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Readers who have seen my earlier chapter (01) will have seen that I had been exposed in public during a holiday in Corfu. Both my husband (Dave) and I found it exciting, so we decided to try something along the same lines after we had returned home. He had bought me some hold-up stockings as neither of us like suspender belts. All it needed now was a good time to experiment….
An opportunity arose a few days later when Dave came home to say that we had been invited to dinner at Stewart and Cas’s house on Saturday evening. What to wear? as it wasn’t a formal dinner just the four of us. I decided to wear the dress that Dave bought for me in Corfu. As I got ready on the night I put on the stockings I saw that the deep welt at the top showed through the dress, not only at the side where the slit was, but actually through the material. Not to worry, we were to be with friends both of whom had seen a lot more of me than stocking tops! On the way over there I wore my white Coney fur coat, as It was only about half a mile (and dusk was falling) we decided to walk. It was considerably cooler in England than in Corfu! But that made me feel even more exposed (and excited). When we got there, Cas met us at the door wearing a caftan (very sixties) took our coats and showed us into the lounge, saying “come and meet the others”….others? what others? to my horror there were two other couples there and there was only the low sofa left to sit on.
Stewart came bustling in “sit down, sit down, you make the place look untidy” I said I had to have a quick word with Cas, but Stewart would have nothing of it, “plenty of time to talk later, sit down and have a drink, dinner is almost ready”. Dave realised my predicament and was grinning from ear to ear, “yes come on dear, sit down”. So I sat down on the edge of the sofa, bolt upright with my thighs pressed firmly together and my high heels planted firmly on the floor. Stewart handed me a large gin and tonic and told me to relax, Dave meantime had leant back on the sofa and put his hand on my shoulder to pull me back with him, I was unbalanced by this and was trying to resist, when in walked Cas who announced that dinner was served. She had changed and was now wearing a little black number, the caftan it appeared, was merely to keep her dress clean whilst preparing the meal.
We all sat round the large dining table and were introduced to Trudy and Joe and Sarah and Bill. Every one was dressed conventionally except me. We had a very good meal and plenty of wine and that helped me to relax a little, all the time however I was aware that my pussy was not covered with anything other than my short skirt. Stewart and Cas started tell the others about our holiday. At one point the fact that we went out at night without knickers came out and Stewart said “Don’t I recognise that dress, Paula?” I said that he “might” and he gave me knowing look. I honestly don’t think until that moment any of the others guessed what he was getting at. Anyway, the wine flowed and the company sat round the dining table for quite a while and got quite sloshed. Confessions began to emerge, Sarah had one night stripped off in the car whilst Bill was driving home from a party and Trudy had let Joe take some pictures of her in the bath. Dave then told the others about our clothes ripping session on the last night of the holiday; it seemed to break the ice.
When we got up from the table, Trudy and Cas cleared away the things and loaded the dishwasher, whilst the rest of us went into the lounge and put on some music. Stewart asked me to dance with him and he made sure that my skirt twirled and the shoulder of my dress slipped. After that, I was in demand as a dancing partner, although we all danced and had a good time, the ladies were getting felt up by each of their dancing partners all the time. Trudy came Escort bayan into the room and it was clear that she had taken off her bra, as her breasts moved beneath her dress, which clung beautifully, her nipples were quite prominent. Cas came back into the room and she had changed again, she was wearing her wrap over Corfu dress and said that she thought she would join me. Stewart saw this and disappeared coming back with a pair of scissors, I was horrified at what I thought he was going to do, when he went over the Cas and cut the buttons off her dress! She momentarily looked shocked, then gave me a cheeky grin and shrugged her shoulders; after all it’s not a big job to sew buttons back on. This left only her tie belt to hold the dress closed. Stewart lifted her skirt and found she was still wearing her panties, so he snipped them off as well. Bill asked if he could borrow the scissors and threatened to cut Sarah’s dress off. This was getting out of hand. Sarah said she would rather take her dress off than have it cut, as it was too expensive to waste. So the lads all said “OK, go ahead,” and waited. Joe said why not do it to music? and put on a CD.
