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Mother’s Day

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Ariana Marie

My eyes opened.

Mom was standing at the dresser, pulling a pair of jeans up over her see-through thigh-highs. Her firm and voluptuous breasts, which filled their respective 36G brassieres, were unclothed as she zipped up her jeans. She had a nice, thick body. Not chubby, but definitely had some woman to her. “Morning,” I said, closing my eyes and rolling over to put my head on Mom’s pillow. It had her ever-so-recognizable scent engulfing it.

“How’d you sleep, sweetie?” she said, riffling through her underwear drawer, searching for a bra. “Good,” I said, squinting into the bathroom at the sun shining in. “Hook me up, please,” she said. She had her bra on and was holding the straps in the back. I gotup from the bed and walked up behind her. I grabbed the straps from her fingers and latched the hooks together. The bra latched, I adjusted the strap around her back and up to her cups, which I ran my hands over and groped.

“Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.”

She smiled and ran her hands over mine, intertwining fingers over the brassiere material.

“Thanks, baby. And I just loovvee…..”, she turned to face me and gave me a kiss, “….being a Mother.” She walked to the closet, picked out her favourite blouse which always revealed a little too much cleavage and pulled it over her head.

So there she stood, my 36-26-36 Mother, in all of her loving, voluptuous beauty.Today was her day, so I had to make sure that it was extra special.


In the simplest way of putting it, our family were swingers. Amongst ourselves.

Outside of the house, my Mom and Dad were as happy as any husband and wife of 16 years would be. Their great chemistry, which is why they married in the first place, still held strong to this day. We seemed like a normal family on the outside. But inside our home, everything was switched.

My Mom’s name is Marissa, but I sometimes call her Missy or Marie when were fucking. It was us that initiated this uncommon household setup. She is a sort of socialite among the other housewives here in the city. Always on the go, taking my younger siblings to their soccer games, picking us up fromschool and dining out and shopping with friends. And at 36, amazingly technology savvy as well. If it wasn’t for her, I would have never beaten the Portal 2 co-op campaign. And she never leaves the house without her iPhone.

This whole thing got started when I had gone downstairs one night to get something to drink.

It was at least 3 A.M. when I entered the kitchen and flipped on the light. And that’s when I saw her.

She was sitting on the couch, facing the television. I could only see her head from this angle, but it looked as though she was asleep, with her head tilted off to the right. I walked around the couch and gasped. She was wearing these unreal black thigh high socks which lead up to a pair of black,see through lace trimmed boyshorts. Above this was a purple tie-front crop top. The whole thing was tied insanely low and she didn’t even have a bra on. Her ravishing G cup breasts were spilling out because of this, pushing aside and hanging over her top. And to top all of this off, her jet black hair was braided into two pigtails, with a little pink bow at the end of each one. I couldn’t help but stare.

I tried not to move for fear of waking her. “Why was she dressed like this?” I wondered, “And at 3 A.M. in the living room?” I didn’t ponder this for too long. Her figure was way too intoxicating for me to dwell on much else. I watched her lips open as she licked them with her tongue, leaving them agape. I watched her breasts rise and fall with her shallow breathing, beautiful womanly mountains resting on her chest. I watched as her legs moved slightly, then parted to give full view of her crotch. My heart skipped a beat. I quietly walked around to view her from the front.

In between the valley of her thighs, I could see the outline of her vaginal lips through her underwear. I had never before seen my Mom as a sex symbol, but now, seeing her displayed in all of her womanly glory, I was entranced. I inched closer to get a better look. She licked her lips again and turned her head slightly. I decided to be brave and gave her a little kiss on the stomach.


I gave her another on her right thigh.

Still, nothing.

Then I went for it and kissed her right breast to the left of the nipple.

She sighed, but that was all.

I had one knee on the couch between her legs and both arms on the back of the couch on either side of her head. She seemed to be sound asleep, so I went for the grand finale. My lips touched hers.

The next 5 seconds were the most surprising in my life. She moved, instantly full of life. She wrapped her arms around me, pressing her lips on mine and pulling me down on top of her as she rotated her body to be lying on the couch. Her eyes were still closed as she shoved her tongue into my mouth and hugged me tightly. It was at this point that I had gotten over minor shock and began rokettube to think.

