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Drain Ch. 02

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Here, we see Sophia stewing in the results of her deeds from Chapter 1. We also see Sophia quickly embroiled further in Flora’s scheme. It’s not quite as ‘saucy’ as the first chapter, I think, but we have to set up for things to come, don’t we! All in due time. I hope you’ll enjoy watching things come together a bit more gradually nonetheless.

As always, your feedback is greatly appreciated: it is always wonderful to know that my writing is enjoyed.


Sophia sighed and collapsed on the couch. It had been a couple hours since she was unbound, sprayed clean, and sent home. She had taken a hot shower of her own before changing into her pajamas.

The taste of semen lingered in her mouth even after brushing her teeth, and she had already peed twice since arriving on account of the quantity of fluid alone. Her jaw and nose were still sore from their torment, her stomach still bloated.

Fuck, is every evening going to be like this now? she thought, stewing in a kind of indignant resignation. Her vague dinner plans had evaporated, the leftovers she would have eaten now sitting uselessly in the fridge where they would, in all likelihood, remain for some time.

And of course, there was also the matter of how unbearably pent up she was. God, she did not want to think about that — how she’d made a mess of herself being humiliated by Flora, how the video would be released into the world at any minute, how the monitoring chip seemed to dangle her orgasm just out of reach.

Or maybe she really just didn’t want to think about Flora — or the way that being dominated by her made her feel. She had practically shaken in the shower when she realized that Flora had shaved her pubic hair. Am I just like property to her? she sighed, or like a toy?

But something inside her said otherwise. Sophia knew Flora must have been watching the ordeal as it unfolded, even if she was outside of the room; she also doubted Flora would have allowed harm to come to her in the end. Nevertheless, Flora’s demeanor of indifference and the sense of peril accompanying it had surely done something for her — and still did.

Fuck, she thought, feeling the ache in her sex once again. In a time like this she would normally just slip into her room, grab her vibrator, and find release, but that wouldn’t be an option tonight — or perhaps ever again. She whined, burying her face in a throw pillow.


Sophia’s phone lit up as it vibrated against the coffee table.

Vrrrt. Again.

What is it now? she thought. The video?

She rolled over weakly and snatched her phone. The first notification was a text message from Sophia.

Hey, Soph. I hope you’re enjoying your evening. Dinner was wonderful, wasn’t it? Anyway, just messaging to say that we’ve sent you a survey to complete through the new app on your phone. Please have it finished before you come in to work tomorrow. Thanks in advance!

Sophia breathed out and dismissed the notification before Flora’s tone could get the better of her. The other notification was from an application she didn’t recognize:


One new task.

This must be it, she thought. She tapped through and was greeted by a cartoon depiction of Flora, its mouth snapping open and shut as a message scrolled into a speech bubble. Really? she thought. This is what we spend money on?

Welcome to the D.R.A.I.N. Project! As part of onboarding, we ask that you complete the Exploratory Sexual History Survey. Press OK to continue.

Sophia tapped her screen.

First, the cartoon Flora continued, let’s connect to your monitoring chip. A blue circle in the corner started to fill up. Be aware that you will be unable to continue the survey if the monitoring chip disconnects. Furthermore, your answers will be rejected if they are determined to be misleading or incomplete. This is ascertained using a proprietary combination of biotelemetry and voice analysis.

I see this Flora can’t keep herself from bragging either, Sophia thought.

Monitoring chip connected. Biotelemetry nominal, the cartoon continued. During this survey, you will be asked a series of questions. For each, press the microphone icon to begin recording your response. To finish, simply tap the microphone icon a second time. Your response will be processed after a short delay. Press OK to continue.

Sophia rolled her eyes and tapped her screen again. The first question popped up on the screen, accompanied by the microphone icon.

Are you sexually active?

Sophia sighed and tapped the microphone icon. “No, I am not sexually active,” she said. I wish.

A circle spun for a moment before turning green.

When was the last time you had sex?