Sarah had on a short green silk dress which had a vee neckline and high back so with a little help from Dave, who undid the zip for her, she danced around swinging her long brown hair and slowly at first slipped the dress forwards off her shoulders, then suddenly stepped out of it twirled it round her head and threw it across the room. She had on a camisole which matched the colour of her dress, French knickers with stockings and suspenders. She raised her arms high and did a little curtsey. We girls then said the one of the lads should do a strip, but before anyone could say anything, Sarah and Trudy pounced on Bill, stripped him down to his underpants and handled his tackle through the material. It was all getting very silly, then Cas challenged Bill to a race to the end of the road and back,-as they were. It was now well past midnight, Bill accepted the challenge and they stood just inside the front door with the rest of us in the hall.
Three, two, one, Go! Sarah was off like a scalded cat and caught Bill on the hop. He got up behind her by the time they were three doors down he made a grab at her belt which she had only tied with one half hitch. It came off in his hand, and her dress flew out behind her like a cloak, her naked body looking quite white in the light of the street lights. Bill won the race with ease and we all stood on the front lawn and cheered them both home. I am sure that some of the neighbours must have heard or seen what was going on. Not long after that the party began to break up, and we all said what a great party it had been and we must do it again etc. etc.
On the walk home, Dave slipped my dress off my top and put my fur coat round my shoulders. His arm was round my waist and he kept pulling the coat open and exposing my breasts to the night. I found it exciting to be walking along our local roads with virtually nothing on, Dave even held my coat open when a couple of cars came along and I was caught in their headlights. There was no reaction from the first one, but the second driver tooted his horn and the passengers all shouted and waved to us. I was dripping with excitement when I got home, and Dave made love to me in the hall.
The next day we had a talk about what had been happening recently. We both felt it had put a bit more than the usual vigour into our lovemaking and seemed to make us closer to each other. We then decided that we would plan other events to enable us to do it again.
About a fortnight later, Dave came in with a copy of Forum in which there was a letter from a woman who said she and her husband played a little game of chance on which dress she would wear on particular occasions. Bayan escort This seemed to be a very good idea and we decided to adapt it for our circumstances. Whenever they were going to a “do” be it Rotary or rugby club, she would always be naked under her dress except for sussies, how they decided which dress she wore was that, her husband rearranged the dresses on the rail in the wardrobe, and closed the door, she would pick a number and count from one end and that was the dress she would wear that night. The thing was, there was a see-through dress in the collection, and others had been altered to make them more revealing, including taking the lining out of one of the dresses on the rail. So far it seems, the see-through dress had not been chosen, but as she said, when it did, they both knew she would wear it! It seemed a very exciting idea for us to try.
First of all a substantial increase in the size of my evening wardrobe would be required and invitations to events and other outings would be needed. Now it happened that Stewart and Dave were members of the same cricket club, and their mid season dinner would be an obvious opportunity. That was about a month away so a shopping spree was called for! Dave and I did our shopping separately, we were each to buy two dresses, without the other knowing what we were buying. Dave went to Birmingham, and I went to Coventry, the only stipulation was the dresses should be the correct size (14). We both took a couple of weeks to get exactly what we wanted. One dress I bought was “little black dress” with shoelace straps and a low back, it had a vee neckline to show a little cleavage but not too much and the material had a satin feel to it. The straight skirt was three inches above my knee. The other was a green (my favourite colour) silk number with in an off the shoulder neckline scooped at the front and back, this has a semi-swing skirt about the same length as the black dress.
Dave eventually produced his two dresses — Well! One was completely see-through with only a diamante appliqué scrolling at the breasts and crutch; it was full length with a front slit in the skirt up almost to the diamante. The other was a black dress not dissimilar to the one I bought except it had a tie halter neck and the skirt was very short, so short in fact that the material finished at no more than an inch and a half below pubes level, the saving(?) grace was that it had a six inch deep fringe which brought it to mid thigh. I thought I am going to need an armed guard when I wear either of those two dresses!
