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Mum Ch. 03

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It was half past midnight when I got in, tired, dirty and not in the best of humour.

Sunday had been going well. Mum had been out most of the day and Jen and I had the place to ourselves, so a leisurely lunch with a couple of glasses of wine saw us very relaxed and amorous. We almost went to bed then but by a sort of unspoken agreement we decided to wait until the evening when our anticipation would be so high we would fuck uninhibitedly. I was also aware that I would get additional excitement from knowing that my mother would be masturbating in the next room as she listened to us, something mum and I both thought it best for Jen not to know!

Then about half past six the phone rang.

A good friend and his wife were on holiday abroad and his mother who lived alone and not very far from us had rung him in a state of distress that something in her bathroom had started to leak and water was dripping down from the ceiling in the kitchen below. He said he realized it was a hell of a favour but would I be able to go and have a look at it for her and see if there was anything I could do.

Six hours later I got back home having spent most of that time crawling around on my hands and knees under the basin and the bath trying to sort it for her. It was one of those things that just when you thought you done it…you saw that you hadn’t. Eventually I stopped the leak but only after re-plumbing half the bathroom and eventually made it home.

The only consolation was that, although she was in her early 70’s she was still a fine looking woman and in many respects reminded me of mum. She was a little on the larger side with breasts that I would imagine hung down on her stomach when unsupported, and a bottom that just cried out to be fondled!

The best thing though was her wash-basket in the corner of the bathroom. During the first time she went downstairs to make me a cup of tea I investigated its’ contents and to my delight found two pairs of ‘granny’ pants one of which was heavily stained with both white streaks and leaked piss. Although tempted I didn’t lift them out as I could hear her stirring the cup downstairs and knew she would be back upstairs shortly. The next time however, she offered to make me a sandwich so I knew I had enough time to investigate them more thoroughly.

I got the stained ones from the basket and held them to my nose as I freed my penis from my jeans. It hardened in seconds as I inhaled the aroma of her old cunt and the stale piss and wondered if she had masturbated in them. She didn’t appear to wipe after pissing if the stains were anything to go by and the gusset was salty to taste as I ran my tongue over it. I enjoyed them for a few minutes thinking how similar to mum’s they were then heard her on the landing! I quickly threw them into the basket and struggled to get my hard cock tucked away before she appeared at the door. I don’t know if she saw me, she said nothing but was smiling as she handed me the sandwich.

I looked in on Jen before heading for the shower in the hope that she might still be awake and waiting but the sound of her soft snoring put paid to any that and did little to lift my mood. The shower relaxed me a little and I went downstairs in just my dressing gown to have a beer – a poor consolation prize. As I got it from the fridge I noticed the wine bottle from lunchtime now empty in the waste bin along with another one. Jen had obviously gone to bed quite relaxed!

As I was sitting there mulling over the events of the day I was startled as the door opened and mum came in quietly and closed it behind her.

‘Not quite the way you expected your weekend to end,’ she said softly, sadly a very accurate statement.

She was wearing a thin nightdress which ended above her knee and did little to disguise her heavy breasts and pointed nipples. From the way it rode up as she sat opposite me a large part of her upper thighs were on display also which she did little to try and cover. I could feel the stirrings in my groin which I tried to suppress.

‘No,’ I said wearily, ‘I was hoping she would still be awake for me.’

‘She was up to about an hour ago but the wine overtook her and she went off to bed.’ She paused. ‘But she did ask if she could borrow my toy so I told her to help herself.’

She looked at me warily expecting me to go mad I suppose, but it was just one more blow to add to the heap that had already spoilt my evening.

I shook my head and gave a little laugh.

‘Well at least she went to bed satisfied.’ I said ruefully.

‘Not really,’ she went on, ‘there was a call from her boss, something about someone rang him and said they wouldn’t be able to come in tomorrow so he asked her to come in early, at 8.00am. She was pretty pissed off about that as she had been looking forward to a lie-in in the morning.’

I smiled. ‘Serve her right.’ I said with a degree of satisfaction. ‘I’ve not got anything before noon tomorrow.’

‘That’s what I thought,’ there was a long pause then she looked Porno 64

at me with a slight smile. ‘…so would you like me to bring you up a cup of tea in the morning?’

