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Mom Went to Work Ch. 09

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The video began with Mom sitting at her desk, smiling. The scene panned to the opening door as Donny entered. First his jaw dropped, then he smiled from ear to ear and stuttered, “M-M-Mrs. Hart!”

“Good Morning, Sir. Welcome to your new office.” Mom said, sexily.

“Oh, Wow! You’re my secretary!? He said excitedly.

“Yes Sir. I’m your, um, Sexretary.” Mom replied, emphasizing ‘Sexretary,’ as she stood.

“Wow.” He said again, as he studied Mom’s attire. ‘I wondered if he thought she was going to be prim and proper with him. Even though she did say, sexretary.’

“This way, Mr. Mendle.” Mom said as she opened the door to his inner sanctum. You could tell, he was excited and flustered. He followed her in and Mom showed him a few things. “Settle in and relax. I’ll be back in a minute.” She said as she left. (Fade-out)

It came back with Mom entering the office, carrying a garment gag. She hung it on a hook, pushed a button and turned around.

“Do you like my business outfit?” She said as she turned around.

“Yes. It’s very nice.”

“It was right for me to greet you in a business like manner. I am going to change out of it however.” You could see the wheels turning in his head. “But first. Today is for us to get acquainted and set the rules.”

Donny, questioningly said, “Okay.”

“Mine are easy. You may have anything you want. Except my ass. That is off-limits. Other than teasing, which you already know about, I don’t do anyone without you.”

“Anyone?” He said looking at her squinting his eyes.

“Yes. Anyone. Male or female, with you, during work hours.”

“Really? You would do that with me?”

“I would prefer that it be just you and I at first. For a little while, at least.”

“Yeah, yeah, just you and me. That sounds great.”

Mom began removing her jacket. “You may call me Patricia or Pat. Please do not call me Patty! I’m not a teenager.”

Donny was wide-eyed, watching her. “Pat, I like Pat. And, would you keep calling me Donny?”

Mom began removing her slacks. “Only in private. For business, it will be Mr. Mendle.”

Donny stared, open mouthed, as Mom stood before him with her blouse barely covering her.

As Mom unbuttoned her blouse, Donny was visibly trembling. Mom opened the blouse, giving him a quick look. Then she turned her back to him as she teasingly removed it. With her blouse hung with the other clothes, she stepped back. Looking over her shoulder, provocatively, she slowly turned around.

Donny gasped and then moaned out, “God! You are beautiful!”

With a smile and wink, Mom slowly walked toward him. His eyes moved rapidly up and down her body with each step. You could see the lust building in his eyes. When she reached him, she paused briefly before leaning down to place her hands on his thighs. He moaned and his body stiffened.

‘God! I know that feeling.’ I thought. ‘She’s driving him crazy.’

She leaned forward and kissed him. He moaned again. She kissed him again and this time he hungrily returned her kiss. I easily imagined the tongue dance he was enjoying. Mom broke the kiss and they touched noses. She was keeping him from looking at her as her hands moved up his thighs to the bend of his legs. He squirmed and winced.

“Would you like to play with my tits?” Mom whispered sexily.

He licked his lips and swallowed barely able to answer, “Yes.”

“Go ahead. I’ve told you, you can do anything you want.” She kissed him again as his hands went to her sides. When his hands touched her, she increased the intensity of the kiss and moaned. His hands barely moved and in-between kisses, Mom said, “Take (kiss) my (kiss) bra (kiss) off.” (kiss)

His hands were trembling as they moved across her skin to find the clasp. You could see goose-bumps on Mom’s arms and back as she shivered to his touch. She was kissing him fervently as his trembling hands seemed to take forever to release her bra.

I knew what he was going through. If he wanted her half as much as I did that first time, he probably came in his pants.

“They’re waiting for you.” Mom said with a wanton begging expression and tone. As his hands moved softly over her skin. She shivered and returned to her hungry kissing. As he cupped her hanging tits in his hands, she wiggled and her knees bent.

You could tell, she was tugging on his dick, but couldn’t see anything. He was pinching her nipples, almost mauling her flesh.

“Do you like finally being able to hold them?”

“Oh God Yes! But, uh.”

“But, what?”

“Uh, uh, why are they wet?” He said, trying to look. But, Mom kept her head in the way.

“That’s milk.” Mom said, huskily.

“Milk! What the! You had a baby?” He exclaimed loudly in surprise. Again, Mom blocked him from looking, and he didn’t let go of her tits.

Mom chuckled and kissed him. “No. I didn’t have a baby. But, I am helping feed a little one.”

“Huh? What? I didn’t know women could do that.”

