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The third shoot was off from the start. The whole country theme was an idea that never came together. There was no good way to film it at a rodeo. The next idea to work the taping around a country line dancing motif was a big fail as well. The only thing that was even really feasible was the mechanical bull. Dillon knew that a skilled bull operator could work the controls to shimmy a girl out of the confinements of her clothing if she is dressed properly. Then the trick is to maneuver the bull so the victim is never able to fix the wardrobe malfunction. The crowd usually loves this. If the victim doesn’t like it she usually opts to cover up and is flung off into the padded floor. Wardrobe malfunctions weren’t the most exciting but it was what they had come up with.
Dillon and his crew weren’t that excited about the whole concept and a such weren’t really that excited about what girls the put up on the bull. After Kimmy was forced to go back with Rich’s dealers Dillon didn’t seek their advice anymore. Not so much because Dillon didn’t like the dealers forcing themselves on Kimmy but more that it was a huge morale killer. Kimmy quit coming into the club after that. Word had spread among the other girls and none of them were eager to participate anymore. Rich was close to a worker revolt. Rich really pushed the girls he didn’t care about. For no real reason Dillon settled on Chrystal, Brandy, and Starr.
Chrystal was the standard dime a dozen dye job blond you find dozens of in every strip club in America. She was pretty enough with her oval face and big brown eyes. Her cheeks were thin and her mouth was small and feminine. She had decent implants that weren’t oversized for her thin frame. There wasn’t much movement in her chest when she danced but she had a tight ass and she was partial to thongs. As Dillon was picking outfits he decided on Daisy Duke shorts and a tube top was the way to go.
Brandy was fairly well named. Her strawberry blond hair matched the name. Dillon had seen her in the dressing room and knew the carpet matched the drapes but it wouldn’t really matter because there was no way for the mechanical bull to get those panties off. She looked like the type of girl who you would find in a country bar. It wasn’t hard to imagine her dressed in şişli bayan escort denim skirts and matching vest. Her hair looked good all hair sprayed up country style. Her body was sexy in a very accessible way. She was like the girlfriend of the guy you were jealous of for pulling a babe out of his league. Her breasts were natural and had great movement on the dance floor. She had a nice heart shaped ass and firm legs that featured very well defined calves. Dillon picked out a short pleated denim skirt and a halter top that tied behind the neck. The thinking was that if they tied the top loosely and gave her a thong they could get the exposure they were looking for.
Starr was an Eastern European beauty. The D.J. usually called her a gypsy even though she was Albanian, not Romanian. She had a dark old world beauty. She was quite natural she had no work done. Her teeth weren’t straight and she wasn’t the most beautiful dancer in the club. She had a quality though that reminded you of Mila Kunis.
Dillon decided her outfit should be a short strappy sundress. He would use Starr first to warm up the rowdy crowd of drunken rednecks. A flash of panties maybe an errant nipple escape to get the juices flowing and ready for more shenanigans from the bull operator.
The night of the shoot Dillon and his crew spread out among the crowd. They don’t exactly blend in. They kind of overdid it on the clothes. Dillon and his frat boy friends dressed like it was a square dance with new boots and over the top belt buckles cowboy hats the kind of thing you would see on the country music awards. The bar is a little more working class than that. Jeans are everywhere but t-shirts are everywhere. Work boots are as common as cowboy boots and both are mostly broken in on the bar patrons. The regulars are not overly friendly with the camera carrying outsiders.
Dillon signals to the Bull operator and Starr Takes her spot in the saddle. The bull bucks forward and back and Starr’s black panties are repeatedly flashed to the crowd. Starr grinds into the seat and her panties embed themselves in her ass crack. Now her butt cheeks are visible when the operator bucks her forward. There is a light smattering of cheers for Starr now. The operator takes that as his cue to bayan escort shake the bull left to right so Starr’s breasts are dangerously close to popping out of the sides of her strappy dress. A crowd is gathering at the rail at the reveal of her Albanian side boobs.