It must have been my dark mood because I didn’t immediately cotton on to what she was saying then it hit me.

I looked at her wide-eyed.

‘You mean…?’

She nodded, ‘Well…the house will be empty so…’ She shrugged her shoulders.

I looked at her unable to believe that it might really happen at last. All the times I had thought about our conversations, and the times I had imagined it was her I was in when I was fucking Jen, of knowing she could hear us as I did…

I nodded slowly.

‘Are you sure you really want to?’ I asked fearful that the answer might not be what I wanted to hear.

This time it was her turn to nod but then her eyes dropped to my crotch and her smile widened. ‘And I can see the idea appeals to you as well!’

I looked down and to my horror my dressing gown had fallen open from the waist down exposing my cock that was by now fully erect.

‘God mum, I’m sorry.’ I blurted out turning red and attempting to cover myself up.

‘Don’t be,’ she said softly, ‘and please don’t cover it. You look so inviting.’

I was more worried in case Jen woke up and came down than my mother seeing me, but it did give me a thrill knowing she was looking at me and enjoying it. I pulled my gown together as best I could but it didn’t cover all it should.

‘About 8.30 be ok?’

I nodded slowly. ‘Are you sure though?’

Her response was to stand up and move in front of me casting a glance at the closed door as she did. She leant down and took my hand and pushed it up under her nightdress widening her stance as she did. She pulled my wrist until my hand was at her crotch and I could feel her hairs, slightly wiry and soft at the same time.

‘Go on,’ she whispered, ‘feel me.’

It was as if a lot of my dreams had suddenly come true. It was the first time I had ever intimately touched my mother and yet here she was urging me on and for a moment my hand remained still. Then I started to slowly and gently explore her and could feel her soft flesh beneath the hair, the warmth from between her thighs and then the wetness. As I slid my finger along what felt like a deep well -lubricated slit she gave a sharp intake of breath followed by a soft moan.

‘Oh fuck!’ she whispered bending forward close to my ear.

I continued to finger her slit deeper and deeper until I was able to push my finger right in and could feel her slight jerking as the sensations hit her.

‘God that feels so good.’ she whispered


As I turned my head to look at her she moved hers and our lips met but this time hers were open and wet. For a second I wondered if I should respond but the feel of her tongue as it pushed between my lips gave me the answer. It could only have been a few seconds but it was for me one of the most erotic kisses I have ever had and was over far too quickly as she pulled away.

‘We’d best be careful,’ she whispered moving back and disengaging my hand from her cunt, but as she did so she took hold of my penis and gently stroked it a couple of times.

‘Mum!’ I grunted through clenched teeth painfully aware that my orgasm was imminent. ‘For God’s sake!’

She released me and stood back to watch me wrestling to control my feelings and hold back my cum managing eventually to calm down as the threat passed.

‘I’d best go up now,’ she said softly and leant in to kiss me again. I didn’t know whether to offer my lips or cheek but she pushed my head slightly to one side and put her lips close to my ear.

‘Don’t masturbate tonight,’ she whispered, ‘save it for me tomorrow.’

Then she gave me a peck on the cheek, bid me goodnight and went upstairs leaving me sitting there with a painfully hard cock knowing full well I wouldn’t be sleeping well tonight.

I replayed the past few minutes in my mind and found it hard to believe what had happened. I had never even dreamed I would ever be able to touch my mother like that, but I had and put my finger, still slightly wet, to my nose to confirm where it had been.

There was no mistaking the aroma, one that I had sought out and enjoyed on her panties as often as I could, but here it was now on my skin! I had actually had my hand at the source of the juice that I had enjoyed many times damp or dry on her underwear but here it was on my finger.

I inhaled her smell deeply a few times before putting my finger in my mouth for possibly the freshest taste of her I had ever had. I sucked it clean and closed my eyes as I imagined what it would be like to have my mouth actually against her splayed lips and taste it straight from her body.

I went up to bed and lay naked beside Jenny, still snoring softly and completely unaware of what had happened downstairs. Out of curiosity I carefully slid my hand slowly under her pillow and sure enough there Konulu Porno was my mother’s little plastic toy. I thought about retrieving it and taking it to it’s rightful owner but then realized if it wasn’t still where she left it in the morning Jenny might deduce that I knew. I left it where it was.