Mom chuckled again. “We don’t have to have a baby to give milk. Haven’t you porno ever heard of a wet-nurse?”

“Yeah, but I never believed it.”

“Now you know. Does it bother you?”

“Uh, No. I’m just surprised.”

“Wanna suck my tits?” Mom said looking coquettish. “How about it? Want some of mommy’s milk?”

“Yeah! Wow! Really? Could I? I mean is it alright?”

Mom kissed him. “Yes honey, you can. There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s people food.” She gave him a long sensuous kiss and raised up. He looked at his wet hands and Mom’s wet tits, drops of milk coming from her nipples.

Mom took one hand from his pants and placed it on his neck, urging him to go ahead.

He pushed up straight in his chair, reached for her waist and went straight for a leaking nipple. Mom moaned as it looked like he was trying to suck her entire tit into his mouth. She had to let go of what she was holding onto in his pants and placed that hand on his head. Eyes closed, her head went back and she moaned again.


Just then, I felt hands on my shoulders as Mom said, “Oh good, you haven’t watched much.” It scared the shit out of me.

I quickly pushed pause, before saying, “Jesus Christ, Mom! You scared the life outta me.”

She was looking down from above, smiling, and said, “Nah, you still have a hardon.” Then she laughed and came around to sit by me.

As she sat, I noticed the front of her shirt was soaked. “Why’s your shirt wet?”

“Why!” She snapped. “Why! Because nobodies around and that damn pump doesn’t get it all and takes to long. That’s why!”

I remembered real quick that I’d been busy with school projects. Donna and family were in Europe. Stephanie and Liz were both on field trips. Grandma and Paul were visiting his family. Dad’s been pulling sixteen-plus hour days, dealing with starting his new company. And Sophia was interviewing for her residency. “You don’t have to bite my head off.”

“I’m sorry honey. It’s just frustrating. The real reason I came in was to get you to do them for me. A mouth is much better than that damn pump.”

“Oh, So now I’m just a mouth?”

Mom caressed my face and kissed me. “You know I didn’t mean it like that. It’s been two days, would you please do them for me?” Her voice and expression were pleading.

I’d have to be in a coma, before I’d pass up any contact with Mom.

I smiled and moved to lay my head in her lap and said, “Mommy needs to feed her baby boy.” I don’t know which one of us was more eager. I sucked and sucked. It did seem to take a lot longer to empty each tit. Something was different. Mom hardly touched my dick. She constantly cupped and rolled my balls in her hand.

When I finished, Mom said, “That feels much better. Look at ’em, they’re deflated and saggy.”

“They’re beautiful Mom. They’re, just, not full.”

“I want you to fuck me.” ‘OK!’ I thought. “After you watch the first part of the video. I want you to give me a hard fucking.” Her expression was like a demure little girl. I couldn’t refuse her anything.

I started the video and Mom settled in to lick, kiss and in general play with, my dick and balls. She never really sucked it, she quickly put it in her mouth and took it out. I watched and let my hand roam over her body. Something was different, and I didn’t know yet what it was.


Donny was sucking hard drawing much of Mom’s tit in his mouth. The remaining flesh stretched tight and pulling from her chest.

Mom sat on the arm of the chair and tried to reach into his pants again, but couldn’t stretch that far. She settled on encouraging him with her hands on his head and neck. Occasionaly kissing the top of his head.

When he moved away from her tit, he had a dreamy dazed look on his face, and whispered, “Damn. I never dreamed it would taste that good.”

Mom held his face in her hands and kissed him, before saying, “There are two.”

His syes dropped to her tit a split second before his mouth sucked it in. His lust filled hunger made him try to suck it off her chest. It hurt Mom and she said, “Easy Tiger! You’re hurting it.”

He stopped sucking and looked up at her while not letting her tit leave his mouth. His expression was apologetic. He resumed with less enthusiastic sucking.

Mom tried to once again reach down into his pants. And, once again, she settled on caressing his head and neck. She was wanting his dick, but she had to let what she started play itself out. He spent more time on this tit, draining it, well before he quit sucking.

When he released her tit, his head fell back against his chair. His expression was of total contentment. Mom gave him a few seconds before she sat on his legs and began kissing him passionately. After several air gasps during her kiss, Mom asked, “Do you like Mommy’s milk?”

“God, that was amazing. I always thought that stuff was tasteless, bland. But it was, it was, sweet and silky smooth.”

Mom started to move and stopped. “There’s something on your mind. What is it?”

“Ah, um, can all women do that?”

“I anime porno suppose. I did.” They just looked at one another, I’m sure they were thinking the same thing I was. ‘He wants his wife to give milk.’

