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Herworld Chronicles Ch. 08

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Nilok awoke to find himself immersed in a warm bath; the immediate area thick with steam, the soft feel of the warm liquid combined with his vision being impaired by the haze of aerial condensation made him check that he was not still within the realms of a dream. The fact that his wrists were bound behind him, and his ankles were secured in similar fashion, confirmed that he had at last emerged from the arms of Morpheus. As he wriggled against the bonds he realised he was suspended in a hammock-like apparatus within the bath; a hoist which simplified the task of cleansing the immobilised without risking drowning them.

As he surveyed the suspension mechanism with a view to any possibility of escape, a feminine face loomed through the warm mist. Nilok’s loins tingled as he recognised the face of the leather clad huntress who had claimed him by the stream; she was now naked and covered with beads of perspiration as she enjoyed the sauna-like effect of the bath house that contained him. The vixen leaned forward to study her prize, droplets of water running down the length of her supple body and dripping from her erect nipples.

“You mustn’t struggle, especially not in the water; I’d hate to lose a fine example like you to drowning. We’ll soon have you out and dried. I intend to keep you close to me until you’re processed at market. I only wish I could keep you myself.” Nilok’s erection swelled in the warm water as the lithe beauty turned and walked away again, allowing him a view of her supple and shapely arse and legs; the beads of perspiration running down her back to the cleft of her buttocks, as if to direct his eyes.

Nilok dozed a little more in the warmth of the bath and was suddenly awoken by an abrupt jerking; his eyes flashed open to view giggling females who were hoisting him clear of the bath. They half undid his tied ankles; the tie remained but he could now part his legs to walk, but could not run. They walked him through a door to a drying area; stacks of towelling adorned the area and several other male captives were enjoying the attentions of teams of three young ladies. In the central rear wall of the room a huge fire blazed from an inglenook fireplace. Nilok’s attractive captor sat here in a towelling dressing gown. She smiled at him as the girls towelled and patted his naked body to dry him; one of them puffed a sweet smelling talcum powder over his nether regions, and he was then wrapped tightly in a dressing gown too, the arms of which flapped about as his own arms remained tied behind him.

The girls walked him to the warmth of the fire and the brown- eyed huntress stood up to greet them. The soft young females giggled; the act of processing slaves apparently as routine to them as working in a bakery.

“He’s all yours now Marcia.”Nilok now knew the name of the blow-pipe beauty, now holding a collar and leash which she buckled to his neck, leaning into his firm body as she did so. Nilok sniffed at her soft scent as she brushed her midriff against him, smiling as she felt his obvious excitement beneath his robe. She stepped back and gently tugged on his leash.

“You’ll come with me now. I’ll have you share my quarters. I don’t want you catching kuşadası escort anything from the other stock; I want you in prime condition the day after tomorrow at market. Nilok noticed as she walked him toward a small door ahead, the other newly dried captives were being taken through a barred gate, presumably to a communal dormitory. Marcia rapped on the oaken door, which was opened from the other side by two shapely sentries armed with crossbows, one blonde, and one red-headed. They eyed Nilok up and down, smiling. The blonde was somewhat scornful.

“Oh Marcia, you are always spoiling captives; you should leave him with the others. What if he’s purchased by some fat bitch and kept in a lean-to with the pigs? A night at your boudoir will not prepare him for that; I don’t know why you bother catching them in the first place!” The redhead simply smiled knowingly at Marcia as another crossbow carrying amazon came down the elevated walkway to take her place by the door. The redhead smiled at the blonde.

“Here come’s my relief; I’m off with Marcia to do some spoiling.” The blonde’s jaw dropped as the redhead walked off with the two, rubbing Nilok’s bottom as she went, and asking if she could take the leash and lead him. The shapely guard’s physique and red hair made Nilok’s balls tingle as he viewed the areas of exposed creamy white flesh, but it also made him think of Serena for the first time. What would she be thinking?


Serena had had plenty of time to think over what had become of Nilok. She looked sadly down at the blue collar, neatly sliced through. She could at least guarantee he was alive after the point at which he was captured. The poor mute girl would not venture further than 100 yards from the security of the farm she lived on, unless accompanied by others, she was so traumatised by the experience. Her description of the two that tied her up and took him was very descriptive indeed; a deaf person’s visual recollection, noticing things that those blessed with the normal choice of senses would not register; the girl’s guardian at the farm having learned to interpret her hand signs and gestures. Their stance, movement and techniques, as well as their general attire could mean only one thing; they were from Femina Bastia. This outlying citadel had a military edge, its Women all very warrior-like, a harsh unforgiving place in comparison to Ovum Fortis, or even Stellar Regina. The laws of the latter two civilisations being of little matter to those from Femina Bastia; slaves often went missing, never to be seen again.

Serena’s girls cried continuously, comforted by Bella who remained strong before the girls, but shed a tear in private. Serena thought of venturing to this shady Sparta-like outpost to seek him out, but knew this would be fruitless at best, and possibly fatal at worst; other parties had ventured there to seek stolen indentured ones, never to be seen again. She looked at the collar again, and wished upon wish for a miracle.