“What if Mom had been waiting for Dad? He was supposed to come home late from work. Maybe she fell asleep waiting for him and now thinks that he’s back……and that I’m him….”

I decided to milk this for all I was worth. I responded just as fervently, sucking on her lips and grabbing her thigh, running my hand down to her ass. Then she opened her eyes.

I was in total amazement as she continued what she was doing. She must have known it was me all along.

I won’t go into much more detail here. I will, however, say that I lost my virginity to my Mother that night and she became pregnant. That was 2 years ago, when I was 18. I am now 20 and the father of a beautiful 1 year old girl named Lexi.

This impregnation of Mother certainly caused some household crisis. It was a tough time, but came out perfectly. We all sat down to discuss the matter in a little family meeting. Mom said that she would like to continue sleeping with me, and I was in favor. This resulted in the only solution we could come to that wouldn’t cause domestic issues. In return for giving up Marissa for good, Dad became romantically involved with my sister, Danielle.

Danielle was 19 at the time, 21 now. She inherited quite a few aspects from her Mother, namely the large breasts, buxom figure and entrancing black hair. She was blessed with 34Ds back then, 34E now. She would often parade around the house completely topless, showing off her impressive assets which would really get Dad going. They also had a child. A 1 year old girl that they named Scarlet. I’ve never slept with her though, or have seen her pussy. That’s for Dad’s eyes and cock only. And I was perfectly fine with that. Mom was all the woman I would ever need, and she was always there for me no matter what.

I also have 2 other siblings. Jake, 10. And Lindsey, 8. We have, however, set up a ground rule in the house. No sexual relations until the said person becomes 18.

So this was my incest-influenced family. And let me tell you, we’ve never been happier. And now it was the day were I could treat Marissa like the goddess that she was. It was Mother’s Day, one of my favorite days of the year.


Mom and I walked downstairs, holding hands. This had become a tradition as of late. We would start every day this way. We’d go into the day together, holding hands, and end it, sexually connected.

“Morning!” Mom said to everyone. Jake and Lindsey were watching Saturday morning cartoons and Danielle and Dad were at the kitchen table, eating breakfast. Danielle was topless again, her breasts resting on the table. “How’d you two sleep?” Marissa asked. “Hardly at all,” Danielle replied, winking at Dad.

“We need to go shopping today, Mom. Victoria’s Secret has that new line out now. And I should treat you to a Mother’s Day gift anyway.” “Awww, that’s sweet of you, dear,” Mom said, walking through the kitchen and getting the kid’s breakfast ready. “Hell, I should make some investments of my own. My wardrobe is getting repetitious. Isn’t it, babe?” She looked at me as she said this. “You know I’ll always enjoy whatever you have in store each night, Mom.” She smiled, bit her lip, then sighed. “Hey little brother,” Danielle said, “Check this out.” She was reading the newspaper and pointed to an article right next to her left breast. I walked around the table to read it.

“So son,” Dad said, picking up and taking his dishes to the sink, “You getting your Mother anything for Mother’s Day?” “Thinking about it,” I said, eyeing Mom who was bending over to get something out of the fridge. “I am sort of planning out an all day affair. A 24-hour honeymoon, if you will.”

Danielle turned towards me and leaned in close, whispering, “Dad and I can get a hotel room and we can take the kids to Sarah’s (Mom’s sister). You and Mom can have the whole place to yourself.”

Dad must’ve overheard because he looked from Dani’s breasts to me and said quietly, “We can make that happen if you want.” I looked at Mom again. She was standing at the kitchen island, her cleavage being clearly displayed while the kids stood next to her, waiting for their food. I turned back to Dad and Danielle. “Sounds like a plan. Can you clear out as soon as possible? I think I have today figured out.”

By 10 A.M., everyone was gone. The kids would stay the night at Sarah’s place and Dani and Dad would do their thing at the hotel. Marissa and I had to the whole house, the whole town and the whole day to ourselves. I told Mom to go upstairs and get dressed. I was going to take her out to lunch. I was also going to do several other things to her, but I won’t spoil it and tell you what happened.

I will tell you though, that Mom wanted me to change her clothes. I picked out an alternate blouse, a black one, and the matching pair of black jeans, one of my favorite pair. I also glossed over all of her high asyalı porno heels settled on her pair of skateboarding shoes.