With a smile, Mom slid off his lap. Kneeling before him, she undid his pants and tried to pull them down. He raised his hips, allowing her to pull them down. His fat dick came into view. And, I do mean, fat.


“That thing’s eight inches long and seven inches around.” Mom said, matter of factly.


Mom’s hands ran up his legs. She grasped his dick in one hand and his balls in the other. After stroking it a few times, Mom said, “Well, Mr. Mendle. Are you ready for your ‘Welcome To The Office’ blowjob, from your sexretary?” She quickly licked it, before he could answer.

“Wow, yeah sure.”

Mom started kissing and licking his dick. It really stretched her lips, making her work to get it in her mouth. She got more and more of it in as he squirmed and moaned. It was something else to see her throat bulge as she got the whole thing in her mouth. You could tell it took a lot of effort and for most of his blowjob she sucked on just half of it.

He would scrunch his face, stiffen and grunt, each time he stopped himself from cuming. He enjoyed it and didn’t want her to stop. Ten minutes passed as Mom worked on his dick with her talented mouth. I don’t know how he held out, cause she is good at sucking a dick.

Finally, Mom said, “Relax Donny, and cum when you want to.”

She went back to sucking and he mumbled, “In your mouth?”

Mom didn’t stop, she said, “Uh huh. If you want to.” With a mouth full of dick.

He moaned, “Oh Jesus.” And relaxed.

Within a few head bobs, he grunted, stiffened and began cuming in Mom’s mouth. She was swallowing rapidly. Trying to get it all down as he kept grunting and jerking through his orgasm.


“OK. Stop it. Right now I need fucked!” Mom said as she sat up. “I just wanted you to watch me suck that cock of his. Before you fuck me.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me along to her bedroom.

‘Damn,’ I thought, ‘She’s going to rape me!’

But, no, once in her bedroom, her demeanor changed completely. She became, the soft, loving, passionate woman she is. There was a difference that threw me off. Mom likes, no loves, oral sex and it wasn’t really happening. She didn’t put my dick in her mouth, choosing to kiss and lick it instead. And, when I tried to eat pussy, she barely let me get started before pulling me up by the ears.

There was some demanding urgency to have me in her. There were no changes of position, it was straight missionary, start to finish. Arms and legs locked around me as she matched my thrusting with her own. She would kiss me, moaning. Nibble my ear or suck and kiss my neck and shoulder.

Her kisses and breathing told me she had several orgasms, as well as her spasming pussy. This was entirely different from what I was used to, and yet, it felt fantastic.

My ability to hold out any longer was shattered when Mom started whispering. Almost begging in my ear. “Give me your cum, baby. Give mommy your cum. Oh yes, William. Make me a mommy.” I lost it at, ‘make me a mommy,’ and started cuming hard.

‘What the fuck! Make me a mommy! Make me a mommy!’ kept rolling in my mind. And Mom’s amazing pussy was gripping harder and hotter than I ever felt before. I briefly lost consciousness. When my senses returned, I tried to push up, but Mom held me in place. She was gently rocking as her pussy repeatedly squeezed and released my now soft dick. And, she was humming.

When she finally let me go, I pushed up and immediately insisted she tell me what was going on. I pressed her hard about that, ‘make me a mommy’ comment.

“Honey, I’m just really horny. What with, everybody gone and editing that video. I wasn’t getting the sex I needed. Believe me, you gave me the perfect fuck. Just what I needed.” This explanation sounded good, but, didn’t ease my mind.

That night at super, Mom told Dad that Sophia’s implanted embryo took. “Took?” I said questioningly.

“Yes, honey. It means it was a success and she should be able to have the baby.”

It seemed like Dad had been working around the clock and the two of them went to bed early. It didn’t take me long to finish my report and I crawled in bed, wishing I weren’t alone. Just as I was drifting off to sleep, Mom crawled in bed with me.

“Your father fell asleep after a blowjob. And I need a cock.” She whispered as she kissed and started playing with me. I was erect in seconds and Mom quickly mounted me. My dick slipped into her pussy with almost no resistance. She was more than ready.

‘Damn, why is she like this?’ I thought.

She was doing it all while chewing on my neck for a couple of minutes. Until she whispered in my ear, “You can join in, any time.” I realized, I was just laying there, confused. And started pushing upward in response to her movements. “That’s better baby. Yes. Mmmm, fuck arap porno me.”

I didn’t understand why her pussy was so hot. And that other thing, that kept slipping over my dick and retreating, was even hotter. This was a whole new experience for me. And I loved it.