“Four months ago,” she said after some consideration. It had been a one-night stand with a woman she met at the bar babaeski escort near her apartment. What was her name again? Lucy? Not the best sex. The circle turned green again.

Describe the last time you orgasmed, the survey continued.

Well, this is starting to get sort of personal, Sophia thought. “Two days ago, when I masturbated,” she sighed.

The circle spun for a moment before turning red. Incomplete.

Fuck, how much do I have to say? she thought. After a moment, she tried again. “Two days ago, I touched myself while thinking about my ex-girlfriend.” She could feel her blood rushing to her face; saying something like this out loud was embarrassing.

The circle spun again. Red. Withholding information.

“Goddamn it,” Sophia said, collapsing onto the couch. Do I really have to say everything? She brought the phone up next to her face and, after a moment of hesitation, started recording again.

“Two days ago, I masturbated while fantasizing about my ex-girlfriend fucking me in the mouth with a strap-on. I suctioned a dildo to my bedroom wall and fellated it while touching myself.”

The circle turned green. Thank you, it reported.

Well, that was humiliating, she thought, imagining Flora listening to the answers. That turned her on a little.

How often do you masturbate?

This was surprisingly tame compared to the last question. “Sometimes every day, sometimes once every week or so. I don’t know what accounts for the difference.” A green circle. Relief.

What is the greatest number of times you have climaxed during a single sexual encounter?

Another invasive question. This one had an easy answer at least. “Three times,” she said. Green.

Have you ever achieved orgasm without clitoral stimulation?

“No,” she replied immediately after reading the question. I wish. Green.

Have you ever put oversized toys in your vagina? If so, how large was it?

“What the fuck?” she muttered. As if that’s any of your business. “No, I have not,” she replied.

The circle turned red. Lying.

“Fuck,” she said to herself, groaning. Why do I even have to take this fucking survey anyway?

A popup appeared on the screen. Continuing to lie or withhold information will incur penalties in the future. Please answer truthfully to the best of your ability.

“Penalties!?” Sophia said aloud, almost yelling at her phone. “None of this is any of your damn business in the first place!” She threw her phone into the couch as she deflated, sinking into the cushions. God, fuck you, Flora, she thought, looking up at the ceiling. What would she be saying if she were there? “I don’t know what the big deal is, Soph. Just answer the questions. Everyone has already seen your cunt anyway.” Fuck. Why did that have to turn her on so much? And why did she have to tease herself by thinking about it?

She groaned as she tossed on the couch for a minute before crawling over and retrieving her phone again. She let out a long exhale before recording her response. “Yes. My ex-girlfriend liked to fuck me with a strap-on that was about seven inches long and eight inches in circumference. And I have a similar one that I sometimes use when I masturbate.” Thanks for that, Avery.

The circle turned green. Your honesty is appreciated.

Fuck you, thought Sophia, breathing out deeply. The survey went on.

Have you ever deepthroated a penis or dildo?

“Here we go again,” she said to herself. Might as well just get this over with.

“Yes,” she sighed. “I used to do it with my ex-boyfriend from college as well as with the previously mentioned ex-girlfriend.” Green.

Do you perform this as part of your regular activities? For example, while masturbating?

Fuck, Sophia thought, did you really have to ask? She answered nonetheless. “Yes. Sometimes when I masturbate, I deepthroat a dildo while I touch myself.” She wondered how many women could say the same — or would be willing to divulge such information upon request. Green.

Naturally, the invasive questions continued.

Have you ever put anything in your ass? If so, how large?

Sophia groaned, but replied anyway. She was aware she was starting to get used to answering these questions, and she wasn’t sure if she liked what that meant. “Yes. My ex-girlfriend bought me a buttplug that she wanted me to use while we had sex. It’s about five inches in circumference.” Green.

Do you play with your ass as part of your regular activities? For example, while masturbating?

“I still use that buttplug sometimes, but only rarely,” she replied. Green.

Have you ever had an enema? If so, was it for medical purposes or erotic?

“No,” quipped Sophia into her phone, a little unnerved by what the existence of this question represented.