“Wow,” she said, eyeing herself in the mirror as I pulled her jeans up over her thighs from behind and zipped them up, “I look 20.” “I know,” I replied, planting a little kiss on her smooth shoulder, “We’ll look like we’re on a date.” Marissa looked towards me and I looked back. She intertwined her lips with mine for only a moment. “Which we are,” I finished, “Just two people in love. Out celebrating Mother’s Day.” “Oh sweetheart,” Mom said, looking at us in the mirror. Me standing behind her, left hand on her left thigh and right hand on her right shoulder. Her hands on my left hand. “…You might have to change me again.”

“How come?”

“My panties are soaked.”


“And what for the young lady?”

Mom blushed. “Ohhh….hmm. The shrimp scampi, I think. With the caesar salad.” “Excellent, we’ll have it right out.” The waiter walked off. “That guy kept looking down my blouse,” Mom whispered across the table.


“Yea. Maybe you should have dressed me in something more discreet.”

“You kidding me? I wanted you to look plain, yet sexy. And you let me dress you up after all.”

“I suppose you’re right,” Mom said, taking a sip of her White Russian. “So what do you think about all of these people? Do you think that they’ll suspect anything?”

“Don’t be so paranoid. You look half your age. No 36 year-old mother wears jeans and tennis shoes on Mother’s Day. Look at all of the other Mothers. High heels, dresses, jewelry. All with their families.” “I know. How come I’m not wearing anything like that? I just look like I could be your girlfriend. And a girlfriend 5 years your senior, mind you.”

“Exactly. People just think that we are two young people, romantically involved. Which we most certainly are. And they won’t bat an eye when I do this…” I leaned across the table and gave Mom a small kiss. And sure enough, no one saw it as out of the ordinary.

“Wow,” Mom said, grinning and looking downwards, “You’re right. This is actually kind of exciting.”

“And here’s your food.” The waiter had returned.

After we were done eating, I insisted on taking Mom to Victoria’s Secret. We shopped for a solid 45 minutes and let her pick out anything she wanted. It made me so happy to see her filled with such joy in picking out different outfits, asking me which ones I liked.

We were on an aisle, I was flicking through the racks on the floor while she perused the shelves.

“What about this one?” she asked, holding a pair of blue panties across her fingers. I turned my head to see. “Get them if you want them.”

I turned back and continued sifting through the hangers. Then I felt something on my side. Mom had backed up a couple steps so her ass was encasing my leg.

“Baby, what kind of reply is that?” she asked, still facing the wall, “You’re the one who I’m picking these for, honey. I’m trying to find ones that you like the most. At this very moment, the pink pair with the ruffles and black polka dots is grinding against your right thigh. Now, let me ask again. Do you think that this little number should also join that crowd?” I looked down at Mom’s ass cheeks on my leg, then up at her face. She raised her eyebrows and moved her lips to one side. Damn, she was way too cute. I evaluated the panties again. “They’re gorgeous,” I said. Mom smiled and pulled away from my leg.

I payed for Mom’s intimates in cash. I’d been saving up for this day all year.

May 13. 134 days into the year. I’d worked 94 of those days. $10/hr, 5 hours a day, 5 days a week.

Minus other expenses, I had around $4,000 to spend on my Mother today.

Lunch = $40

Bras, Panties, Erotic Lingerie = $344

$3616 left, and the day was only half over.

Not only was it my goal to spend thousands of dollars on Mom, but I also wanted to give her as many orgasms as I possibly could. The first 2 took place in the Victoria’s Secret fitting room. It wasn’t really a special occasion, so I won’t go into a whole lot of detail. It was a pretty sensual situation though.

Mom had gone in first and gave me the signal when it was all clear. I hurried into the stall and we started in.

Then the store got busy.

People started to filter into the changing rooms while we were undressing each other. On either side of us, girls in their teens and twenties were stripping off their clothing and trying on all sorts of lingerie and other romantic attire. And meanwhile, while all of these women were seeing if a certain negligee or babydoll fit properly and made their boobs look good, I was in the next stall, balls deep in my Mother. I was holding her up against the stall wall, thrusting up and into her pussy.

She was whispering my ear. I couldn’t make out much of what she was saying. She was just lost in the moment. I was able to hold out through both of her orgasms. azeri porno This is something I had been training for months, actually. Not cumming and losing my sex drive throughout the day. Every time we fucked that day, I wanted to make sure my cock was even more hard than the last time.