Her tempo increased and she sat up. Her hands were on my chest. Arms pushing those magnificent tits together. Her head was back and she was moaning with every downward push she made. That hot pussy of hers making it nearly impossible for me to hold back. My balls were churning from the sensations. But, this felt so good, I wanted it to last as long as possible and so, I went for Mom’s tits, to keep from cuming.

It seemed like I barely started sucking when her weight shifted, rolling us to the right. I was now on top with her wrapped around me. Again, I couldn’t move, except for short strokes. Mom was moving her gripping hot pussy with me. Her mouth locked to mine, hungrily kissing.

Then it hit me, ‘Her uterus! That’s what that burning sleeve is that keeps slipping over my dick. It’s her fucking uterus!’ Only now it wasn’t slipping on and off. It was staying in place, like it had latched on to the head of my dick and wouldn’t let go.

Mom broke the kiss allowing me to get a much needed deep breath of air. She kissed my ear and whispered, “Fuck me baby. Fuck me with slow hard thrusts.” She relaxed her legs as she rotated her hips.

I was free to get at it. I wanted to pull out and start slamming it to her. But, I did as she asked, pulling out a little and pushing in hard.

She wasn’t bear-hugging me like before. A few strokes later and she began moaning while urging me on with her hands. “Yes … Yes … Thrust … Hard … Yes … Oh … God … Yes … Fuck … Ma … me … uh … uh … uh … Give … Me … What … I … Need … ah .. ah … uh … God … Yes … Fuck … M … E”

I felt the heat building in that sleeve on the end of my dick, first. Followed by the rest of her pussy heating up and her opening squeezing tightly on each thrust.

‘Jesus, if she doesn’t have an orgasm soon, I’m gonna cum anyway.’ I thought. I was wrong. The entire session was an orgasm for Mom.

I felt her hot breath as she began mouthing my ear. “Do it baby. Do it. Pump me full of sperm. … Give me what I need, baby. Give mommy what she needs.”

That was it. I felt my sack tighten as though my balls, themselves, were going to shoot into her pussy. The end of my dick felt like it was on fire as it throbbed and throbbed, shooting stream after stream of cum into Mom’s burning hot pussy.

Mom was kissing me again, shutting off my air. Her hands and legs pulling me into her pussy. My mind was convulsing as it seemed like my entire body was sending cum into Mom’s pussy. I didn’t think I was going to stop cuming.

As my ecstasy subsided, Mom wrapped herself around me as before. Her pussy continuing to squeeze my dick. All of my strength was drained and I was like a rag doll in her arms.

“You did it, baby. You did it. You gave me what I wanted. You did it.” She whispered lovingly in my ear.

I barely had enough strength to roll off of her when she let me go. The last thing I remember, is Mom smiling as she caressed my face.

I woke up on my side with a naked female pressed against me. At first I thought, Stephanie. But, I remembered it would be several days before she returned. Then I thought, Mom. And wondered if she slept with me all night.

I felt her fingertips lightly tracing from my shoulder to my thigh. A light tickle designed to arouse and awaken. As I stirred, she wrapped her arm around me and pulled herself tightly against me, saying, “Mornin’ Love.”

“Mornin’ Mom.” I was still wondering if she slept with me.

As if reading my mind she whispered, “I came back to you as soon as your father left for work.” Her hand slowly moved down until she found my morning wood. She wrapped her fingers around it and began slowly stroking it and kissed my back. “I want your cock again. But, I know you need to pee.” Wiggling against me she kissed my back again. “Go pee. And please hurry, baby. I need you in me.”

I went to the bathroom, wondering what the hell was going on. Mom had never acted like this. I loved the way she liked sucking my dick. And, I absolutely loved sucking her pussy. Yet, she was allowing only minimal oral contact. And, this way of fucking was completely different. I couldn’t understand what was going on. She wasn’t hurting me and there’s no way I’m going to deny her anything.

As I stepped back into the bedroom, I was frozen by the vision of Mom lying naked on my bed. Her smiling face seemed to have a glow. ‘God! That’s my Mom. She carried me in her belly, and she’s waiting for me. Her son. To fuck her.’ I was lost in that thought, for I don’t know how long.

Mom broke my trance when she softly said, “Come to bed, Baby.”

So began three and a half days of the same fucking as the night before. She did let me lick and kiss her pussy a little. But, she wouldn’t let me really get into it as I wanted. She would stroke my dick. Lick it. Kiss it. And briefly suck the end of it. But, she wouldn’t take it in her mouth. Her sole purpose was to have my dick in her pussy for a slow hard fuck, until I filled her with cum.

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