Have you bafra escort ever engaged in sexual masochism (e.g. spanking, flogging, the use of nipple clamps)?

Sophia thought for a second. Indeed, this wasn’t something she had much experience with. She replied: “My ex-girlfriend sometimes pinched my nipples when we had sex. That’s all.” Green.

Another message popped up on the screen.

Thank you for your continued participation. Only one closing question remains.

Well, that’s a relief, I guess, Sophia thought. She was unsure how much more of this interrogation she could stand; so much thinking about sex was starting to get her wet again, and nothing good laid along that path. But the final question was worse than she had anticipated.

Please explain why you were so sexually aroused during your last session.

Sophia pouted. Really? She threw herself down on the couch again. This question had Flora written all over it. Did she really have any choice but to answer? She thought of the monitoring chip, the threat of punishment if she failed to tell the truth. Fuck.

She pondered the question and retraced the past night’s events in the search for an answer. There was the task itself, of course, along with the restraints, Flora’s treatment. She brought the phone up to her face. “I enjoyed being dominated, and I liked swallowing cum while strictly restrained,” she replied, “and the fact that it was being recorded was hot too.” She felt herself quivering; she couldn’t believe she had said that.

The circle rotated for a moment on her phone screen. Red. Misleading. Penalty assigned (Level I — Disciplinary, Minor). Further misbehavior will elevate penalty to Level II.

“What!?” she yelled before throwing her head back and groaning. She thought she had been telling the truth. What was she supposed to say? And what kind of punishment would be waiting if she couldn’t figure that out?

Sophia threw herself into a pillow and groaned again. Was it possible she had missed something? Did she herself misunderstand what she had enjoyed? Was that even possible? Could they know that? Fuck.

She turned over the situation in her head as she laid down. When she had cooled off, she decided to revisit the message. What was it it had said exactly?

Misleading, she saw. So it wasn’t really the case that she was lying. Had she put it the wrong way? Used the wrong words?

No, Sophia realized, feeling something in her stomach sink — the problem was that she had missed the crux of the matter. She had phrased her answer in terms of activities, elements she had enjoyed — but all of that was secondary to something much more fundamental: her place.

Fuck, she thought again, sighing as she held the phone up to her mouth. She could feel the warmth between her legs as she replied. “I was aroused by being reduced to the company’s worthless cum-dump. The other elements reinforced that.”

She writhed as the circle turned on her phone screen. It seemed to take forever.

Then, finally: green. She breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank you for participating in the Exploratory Sexual History Survey, and welcome again to the D.R.A.I.N. Project. Your responses will help us make the most of you as an asset to the Project and to the Relief Program at large.

Sophia watched as the survey application closed and the cartoon image of Flora returned.

Thanks again for completing that survey, she said. Now that that’s done, I’ll show you around the D.R.A.I.N. app, which keeps track of everything related to your job for you!

Sophia rolled her eyes as the image of Flora disappeared and a rather normal-looking application home-screen appeared. An untethered speech bubble did the work of explaining.

This is the D.R.A.I.N. app home screen. Here, you can see the amount of intake required to earn your next free orgasm.

Sophia’s eyes widened. There was the image of a tank, filled halfway with white liquid, bearing the text “4.5L/10L”.

So remember to do your best to help expand the Relief Program if you want to be rewarded.

Something turned in Sophia’s stomach; she didn’t like the idea of having her orgasm dangled in front of her like a carrot — tied to the quantity of semen she could consume. Or did she? Fuck. How does Flora even think of these things?

The speech bubble continued. Above, we have tabs for accessing the Summary along with the Tasks and Penalties screens.

The Summary screen is mostly self-explanatory; it details your total consumption in terms of volume, nutrients, calories, and so on. The same data is also available for more limited time periods.

The Tasks screen is for application tasks that you are required to complete — like that survey you just took. It looks like you don’t have any more for now, so you can bağcılar escort check it out yourself later.

Finally, the Penalties screen is where you go to receive and acknowledge punishments for your misbehavior. It looks like you’ve received one already! Let’s go to that screen now.

