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Futa Club Ch. 06.5

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Interlewd Two: The Girls


Emma and Misty stayed late at school one day to rearrange the club room. They’d managed to acquire a bed for one corner, which went nicely with their trusty couch and a couple big, comfy chairs that could accommodate two people if they were willing to squish and/or snuggle. And they usually were.

The front of the room remained mostly classroom furniture, in particular the big teacher’s desk which was spacious enough for bending someone over, and kinda hot for the pretense of doing it in an actual classroom.

A fair number of the student desks and chairs had been sneakily pawned off on unsuspecting rooms through the school when no one was looking, leaving a much more manageable number remaining for either casual seating, more involved scenarios for sexy times, or for the occasional semi-formal meeting when Ms. Kindle swung by and had some announcements or things to go over.

Despite both starting out with the intention of seriously working, the girls got into a cycle of taking longer and longer breaks with less and less actual work done in between, as well as leaving their clothes more and more scattered until they were fully naked and spending most of their time making out on the new bed.

“This is gonna be great,” Misty said enthusiastically, surveying the room while Emma nuzzled her shoulder and fondled her tits.

“Me or the room?”



“You know, I wasn’t even sure we get anyone else wanting to join us at first.”

“You seemed so confident though.”

“Yeah, well, confidence works. Saphy taught me about that.”

“She’d know.”


Emma took a moment to look around too, whereupon Misty took the opportunity to nibble on her ear and make her squirm ticklishly.

“You’re right, though,” Emma said. “The club’s all coming together. How many are we now?”

“Futas? Or everyone?”

“Everyone, I guess. Six is it? Or seven?”

“Maybe eight, depending on we count it.” Misty held up a hand to tick off fingers. “You and me, obviously. And Maddy and Jax. And Kayla. Ms. Kindle I don’t know if we can count, since she’s our advisor, and hasn’t fucked anyone here despite my best efforts.”

“She’s fucked you.”

“Yeah, but only that once in her class. And I think that was only ’cause of Saphy.”

“Well… we’ll see if we can’t convince her to have another go.”

Misty grinned. “Thanks, babe. I love that you get me.”

Emma pinched Misty’s nipple. “I still can’t believe that you can take cocks like that, let alone seek them out. Buuuttt it’s kinda hot when you do.”

“Lucky I tighten up again after though, huh?”

“Definitely.” Emma played with Misty’s tits as she thought some more. “That girl who was here yesterday,” she said slowly. “Victoria? You think she’ll be back? I didn’t see he today.”

“I think she preferred Tori, but yeah I’m sure she’ll be back. Once you find a place to cum during school, how you gonna say no?”

“Not everyone is as horny as you, babe.”

“As us,” Misty corrected, gently prodding Emma with her finger, then turning the gesture into running her fingertip down toward Emma’s cock. “Don’t act like you’re not just as horny as I am.”

“Ok,” Emma admitted easily. “Not everyone is as horny as us.”

“So that’s probably six. And we had Jenna come by after we invited her and Sierra and Eve the other day in the showers.”

Emma giggled. “I think she thought it was gonna just be us.”

“Ha, yeah, maybe I didn’t explain it that well. That might be my bad. Still, all three of them have been seriously enjoying our shower time fun. Even though it’s been a little on the subdued side lately, what with our time in the club.”

“I think Jenna’ll be back,” Emma concurred. “And maybe Sierra and Eve will come by too at some point. We could keep subtly suggesting it.”

“Mmhm. And we could be more teasing to get them more interested in it.”

“How do we get more teasing then being all naked and hard and, like, making out and grinding and stuff? And sometimes sucking each other off?”

“Well… there are ways. Sometimes being less obvious actually works.”

Emma pouted. “Well, maybe. But I like our shower times the way they are.”

“Me too.”

“‘Specially that one day last week. How’d we convince Jenna and Eve to jerk us off again?”

“I don’t remember exactly. Something about ’cause the three of them in particular are always just watching and getting off to us, and basically never helping. Something about a voyeur tax I think?”

“Hehe, yeah. And they went with it.”

“I think they just need an excuse. We definitely get them all worked up, and it’s kind of just a thing now. If any of them started coming here regularly, there’d almost definitely be at least handjobs in it for us, I’m pretty sure.”

Emma went quiet and thoughtful. Misty started playing with her cock a little, which made her moan very softly, but she still pondered.

“Misty? Have you ever, like, done stuff with… with a pussy?”

“Hm? Oh, yeah, I guess I have.”


“Yeah, İzmir travesti I mean… Mommy’s.”