I lay there for a long time with a sometimes semi or hard penis with all sorts of anticipation going through my head. At one point I almost laughed out loud when I thought of the old joke

‘Q. What’s the difference between light and hard?’

‘A. I can go to sleep with a light on.’

Eventually I must have dropped off because the next thing I was vaguely aware of was Jen switching the alarm off, getting out of bed and heading for the bathroom, cursing softly under her breath.

I dozed on and off as she came back in and got dressed and, checking to see if I was asleep, carefully retrieved the vibrator from under her pillow before leaning over and kissing me quickly on the cheek. I smiled to myself as she left the room and heard her knock softly on mum’s door, followed by a word of thanks, and then she went downstairs.

I could hear her in the kitchen but the next thing I registered was the front door closing and her car starting. I lay there for a while my cock hard and my heart thumping. What would happen next, should I stay and wait for mum or somehow let her know I was awake? I was anxious not to seem too keen but at the same time the anticipation was nerve-wracking especially as I didn’t know if she still wanted to go through with it


A few seconds later I heard her door open and a soft tap on my door.

‘Are you awake?’ she asked softly. I said I was then I heard her cross the landing and go downstairs. She’s gone to get the tea I thought so got up to go for a pee before she came back upstairs. Normally if Jen had been there I would have put on a dressing gown for the few paces to the toilet but as she wasn’t and mum was downstairs I decided to risk it and stepped out naked.

Just as I got to the bathroom I saw her coming up the stairs and my bravado evaporated. I covered my now semi-hard cock with my hands and stuttered embarrassedly

‘I thought you’d gone down to make tea.’

She looked at me and smiled shaking her head

‘Just to put the latch on.’

She was in the same nightdress and if anything her nipples were even more prominent than they had been last night. She was staring directly at my hands then glanced up and raised her eyebrows.

‘Can I see?’ she asked softly

I took my hands away.

‘Mmmmmm,’ she said softly as she got to the landing, ‘don’t be long.’

It takes ages to piss with a hard or semi cock as any man knows but eventually I shook the last few drips off. As I walked back to the bedroom I felt as nervous as hell and my erection started to flag even more. I wondered if she felt the same way although I doubted it, she was certainly making the running now.

I went in and closed the door, she had already got into bed and had pulled the duvet up to cover her breasts but her nighty was now in a crumpled heap on the floor. She looked at me and smiled, pulling the duvet up to indicate my side of the bed and exposing her nakedness to me for the first time.

Her breasts were hanging to the side she was laying on with her nipples proud and hard and her rounded belly was also resting on the sheet. I just stopped and stared at her drinking in the sight I had wanted to see all these years and had been an important mental image in my many masturbation sessions about her, my naked mother.

‘Come on,’ she said softly, ‘I’m getting cold.’

I just continued to look at her taking in every detail of her naked body.

‘Don’t you know it’s rude to keep a lady waiting?’ she asked with a smile.

I got into bed beside her and she pulled the duvet over us. I lay facing her with my face a few inches from hers before leaning forward tentatively for a kiss. Our lips met, hers open with her tongue forcing it’s way between mine, and then we were kissing deeply my face pressed tight to hers.

We broke apart and just looked at each other and I slowly drew the duvet down to look at her breasts again.

‘They’re old and saggy now.’ she said somewhat regretfully.

‘Oh no,’ I breathed, ‘they’re beautiful… you are beautiful.’ and bent down to kiss them and take an aroused nipple between my lips.

She moaned softly and clasped my head to her as I suckled on her just as I had so many years ago and had wanted to do so often in the intervening years. I could feel myself growing again against her belly and flinched slightly as I felt her hand grasp and fondle me.

She pulled me up to her again and softly asked me to lay on her as I felt her legs spreading against me.

‘I will,’ I whispered back, ‘but first I want to kiss you and taste you if you’ll let me.’

She smiled and pushed my shoulders down her body and under the duvet. Porno İndir I quickly pushed it off and knelt up between her thighs before bending down to look closely at her cunt. Her lips were swollen and wet and protruded from the dense salt and pepper hair that adorned her crotch stretching from the top of her pubis and disappearing in the cleft between her buttocks. The aroma arising from her sex was heavenly and I bent closer to fully savour the strong smell.