Sophia’s heart raced as the application turned to the Penalties page. Along with the expected navigation tools, there was a subheader: “Status: Compliant — Minimum Penalty Level I.” A skinny red bar underneath it had filled slightly.

Below that, there was a vertical queue with a single item: “Level I — Disciplinary, Minor; expand for details.”

Let me explain this screen, continued Flora’s disembodied speech bubble. It first pointed to the subheader. This is your current compliance status. Continuing to receive penalties will harm your compliance status, filling this red bar. When the bar fills, your compliance will be downgraded by a rank, and the minimum level of all current and future penalties will be raised. Long streaks of good behavior will slowly reduce the bar, but once your compliance rank is downgraded there’s no going back. Make sure to behave!

Jesus Christ, this is elaborate, thought Sophia. Only someone like Flora would expend so much thought on something like this. I can’t believe the company is actually paying her for this.

The speech bubble went on. When you receive a penalty, it will appear in the queue below. Let’s open this one and see what it says, shall we?

“Okay…” droned Sophia. In truth, she was excited to see what was inside. She gaped when she saw the thing in full:

Level I — Disciplinary, Minor

For your next day at work, you are not allowed to wear underwear. During that time, you must wear a skirt no longer than your knees.

Sophia’s stomach curled.

Here we see the actual demands of the penalty, said the bubble. And at the bottom, you press this button to acknowledge it. Acknowledging the penalty is important, because it means that you are agreeing to perform its demands. If you fail to meet those demands, you may then incur further penalties. Furthermore, if you fail to acknowledge a penalty after receiving it, it will be upgraded by one level for every day it is ignored.

When a penalty increases in level, its demands become more onerous. For example, the Level IV version of this penalty states, “You are not allowed to wear underwear at work for three months. During that time, you must wear a skirt no longer than your knees.” Be aware that the highest levels of penalties are administered by members of the Project, so the penalty system cannot be disregarded.

This concludes your introduction to the D.R.A.I.N. app. Have a wonderful day.

“Fuck,” Sophia said, continuing to stare. This was a lot of effort to expend just to control her, condition her, humiliate her. They already had her as their ‘cum-drain’ — wasn’t that enough? Then again, something about that singular focus on her alone was undeniably arousing — like a filigreed cage made just to contain her.

She pressed the acknowledgement button. Now she would be going to work the next morning without underwear on. She let out a drawn out breath; something similar would probably happen if she orgasmed without permission, too. Well, something worse, in all likelihood.

Shit, she thought. What am I going to do about that? She swiped back to the home screen. Five and a half liters to go, she thought. I can’t believe I’m actually hoping for more tomorrow.

Sophia carried out the rest of her evening idly watching cooking shows on the tv and working through her emails as she waited for her stomach to settle, peeing once again in the meantime. She was about to head to bed when her phone buzzed again. Another notification.

Sophia plucked her phone from the coffee table. Flora again.

Hey. Glad to see you completed the survey in such a timely fashion — a shame about the penalty though. Let me know if you want to borrow a shorter skirt.

Goddamn it, Flora, Sophia thought, horny once again. The phone buzzed in her hand as a second text arrived.

Oh, by the way, the leak of your video went wonderfully. It’s only been a couple hours and it’s already been reuploaded to a number of porn websites. Here’s a link if you want to take a look. See you tomorrow!

A shiver went down Sophia’s spine. Finally everyone would see her humiliation — her naked body quivering as she swallowed that obscene stuff, the wetness of her sex as she nearly drowned in it: their cum-drain. She couldn’t bear to watch it — not tonight, at least.

Instead, she slinked off and tucked herself into bed, and the fullness of her belly ushered her off to warm, deep sleep as her lust slowly subsided.

Sophia’s mind was filled with dreams that night — rattled by everything that had happened to her, knocking around in her head — but the only dream that she remembered was the one she woke up to. In this dream, she found herself wearing Flora’s clothes: her shirt, her sweater — her underwear. She smelled like Flora, too. The clothes must have been worn already, imposed upon her.

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