Emma flushed. “Oh right. I didn’t… for some reason I didn’t realize you’d done stuff with her too. Thought it was Saphy and Persephone.”

“Mainly them. But… yeah, I’ve, uh, eaten her a few times. And been inside. It’s nice. I prefer butts, but there’s something to be said for pussies too.”

Emma hesitated. “I mean, I’ve never–“

“No, I know, babe. I’m most of your sexual history all by myself.”

“Do you think if I got the chance….”

“With Mommy? Or with one of the shower girls?”

“… either?”

Misty giggled and kissed Emma, tightening her grip around Emma’s cock. “Listen, I will wing-girl you so hard if you wanna go for it. Just lemme know.”


“Yeah, Em. I’m your girlfriend. I got your back with stuff like this.”

“That’s… not usually what girlfriend entails. You know that, right?”

“Is with us, isn’t it?”

Emma nodded. “It is. And… I mean I’d like to go first, ideally, but if you get a chance with one of them… I’d back you up too.”

“Awww.” Misty kissed Emma again.

“I’d want to watch, though.”

“Well duh. I’ll be annoyed if you, like, fuck a pussy for the first time and I’m not right there holding your hand. Don’t do something like that to me.”

Emma grinned. “Never. Promise.”

“That’s my girl.”

Misty flipped Emma on her back. Emma playfully fought back as Misty kept going, pushing her legs and by extension her butt back toward her head, and presenting her butthole nicely up in the air.

Once she’d pretended to defend her honour, or some such nonsense, Emma wrapped her arms around the backs of her knees and helped hold herself in the vulnerable and exposed position Misty had guided her into. It was a very convenient one for Misty to spread Emma’s butt cheeks, and dive in to eat her ass out.

Emma just watched Misty go for a moment, chewing her lip as her precious, beautiful girlfriend went crazy on her ass. Her cock leaked precum onto her tummy, starting to create quite a puddle.

“What about boys?” Emma thought aloud.

“Hm?” Misty grunted, unwilling to remove tongue from butthole long enough to answer with words.

“Like, I didn’t think I much cared until Maddy and Jax started coming, but the way she looks at him… and fucks him… and his cute little butt….”

Misty grunted a more complicated pattern of sloppy moans around Emma’s increasingly spit covered bum.

“I dunno,” Emma said. “Saphy’s always praised boy tushies, yeah? And Maddy seems pretty happy with her brother’s. Just… might be interesting some time.”

Misty reluctantly lifted her face. Her chin was as spit-messy as Emma’s ass. “I know you kinda still get annoyed about him, but that boy who saw us mid-blowjob that time? I’ve seen him hanging around the club.”


“I was thinking of inviting him in.”

“Of course you were.”

“Hey, you were thinking about boys too. And he’s a pretty cute one.”

“Well… yeah, kinda. But he perved on me when I was still new to this stuff.”

“Not through any fault of his own.”

Emma glared. “Stop being reasonable and lick my ass more!”

Misty winked and went back to nomming on Emma’s ass like it was her favourite snack. Which it kinda was.

Emma relaxed back into her private rimjob, then resigned herself to seriously contemplating Misty’s suggestion. “You really think he’s hanging around, like, trying to see us again or something.”

Misty shrugged. “That’s my best guess.”

“Well… maybe go ahead and see what you can do then. Maybe I’ll feel better if I get to pound his butt some time.”

“Ooh! Won you over, huh?”

“What you’ve done is turn me into a helplessly horny little thing just like you.”

“Mmm, and it turns out I do fine work.”

Emma rolled her eyes and playfully wrestled back at Misty some without intending to actually move her. It turned out that Misty was even less interested in winning, and despite her best efforts Emma flipped them both over so Misty was the one pinned on the bottom.

It wasn’t exactly the subtlest way of asking for getting her butt stuffed, but it didn’t need to be. At all. Emma was more than ready to take her girlfriend’s ass if that’s what Misty wanted, and judging by how easily she’d rolled over, and how she was now pulling her knees back to emulate Emma’s previous position, there was no doubt that was exactly what she wanted.

Emma went straight for lube instead of taking the time to get Misty all spit-slicked. They were both ready for some fucking.

Misty’s eyes rolled back and her lips made an involuntary circle, as all the while her greedy little ass swallowed more and more of Emma. It was the sort of adorable, ‘happy to be anally filled up’ face that Emma had learned to love and cultivate as much as possible.

Emma was enjoying herself just as much. Every single time she buried her cock in Misty’s sweet tushy was a reminder of just how amazing it felt İzmir travestileri and how good it was going to feel to pound her ass, and was a suggestion of the pure bliss of eventually cumming in her.