The operator twists the controls and gravity and momentum shift the left strap of Starr’s dress down her shoulder. A loud rebel yell alerts the crowd that a nip slip is possible. The bull starts wobbling from side to side and Starr’s left breast makes its debut. A round of drunken cheers from the crowd as the operator spins her so that everyone gets a peek of bare titties. The operator tries to work the other strap down but the resulting motions of the bull are too much for Starr and she is sent falling to the padded floor. She lands with her legs rudely splayed there is a hint of pink revealed to the crowd from her disheveled panties but the cameras don’t catch it in time.
Brandy has to wait for a biker babe to try her luck. The operator not seeing much opportunity to have fun with her throws her pretty quick. Making sure Starr still has the time to beat. The crowd still excited about Starr’s breasts and panties gives a pretty loud cheer as Brandy flashes her skimpy pink panties as she straddles the bull. The operator was trying to flip up Brandy’s skirt when her poorly tied halter top came loose. The material dropped under her breasts and the crowd was very into the show. The movement in Brandy’s chest had the crowd screaming their heads off. Brandy tried to cover her breasts with her arm leaving only one hand on the bull handle and the operator swung her wildly to the side. Her panties were pinned above her ass as she was spun for display again. Brandy tried to get back in the saddle but the operator tossed her off the back of the bull. Brandy landed almost on her head. her skirt ass was in the air and her thong was on display to the whole bar. She landed close enough to the railing that a drunken patron stretched his hand over the rail to palm her mostly bare butt. his fingertips brushed ass or at least got close enough that the bouncer threw him out for his effort.
So far The shoot was not that exciting. The blue collar crowd was fairly enthusiastic but the exposure on the taksim bayan escort mechanical bull was fairly standard wardrobe malfunction stuff that happens fairly frequently. That the strippers were moderately more attractive than the average female bar patron that participated in the bull ride and fell victim to the operator’s skillful work on the controls was nice. The crowd reaction wasn’t loud enough to make for an exciting video. Dillon was hoping that Chrystal would finish the nights strong. Her tight jean shorts got a reaction from the crowd. The fact that it was the third hot chick created some buzz. You could feel a little bit of excitement run through the crowd at the sight of Chrystal’s decent sized fake breasts. The tube top was promising and a crowd gathered at the rail of the bull pit.
What Dillon hadn’t accounted for was that Chrystal’s implants didn’t move very much. As a result, her shirt remained in place. The crowd liked Chrystal’s ass in the short shorts but were losing interest pretty quick. The operator shimmied the joystick and Crystal rocked left to right violently but her chest barely wobbled. The material remained safely above her breast tops. The cheers from the crowd came to a complete stop. The operator stepped his game up in a last ditch effort to salvage the ride. Chrystal wasn’t able to hold on though and was sent to the mats.
Dillon should just have sucked up that Chrystal was a flop and called it a night. They had some footage so it wasn’t a total waste. The smart play would be to try and step the game up next time. Spend more time on the concept. Unfortunately, Dillon came up with a last-second idea to save the night.
Once Chrystal had stepped outside the rails of the bull pit a group of country boys had tried to console her/hit on her. Dillon reached under Chrystal’s arms and quickly pulled her tube top to her waist. He gave Chrystal’s bare breasts the juggling treatment for her stunned group of admirers. They were shocked but Dillon had underestimated their hillbilly code of chivalry. The fact that they outnumbered Dillon three to one more than made up for Dillon’s steroid-pumped muscles. Dillon’s crew stepped in to even the odds and that was enough to set off a massive brawl. Dillon and his friends didn’t fit in and found themselves on the end of a country beat down. The bar patrons fought like they were trying to win the civil war retroactively.
While the footage was still salvageable Dillon lost Two cameras in the chaos. Clearly, Dillon needed a new plan for next time.
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