‘Oh God!’ I whispered as I inhaled it deeply.

I gently opened her lips with my thumbs to expose the wetness that lay between, little strands of sticky liquid joining them til they parted fully and exposed the slippery pink of her inner cunt. I ran my finger up her slit and gently pushed it inside and felt her lift her crotch towards me.

‘Oh yes,’ she hissed, her eyes partly closing as I reamed my finger round deep inside her. She was so hot and wet, slippery from her juice and moving gently in time with my finger. I pulled it out of her and kneeling up looked her in the eyes as I sucked her delicious juice from my hand.

She just watched me then lifted he knees up to her tits exposing herself to me fully, open and glistening wet down to her other darker hole. She reached down round her legs and pulled her lips apart, her inner pinkness showing a contrast to the hair and darker skin of the surrounding flesh.

Unable to resist any longer I pushed my face to her crotch and my tongue into her cunt. I heard her gasp as I forced it in as deep as I could reach the sought out her clit at the top of her slit, her solid little sensitive nub. My first impression was how hot she was, not just warm but to my lips and tongue she felt quite heated, then came the glorious taste, salty and slightly bitter and the smell, the powerful smell.

I worked my tongue as much as I could over her exposed genitals feeling her jerking and gasping softly as I did, then with my face saturated with her juice I began kissing my way up her body again. I stopped to suckle her nipples biting them gently as I did and hearing her moan and twitch with the sensation. Then she pulled me up to her face and whispered hoarsely ‘For god’s sake fuck me!’

I reached down and holding my cock rubbed the head up and down her wet slit a couple of times before easing gently and slowly forward.

There is always a thrill when you are just about to enter a warm and willing woman especially one you have never fucked before but that anticipation was magnified a hundredfold knowing who it was laying beneath me.

‘Go on.’ she urged softly

I pushed steadily and slowly deep into her cunt so wet and unresisting, and watched her eyes half close as my pubis met hers. I was completely surrounded by her body and it is difficult to describe the feelings I had at that moment.

After all these years here I was inside my mother, enjoying her body, feeling her arms round me holding me to her, kissing my wet face and listening to her soft moans as I started to actually fuck her.

I had to take it easy and try and concentrate on something else or I would have cum within a few seconds and I think she knew it, keeping relatively still as I built up confidence and a regular rhythm. When she sensed I was in control she wrapped her legs round my buttocks and started to lick her cream from my face.

‘Oh God!’ I moaned at her, and she buried her face in the crook of my neck, kissing and nibbling it as we moved together.

I could hear her breathing getting faster and shallower and knew she was getting close, then she suddenly whispered in my ear ‘Keep fucking me as I cum…don’t stop…please…Oh God!…’

Then I felt her. It was not the soft gentle cum I had seen in the lounge, she jerked violently under me and I could feel her cunt clenching me over and over. She was grunting, gasping and moaning all at once and her arms and legs tightened round me as if she was afraid I was going to slip or pull out of her. I bit my tongue hard to stop myself from ejaculating and against all the odds was able to hold back until she lay quietly, eyes closed and breathing heavily.

After a while she opened her eyes and smiled at me.

‘That was…that was…so good, ‘ she breathed, ‘I’ve been awake for ages thinking of this. You feel wonderful…did you cum?’

I shook my head and her eyes widened.

‘Would you like to now?’

‘In a minute, I just want to be like this for a little longer.’

Then I realized that my weight was fully on her and started to push myself up and off her.

‘What are you doing?’ She asked.

‘I must be squashing you.’

She pulled me back down to her again.

‘Please don’t get up…I love being like this.’

I settled back and started kissing her neck.

‘Will you make me cum again when you do? I so want to with you.’

I smiled into her neck.

‘I’ll do my best.’

She laughed softly. Then her tone changed.

‘All those wasted years,’ she said sadly, ‘when it could have been this good.’

‘You know I love you John, and have often wondered what it would be like with you.’

‘I love you too mum…’ I hesitated ‘…and you have no idea how often I wondered what you would be like when I was in Jenny!’ ‘I’m so sorry.’

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