PS – nice cock. Wish you’d have told me. You sissy faggots always do a better job than real women. I’ll have to stretch that slutty ass of yours next time.”

This sent a rush to Cody’s head and a giggle emerged from his lips, unbidden. Cody felt his asshole tighten in anticipation, felt his mouth water, felt his soft cock ooze a few droplets of water-clear precum. As a pink haze began to settle in over Cody’s mind, yet another unexpected intrusion – a few curt knocks on his apartment door.

“FedEx!” came a voice.

“Leave it there thank you!” squeaked Cody, still wrestling with arousal, in a voice far more feminine than he knew possible. He heard footsteps recede down the hallway as Cody pulled on a bathrobe and cracked open the door. A small package awaited him. Cody pulled the box into his apartment and set it on the bed. Even before opening it, Cody knew who had sent this package.

Cody opened İzmir travesti the small box, and his suspicions were proved correct. At the top, a handwritten note:


Hope you got home safe.

Should you wish to remain in your old life, disregard the contents of this package.

Should you regret your decision, and wish to return to your training, find here enclosed your next steps.

You know where to find me.


Lisa. Had it really only been a few days since that night at the bar? Well, Cody wasn’t planning to go back, so there was no reason to open this package. Cody thought this to himself as he absentmindedly opened the package.

Three items lay inside the box. The first, a money clip, with a post-it note labeled “CAB FARE”. How thoughtful.

Second, a black silk choker with what looked like a lockable latch. Embroidered into the choker, in tasteful silver thread, were the words “Sissy Slut In Training”. The text was cursive, and fine, only readable if you were looking closely.

Finally, Cody pulled out the final item in the box. This one was enclosed in a black plastic bag. It was heavier than Cody expected. Cody opened the bag and upended it onto his bed, and out fell a small steel chastity cage. Cody stared at the hunk of metal; his mind was blank. One though worked its way to the surface. “No key.”

No keys. Lisa must have them. To the choker and the cage. Cody knew immediately what this meant. As his mind rushed, he saw himself reach down and pick up the steel cage. The padlock was unlocked. It looked entirely too small. He saw Lisa’s note again.

“Find enclosed here your next steps.”

The pink haze started to come back. Cody’s felt a shiver went from his scalp to his toes. He wanted to put on the cage. He wanted to feel that steel around his smooth, useless cock. He wanted to give himself up. He wanted to bring back Coco. The image of Mick’s cock draped across her happy face brought such joy to Cody. Cody had never felt so satisfied, so accepted, so desired. His hand tightened around the cold steel of the keyless cage.

Cody resisted because Cody knew he had already decided.

* * * * *

As Cody stepped out of the cab, he once again nervously adjusted his choker, pulled down on the black dress Lisa had sent him home in, and felt a rush as the steel cage rubbed between his thighs. To Cody’s great embarrassment, the cage he thought would be too small still had plenty of room for what little was left of Cody’s manhood. Lisa’s house loomed before him once again, and this time Cody approached knowing full well what awaited him. His heart was pounding, his cheeks were flushed. After everything he had gone through, after escaping Lisa’s grasp and whatever “training” she had in mind, here Cody was pushing the doorbell, about to tell Lisa he had changed his mind.

Lisa opened the door the moment Cody’s finger left the button, as though she had been waiting.

“Hello beautiful.”

She stepped forward. Cody was speechless. She was as beautiful as ever, wearing a long white skirt and no shoes below a black crop top, her toned midriff glowing tan, her considerable cleavage beckoning Cody closer. Had she always been this tall? Cody felt small before her, but not endangered. Lisa came face-to-face with Cody on the porch of her house, then reached one hand down and clasped the cage. She pulled on it slightly, and Cody instinctively bit his lip. He looked down from her eyes, deep between her breasts, where he saw two keys on a small silver chain.

“You know what it means when you step back through this door, right baby?”

Cody nodded.

“You know when I let you go, it was because I decided to be nice? And that it won’t happen again?”

Cody nodded.

Keeping one hand gripped around Cody’s cage, Lisa pulled him inside. The door closed behind them as if automatically, and locked.

“Kneel.” The stern edge had returned to Lisa’s voice, and Cody obeyed without thinking.

“Dress off.” Cody pulled the black cocktail dress off, leaving himself clad in the same lingerie and stockings Lisa had given him when he left. The steel cage hugged Cody’s smooth little cock and the silk choker locked around his neck gave Cody the look of a true submissive. Why had he even tried to resist it?

Lisa pulled the keys out from between her breasts. “You know what these are?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“And you know why you’re here?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Why are you here?”