Emma pushed Misty’s legs back even farther, pressing her into a more compact shape and lifting her butt even closer to vertical. Emma let her weight come down more on Misty, helping to make sure she was as deep as humanly possible in that heavenly ass of hers.

“I’m gonna pound you so hard.”

Misty grinned happily. “I was hoping you would.”

There was initially a lot of suction involved in pulling back out of Misty, her ass just didn’t want to let Emma go anywhere. Emma could have just used more force, but it was fun to move back so very slowly, feeling Misty’s bum cling tightly and try to keep her in.

Once a rhythm got going, though, there was no more resistance to be had. Misty’s butt was about as slutty and well-trained as they came, and it was absolutely perfect for wrecking with a nice hard fuck session.

“Fuuuccck yesss,” Misty hissed as Emma slapped against her butt over and over.

Emma grunted a similar feeling in return. Misty’s ass squelched softly as it got deeply fucked, and her balls slapped on Misty’s warm skin. Pleasure surged through her with every thrust, and her smile grew to an uncontrolled and excessive level as she watched the same happen to Misty.

Precum leaked freely from Misty’s throbbing cock, making a mess all over herself. Her legs were pinned back so hard that she was mostly leaking precum from just below her tits, right up to her chin depending on where the tip of her dick was pointed. A devilish thought formed itself in Emma’s mind as she observed this.

Emma pushed just a little bit more while trying not to lose her angle or rhythm. Misty poked herself in the face, belatedly shutting her eyes for a second in fear that she’d take one of them out. She didn’t have quite that much reach though.

“Oh you beautiful genius,” Misty purred as she caught on to where Emma’s imagination was.

Without any hesitation at all, Misty parted her lips and let the tip of her own cock slide between them. She basically only could reach the tip and no further, but it was enough to suck gently on herself and taste her ever-flowing precum while Emma pounded her butt and ensured a steady supply of sexy fluid.

Misty’s eyes filled with pure adoration. It was a position she’d never been put in, and wouldn’t have expected it from Emma. Emma, it seemed, had been well and truly brought over to the futa side of the force. It was the sort of thing her mom or sister might have done, but was even more special for Emma trying it first.

As if to underscore Misty’s particularly slutty and vulnerable self-sucking, ass-filled position, the door to the classroom opened wide. Neither girl was all that worried about it. More curious than anything. And they were correct not to be concerned since it was Saphira coming to pick them up. Honestly, though, there really wasn’t much danger of it being anyone who’d get them in trouble, even during school hours.

“There you two a–” Saphira stopped mid-chastisement. “Oh wow.” She stepped closer. “That’s genius!”

“Uhsshh mmmwwuuhh uh nnmmmhhh,” Misty mumbled around her own cock.

“That’s what she said,” Emma helpfully translated.

“Well fuck. Here I was going to give you guys shit for once again being late to meet me in the parking lot….” Saphira shook her head as she lay down next to the girls with a prime viewing spot. “But who could stay mad at this?”

“Nnnhh uummnn.”

“No one,” Emma guessed.

Saphira reached out and ran her fingers lightly down Misty’s shaft. “She’s gonna cum soon too, huh?”

Emma had been recognizing some of the signs and nodded easily. “Yep.”

“Right into her own mouth,” Saphira said, still with a touch of awe in her tone. “And here I am to witness history.”

“I… wouldn’t go that far.”

“You don’t always get to decide these things.”

Misty’s eyes rolled back, her cock tensed, her balls contracted, then all at once she was cumming. Her whole shaft pulsed as it shot cum straight into her own mouth.

Emma and Saphira watched closely as Misty swallowed her own cum-load. Her throat bulged and emptied several times before Emma pulled back, easing up the pressure on Misty’s spine, and thereby pulled her cock from her mouth.

The rest of Misty’s cum landed messily on her face and tits, the latter thanks to Saphira calmly grabbing her cock and aiming it to spread the love around.

Misty wasn’t surprised at all that either Emma or Saphira would conspire to leave her messy when they could have just as easily let her swallow her cum and keep everything neat and tidy. These days, Emma was just as bad as her sister for stuff like that. She’d been thoroughly corrupted, and it was wonderful.

“You know,” Saphira said slowly, “I was gonna fuck Misty a bit to make up for you guys not being ready to go. But since Emma kinda did that already….”

“Well don’t Travesti izmir look at me,” Emma said. “I can’t take anything your size.”