Nilok took time to study all he could see from the elevated walkway, despite the distraction of his two shapely gaolers. The setting sun cast eerie elongated shadows, making the small portion kuşadası escort bayan of fortified city wall he could see, look even taller than the thirty-or-so feet it actually reached. The low sun also made sections of the granite glow orange, as though hot to touch. A portent indicating that he would only leave here by stealth. There would be no badly maintained weak points in any wall in this place. As the walkway curved around the fortification Nilok noticed three cages fixed high up on the stark wall, overlooking one of the main squares below. As the trio walked below them, he was aghast at seeing human bones inside them. The redhead felt the tug on the leash as he stopped to gawk at the remains. Marcia smiled.

“That’s what happens to naughty boys who run from their mistress. Come along now, we know you won’t try to run; there’s no way past the city wall guards for a lone male, and you’d never pass as a woman with your build.” The two tittered at the notion of the stocky six-foot male in drag, as they began to descend the walkway, down to a residential area of the city. Nilok surveyed the scene in the fading light; everywhere there were military style posters, proclaiming ‘strength through force’ and the like. The streets were spotless, and the houses were blandly uniform and faced with shiny polished granite. Then suddenly, the pair led him through a tight gap in a wall, down to a recessed area. As Nilok looked across this area, small villas with gardens and smallholdings basked in the setting sun, welcoming lights flickered warmly from some of the windows. Huge sunflowers bent their heads in tidy front gardens, as if awaiting a sleep through the night.

The sight gave Nilok a little hope; it showed there must be an element of humanity in this solemn place. Marcia led him up a path to one of these homely villas; the redhead released his leash, unhitched her crossbow, and tossed it through the open lower half of a sash window. The two women took him into a sitting-room bedecked with soft chairs and futons. They untied his wrists and sat him down on a huge bean-bag; Marcia went to a kitchen area, the redhead went into a room opposite, returning shortly wearing a black silken robe and smelling very sweetly. Marcia reappeared with a large flagon of red wine and an assortment of food and fruits.

Nilok was somewhat bewildered at first as the enticing female forms nestled down on either side of him, and plied him with wine and food. Though his ankles were still loosely bound he was losing any feeling of being a captive. The two’s attentions to him was briefly disrupted as the sound of another entering through the front door of the villa caught the attention of all three. The two females raised their glasses to the girl Nilok had last seen dressed in green velvet, as she made her entrance, this time dressed in a full length coat. She stood before the three without speaking, and with a sweet smile on her face, spread the coat wide to reveal her naked body beneath. Nilok once again witnessed the sweet pussy he had last seen at the stream near Maidenbower.

Marcia and the redhead giggled and immediately followed suit removing their robes to reveal their escort kuşadası equally attractive female charms to match. The new arrival cast the coat to one side and posed before Nilok as she helped herself to a glass of wine, displaying her sumptuous curves and making his nether regions show their automatic appreciation of her feminine charm by lifting his robe in the middle. Marcia grinned at the tent created by Nilok’s excitement and gestured to the new arrival.

“Do the honours would you, Zeta?” She grinned as she finished pouring a second glass of wine, having gulped down the first.

“I think Tara should have that honour; I’ve already seen his manhood, remember?” Nilok’s erection stiffened in full readiness as the pale delicate arms of the redhead untied the sash and pulled his robe open to reveal his freshly washed and powdered cock, which stood as a firm tribute to his captors. Tara leaned over his torso, her soft red hair tickling his legs, first sniffed and then licked the underside of his bell-end with her soft and hot little tongue. The girls giggle at Nilok’s involuntary gyrations at the pleasurable sensations. Tara turned her blue eyes at him to capture his expression as she held his stiff member with her graceful white manicured fingers and slowly enveloped his pulsing bell-end with her soft red lips. He gasped as the other two giggled at their friend’s eagerness.

“Careful Tara, don’t make him squirt yet! Let’s have some more wine and make sure he’s properly fired up before we take him to the sampling bed. Have him lick your ginger pussy; I noticed he couldn’t keep his eyes off it when you disrobed.” Tara obligingly removed her lips from Nilok’s cock with an audible pop, as though a child savouring a last lick of a lollipop, and then stood and turned to show him her milky white arse. His balls tingled as she parted her soft white cheeks to reveal a sweet light-brown arsehole, before straddling him as he lay back on the futon. The girls giggled as Nilok watched the brown eye and pink juicy labia descend to his face; a small tuft of bright ginger hair contrasting with her porcelain-like skin. Nilok sniffed at her spicy ring and tasted her sweet juices as he was engulfed by her soft white cheeks. Zeta passed her a glass of wine which she managed to sip with composure whilst her pussy was lovingly licked.

Nilok was reunited with Zeta’s scent later, and was at last allowed to sniff and lick Marcia as he lay prostate on the futon and she lifted her elegant legs; her moist pussy now nicely aroused. His probing tongue told Marcia it was time. She pulled his head up and took his leash.

“Come girls, let’s sample and prepare our catch.” Zeta and Tar followed, fondling Nilok’s hairy cheeks as Marcia led him through the Villa to a room with large varnished oak double-doors. Inside, a large fireplace stocked with wood looked out at a huge bed bedecked with furs. Marcia tied Nilok’s leash to a bed post and had him kneel and watch as she lit the fire and the girls placed a copper kettle on a Hearth plate over it. They produced razors and a shaving brush from a small table and arranged them in readiness. Marci smiled wickedly


“We are going to have you nice and smooth for market. Then we are all going to have some pleasant relief before we all sleep cosily together.” As the water warmed the girls filled a copper bowl and each took a razor. Marcia took my cock in hand and applied the shaving brush to my balls; this was just the beginning.

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