“To become a sissy slut who serves without question.”

“Good girl. What’s your name?”

“Co-” Cody froze. He knew what she was really asking. Slowly, then all at once, the pink haze filled Cody’s brain.

“Coco.” Coco smiled a brainless smile as she gazed up at the beautiful Miss Lisa. Why had she left in the first place?

Miss Lisa smiled and stepped closer to Coco, caressing her face with one beautiful, manicured hand. “Coco. Yes, you are.”

Coco smiled. She İzmir travestileri was ready.

Coco woke up horny, like she always did, but this didn’t bother her anymore. She knew that would be taken care of soon. As Coco got out of bed, she saw herself in the full-length mirror at the other end of her small room in Lisa’s basement. This was not the guest room Cody had stayed in when Cody was in charge, this was the live-in sissy room. The walls were painted a deep red, a 9×9 square without a closet. Just a bed – a double, comfortable – a mirror, and a wardrobe. Coco didn’t mind – she didn’t spend much time in here anyway.

Coco stood up and walked closer to the mirror. She knew it had been two months since she came back, but it felt longer. Her hair was down to her shoulders now, an almost white platinum blonde (this was a dye – Lisa had decided the natural color change was taking too long), but this was perhaps the least notable change.

If someone had known Cody before he became Coco, they could probably at least tell the two were related. There was still a slight masculine sharpness to Coco’s jaw, though the skin was now smooth and hairless, and Coco had lost close to 20 pounds. Her arms and legs were slender, her waist narrowed, but her ass firmer, rounder. Coco had not anticipated squats being such an important element of becoming a slut, but Lisa said so and Coco followed orders like a good girl. Coco giggled. Every time Lisa called her a good girl, Coco giggled.

If someone had known Cody before he became Coco, it was probably Coco’s new tits that would throw them off from guessing who Coco really was. The tits had come first, on the second day. Coco had woken up after her first night, again feeling some doubts. It was as though Lisa could tell, so Lisa decided.

“Since you left me once, we have to make sure that doesn’t happen again.”

“What do you mean, ma’am?”

“We need to mark you. Change you. Most of the changes take time, they take root more deeply that way. But we need something drastic.”

“Like what, ma’am?”

And so, Coco had a leash put around her neck and handcuffs around her wrists and Lisa drove her three cities over to what Lisa called “the best plastic surgeon in the state”, and Coco was given breasts. They were about the size of large grapefruits, well-shaped but clearly fake. Coco loved them – she would lay in bed and night and fondle them, leaking out of her cage, dreaming of the moment a man first glazes them with delicious cum.

The cage. Unlike what Coco expected, Lisa did allow Coco to remove the cage and finish, usually once a week or every other week. Coco thought back – it had been seven, maybe eight times. The catch was, every time, when the cage was put back on, it was smaller. Pinker. Coco’s cage was now so small it barely showed through her panties. Coco loved her cage, she loved the feeling of security, and she loved how Lisa always kept the key between her massive tits. Coco wanted tits as big as Lisa’s someday, she had decided, but she knew she had to be patient. If Coco wanted bigger tits, she would have to serve a man well enough to earn them.

Coco looked at the clock. 5:30am. Coco used the bathroom, took a shower, and got herself ready for the day. She first selected her buttplug for the day – it was black rubber or plastic, just a few inches around. Coco could fit up to the size of a soda can, but she knew from experience the smaller one was better for day-to-day use. Without really thinking of it, Coco kissed her buttplug, wrapped her lips (freshly filled, plump and red) around the tip, and sucked it all down once. For good luck. Coco added some lube for good measure and slid it effortlessly up into her smooth asshole.

Coco did not wear underwear when she was doing housework for Lisa. She wore hardly anything at all – a black frilly skirt, barely long enough to cover her cage, and a sheer white halter top. This left her back exposed, her midriff exposed, her nipples were clearly visible; if anything, wearing nothing at all would have been less slutty. Coco then stepped into her heels, four inches tall, and proceeded upstairs.

Coco knew the routine. She made Lisa her breakfast – a soft-boiled egg and two pieces of buttered toast, with black coffee – and left it on the small table outside Lisa’s bedroom door. Lisa always woke and worked in her bedroom first, usually not bothering Coco until mid-morning. Coco then started on her list of chores. Clean the bathrooms, sweep the kitchen, vacuum the living room, etc. These chores were done every day, regardless of if whatever Coco was cleaning actually needed it.