“Oh psh. I’m hardly that much bigger than Misty.”

“It’s true,” Misty said. “You could definitely take Saphy. No problem.”

“First of all, yeah, significantly bigger,” Emma said. “Second, whose side are you on anyway?”

“Yours of course,” Misty said with a cummy grin. “Only you don’t always know what’s best for you, is all.”


“You’ve gotta be adventurous. Try new and bigger cocks. That sort of thing.”

“What if I only ever want yours?”

“That’d be kinda sweet and romantic, I guess.” Misty reached up and booped Emma’s nose. “But I don’t think that’s really true. I think you’re nervous ’cause you haven’t seen how much you can take yet.”

Emma glanced over at Saphira who had decided to take all her clothes off without waiting for a verdict. “You better stay right here and hold my hand then. Like a loving girlfriend.”

“Of course, babe. What else are girlfriends for, if not moral support when you’re getting fucked by her sister?”

“… I’m not gonna bother answering that.”

“Yeah, I wouldn’t bother either, really.” Misty swiped at a drip of cum that was threatening to run into her eye. “Still, all ready for support duty whenever you are.”

Emma felt a growing sense of trepidation as Saphira pushed her legs back and got down to ass level to lick her out some. She also felt pretty excited, as well as just plain good. Saphira’s ass-licking skills were second to none.

Having Misty lie next to her and hold her hand, intertwining their fingers, helped with Emma’s nerves. She definitely didn’t think anything too bad could ever happen while she had Misty there with her.

Another little surge of panic gripped Emma once Saphira had lubed her up and then pressed her cock to her butthole. Emma was being bent back very similar to how she’d held Misty, though not to the same extent yet. She was sure Saphira was going to try making her suck herself off though. Saphira had been enamoured with the way Misty had been made to do it.

Rather surprisingly, Saphira popped the head of her cock in without too much fuss. It was bigger than Misty’s, that much was obvious, and there was a little bit of a protest from Emma’s ass in response, but nothing like actual, scary pain. Maybe a soft ache, if anything.

“See, not so bad,” Misty murmured.

“It actually isn’t,” Emma agreed. “She’s stretching me, but… not in a hurty way.”

Saphira pressed deeper, thrusting slowly as she worked her way in. Emma dribbled precum on herself and clutched Misty’s hand tighter, but mostly just watched in fascination as her body accepted the larger cock with hardly a fuss.

Even more fascinating was how good it started to feel. The fun spots inside her that Misty could hit when they fucked, Saphira hit them that much easier with her wider girth, albeit in a less intense way. And the feeling of being even more filled up than usual was comforting and warmly pleasant all on its own.

Misty smiled adoringly at Emma. While still holding her hand, she reached out with her other arm and place her free palm on Emma’s tummy. She felt the bulge of her sister’s cock move somewhere inside Emma, felt it thrusting deeper, burying itself in her girlfriend’s ass.

The sisters exchanged a long sibling look, communicating a surprising amount without speaking. They now both knew just how amazing Emma’s ass felt. And thanks to their utter lack of jealousy or competition regarding these things, they could both enjoy the moment together. Saphira winked at Misty before turning back to Emma and pressing deeper still.

Emma missed the look the sisters had shared, but didn’t miss Saphira pressing harder on her and pushing her own cock to her face. Emma’s precummy cock tip bumped her chin, then her lips. She’d been ready for this and decided not to fight it. Instead she easily opened her mouth and accepted sucking on herself just a little while she got butt fucked.

Misty had lots of options to play with, using her hand that wasn’t holding Emma’s. She could fondle Emma’s tits, rub her tummy, tease her cock or balls, or if she moved a bit she could reach her sister. Lots to choose from, though mostly she stayed close to Emma, providing moral support through proximity and caresses.

Emma was having a hard time keeping her eyes focused on anything. They kept wanting to roll back or half-close. When she was able to look more or less straight ahead, she was generally distracted by Saphira’s jiggling, bouncing tits more than anything. Which were, admittedly, very nice things to be distracted by.

As Saphira thrust harder, Emma found her cock moving in and out of her mouth just a little, like a very low-key face fuck. A self-face-fuck, for that matter. It was kind of hot, but she wasn’t sufficiently flexible to take enough of herself for it to really feel amazing. She concentrated on licking and sucking on the tip, swirling her tongue over her own cock head, since that was what was available.

Emma came well before Saphira did. She started to swallow, feeling a small thrill at being made to take her own load in her mouth the way she’d just done to Misty, then rather unsurprisingly had her cock taken away so that she’d cum over her face and chest too.

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