The cricket club mid season dinner is not an over formal affair although lounge suit for the men and cocktail or evening dress for the ladies is normal. Prior to the day, Dave and I sorted out the dresses, there were the four new ones plus my “Corfu” dress and a couple of the better sundresses, (it looked as though it was going to be warm). That made seven possibilities for the choice which I was to make for the dinner. On the afternoon of the dinner, Dave went upstairs and put the dresses in an order that I did not see. When it was time to get ready, I stood in front of the closed wardrobe door and said “two”, this meant I was going to wear the second dress from the left on the rail-no matter which one it was and the only other thing I would be wearing apart from jewellery, was a pair of hold-ups. I shuddered to think what the committee ladies would say to the net and diamante. The door was opened and with some relief, I saw it was to be the black dress that I bought myself, the one with the straight skirt and shoe lace shoulder straps. We got ready, the dress covered my stocking tops, the taxi called for us and off we went.
At the dinner there was a dance quartet playing background music, everything was fine. During dinner Dave, sitting next to me slid escort his hand up my thigh pulling up my skirt and scratched my bare pubes with his finger nail, I had a job not to squirm with delight, The man sitting the other side must have seen, because he dropped his serviette on the floor and bent down to pick it up, then gave me a smile and a wink. The whole thing was great success, as the last few waltzes were called, Dave took me on to the dance floor held me close and looked at me deeply as he asked me if I trusted him, as he was saying this he was pulling one of the straps of my dress off my shoulder, I looked back with bright clear eyes and smiled that no I didn’t, but I did love him very much. With that he pulled the other strap down, now this dress really need those straps especially with it’s low back, he held me close and asked me to slip my arms out of the straps completely. This was easily achieved as they were both below my elbows any way.
The only thing still holding up my dress was the pressure of our two bodies. Cas and Stewart were dancing near to us; she was wearing a bright pink halter neck dress, with a short twirly skirt and looked a picture. Dave said to Stewart he thought we should change partners for this dance, immediately I realised that the moment Dave let go of me, my dress was going to fall down. Stewart agreed, so I quickly put my arm up to hold the dress and turned to face my new partner – Cas! for a joke the two lads grasped each other and waltzed off. Cas grabbed me and held me close and so stopped my dress from falling. I then put my arms around her and held on tight. She looked at me with a wicked sparkle in her eye and said she could twirl away from me on the now near empty dance floor and leave my “tits” showing. I though for a second and undid the halter of her dress so she was a vulnerable as I was and said “you wouldn’t do that would you?…now?” Suddenly the band stuck up a lively tune and I started to twirl her round knowing that her skirt would fly up but mine wouldn’t. However I reckoned without the drinks that we had had during the dinner, we lost our footing and fell over! We ended in a heap on the floor with our breasts completely on show to everyone; Cas’s skirt was above her waist in rumpled heap, showing her brief lace panties. We recovered, got up and refastened our dresses to loud cheers from the club members. I said she was wimp for wearing knickers. I was secretly thrilled at having given an “accidental” display in public and I could not wait to get Dave home, in fact we didn’t wait, he pulled me down an alley behind the hall and hoisted my dress up to my waist and made love to me against the wall. There were people walking past the end of the alley on their way home from the dinner but I didn’t care, I would have done anything Dave asked me at that point.
That night would take some topping, but having now got the taste for it, I wanted to flash a bit more. A weekend trip to the seaside was planned for a couple of weeks ahead. I booked a two night stay at The Grand Hotel, Weston-Super-Mare we would arrive after work on Friday night and stay until Sunday afternoon. As we were going away for the weekend we had to do the dress choosing game on the Thursday night. This was to be the dress I would wear when we dined in the hotel restaurant on Saturday night; I was able to make my own choices for the rest of the weekend. I chose “two” again but as Dave had re-arranged the order I still didn’t know which dress it would be. I turned and opened the wardrobe door and there it was the “net and diamante” number. I tried it on, My nipples were hidden when I stood still, but you could just see the darker area of my pubes through the diamante at crutch level, however when I walked, my nipples appeared from behind the appliqué, it hardly mattered anyway as the full profile of my breast could be seen from the side. At the back, another appliqué came up the crack of my behind and looped round on one side only, to link up with that at the front. From the other side there was no doubt that I was naked except for the dress. This was going to be an exciting weekend!
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