It was her day, and I wanted to give her what no other woman often gets. A man who never cums, a man who is hard all day, for her and only her, and can last through even the most ensnaring sensations. This was all part of how the day would close. One of two big surprises for Mom. And since it’s a surprise, I’ll make you wait until the end to discover what it is. Just like Mom.

We waited until we were sure the fitting room was empty and then left the store. I fingered her in the car and made her cum again before we left. “Take a picture,” she said, panting and brushing her hair behind her ear. She was in the back seat, her jeans and shoes off. Panties, socks and top still on.

“I might want to remember this later.” She also changed into her new blue panties, because her pink ones had also gotten soaked.

Next stop, the movies. There was a new romantic-comedy Mom wanted to see. We held hands during the entire movie. Then I made out with her pussy lips in the Women’s bathroom afterwards. Made her cum once again.

Then Macy’s. I gave Mom a shopping cart and let her go to town. I did this because I actually had a purchase or two that I had to make myself without her around. I did so, hid them in the car, and got back in time for Mom to check out. She had gotten a couple household things. Dishes and the like. But mostly a lot of clothes.

We were almost finished with our day out. Last, and most key to my plan, was the 3 hour massage and spa. I dropped Mom off and got her set up. I told her that I had a couple things to do and would be back before she was finished. Once she got started, I got in the car and raced home. Along the way,I stopped at a grocery store and party favor place.

Once home, I unloaded the car and brought it all inside. I had bought ingredients for her favorite entree, Penne with Spinach, Oyster, Asparagus, Feta and Olives. Not exactly my favorite, per say, but it was her all-time favorite and was absolutely full of libido-boosting ingredients. To go along with this was Strawberries dipped in Dark Chocolate and Red Wine. All sex-drive increasing foods, as well as Mom’s favorites. A win win situation.

I had bought flowers the day before. 12 blood red roses. Symbols of love and passion, both of which I had immeasurable amounts for Mom. I put them in a vase and placed them in the center of the dining table. I dimmed the lights and lit candles next to the roses. I put out dishes while the food was cooking and then rushed upstairs. I grabbed a pair of her panties and began to set up her seating arrangment. I took 2 orchids (symbols of perfection) and placed them over her plate in the shape of an X. I then draped her panties over the middle were the flowers crossed. Then I placed her Mother’s Day card on top the panties. I ran into the kitchen and got the food ready to be served. Then I put in a mix of Debussy preludes (her favorite) on the CD player and surveyed the scene. Everything was set.


I picked Mom up from her massage and drove her home. I gave her a sheer black dress and fishnet stockings to change into on the way home. Almost crashed when she slid the stockings up her thighs. For the rest of the drive, Mom had her hands down my pants, holding my cock in her soft hands. It was subtle, but something about having your own Mother reaching down into your clothes to fondle you for her own enjoyment was an incredible turn on. It was her day, and yet all she wanted to do was hold me in her hands. A true Motherly characteristic in its purest form.

We were finally home. Mom gave my cock one final squeeze before taking her hand out and opening her door. I also got out and we entered the house. “Oh my…Is it…?” Mom said, walking through the front door. She walked through the living room and into the kitchen. “Oh my god! It is! You knew how to make it?” “Google can be a powerful ally when it comes to cooking,” I replied. “Oh sweetheart!” she said, turning from the scene I had set up earlier to me, “It’s beautiful. Your Dad never cooked me anything before. Or set up anything like this for me at all! It’s amazing! Thank you so much sweetie!” She kissed me but then took her lips off of mine and placed her index finger my mouth. “But honey..” “What, Mom?”

“Since I’m a Mother, may I ask you a question?” “Of course.” “I would like to serve dinner. Now don’t get all defensive. I’m the Mother of this household. It’s my natural place. I want to be the one in charge of dinner. It’s what I want. And also…” she said, placing one hand on my arm and the other on the back of my head, “I would like to change into a different outfit. I have something in mind. Is that alright?” “Of course,” I said, placing my hands on her hips, “You’re the Mother.”

She smiled and ran upstairs. I went into the kitchen and turned on the music. I brought the wine to the table and began to pour two glasses. It was when I was finished pouring Marissa’s glass that she came back down the stairs. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

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