“You don’t clean because it needs cleaning. You clean because it’s what you’re for.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Coco was finishing up wiping down the guest bathroom sink when she heard it. The bell. Coco’s knees went weak as the pink fog filled her eyes and ears. Without willing it, Coco followed the sound of the bell back down Travesti izmir to the basement, to the room at the end of the hall. The room at the end of the hall had a thick black door, steel reinforced, and inside was where the heart of Coco’s training took place. “The bell” was a soft, pleasant ching sound that would emanate from small white speakers, almost indiscernible from fire alarms, distributed around the house. Whenever the bell chimed – any time of day, any number of times per day, for any reason – Coco was to go to the room at the end of the hall and receive her training. Sometimes Lisa was there, sometimes Lisa wasn’t, and only written instructions.

The contents of the room at the end of the hall changed, as it was not a large room. Coco suspected Lisa had a storage area somewhere, though she didn’t know where. Sometimes it was only Lisa, wanting her pussy eaten, or with a strapon. Sometimes there were huge dildos, dildos a foot long, and Coco couldn’t leave until she took it all into her ass. One time the bell rang four times in one day, each time a larger and larger toy. A few things were always the same, though – the door always locked behind her, automatically. Whatever the task was, Coco didn’t leave until it was done to Lisa’s specifications. Coco was also not allowed to leave until she came, shuddering, world-ending anal orgasms that left her knees weak and a pool of cum on the floor. This intense combination of pleasure and pain was the primary means by which Lisa had molded Coco into her current state, and Coco now was always ready, always enthusiastic to see what waited.

Coco entered the room at the end of the hall. The door closed and locked behind her, but the room was dark. Lights came up – red lights, dim – and Coco could see some large shape in the middle of the room. As Coco’s eye’s adjusted, it looked sort of like those tables she had seen in pictures of gynecologist’s offices. Coco walked closer to it and saw a note.

“Lay back on this table. Put your head, arms, and legs where directed.”

Coco of course did what she was told and lay on what looked like a medical bed with a headrest. First her head went back to the headrest, her legs up on either of the two elevated leg rests, exposing her ass toward the door, finally laying her arms down on either side of her. Coco lay like this for a moment, first obediently, but then confused. Was this it? What was-

Suddenly the lights became blindingly bright, and everything happened at once. Metal restraints emerged from the chair – one around her neck, tightening her back to the chair, then more. Around her ankles, knees, wrists, elbows – they sprang out and looped themselves around Coco’s body, then tightened, strapping her down, motionless to the chair.

The door opened. Lisa walked in, looking somewhat more professional than Coco was used to. The buttons at the top of her blouse were closed, for once, and her heels were only an inch or so tall. Her hair was pulled back into a tight bun, giving Lisa a sharp, firm appearance. Lisa smiled at Coco and walked closer. The door stayed open behind her.

“Hello my sweet. So sorry to do this to you without warning, but I’m afraid these are the rules.”

“Wh- what do you mean, ma’am?”

Lisa only smiled and walked away, back out into the hall, and came back with another intimidating machine. This one Coco recognized – it was a mechanical dildo, a big one, a pounding thrusting monster of a machine that could fuck Coco harder and faster than any human. Coco calmed down. of course – she was restrained, she would be fucked – this would be fun. Coco smiled, until she saw what was behind Lisa.

As Lisa moved the fucking machine into place and lined the lubed dildo up with Coco’s asshole – removing her buttplug first, of course, and dropping it on the floor – six tall, clearly male figures walked into the room and lined up against one wall. They all wore sharp suits and masks covering their faces. She saw two of them were black, one of them was bald, one of them clearly older – but she could not make out any specifics. Only the colors of their piercing eyes looking her up and down.

The head of the fucking machine lined up with Coco’s asshole as Lisa turned it on, a low power level, but enough to make Coco squirm. It was slow to start, rhythmic, but the dildo had to be at least nine or ten inches long, and thick around. Lisa walked up to Coco’s head and leaned down to her ear, where the men couldn’t see.

“Coco, my sweet girl…did you think I was joking when I said I was training you to become a sex slave?”

Coco’s blood ran hot and cold all at once as the thrusts of the fucking machine started to crack her mind.

“Welcome to the marketplace. Show me what you’re worth.” Lisa kissed Coco on the cheek, then rose and turned to the men. Any warmth, any affection Lisa had once shown Coco in her training was gone or hiding.

“Gentlemen please meet Subject 18, who has taken the name ‘Coco’. I am sure she would be amenable to changing that name if requested. Coco was placed on the advanced track and has reached this stage of her training in only two months. Speaking personally, let me say Subject 18 has been one of the most willing and compliant subjects I have yet trained.”

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