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Original Angels Ch. 08

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All characters are over the age of eighteen.


The Next Few Weeks

I kept my promise and hosted a cookout at my house on the Friday after our nude weekend. I had asked Trish if she would plan to spend the night and she agreed on the condition that Tracy and Teri could stay also. It made sense not to leave them at home alone, and after our last weekend together, I certainly had no objections. I even picked up some new linens for the guest rooms to make the girls as welcome as I could.

When they arrived that afternoon, I gave them all a tour of my home and the yard. Actually it’s a small ranch minus the farm animals, but Tracy and Teri were thrilled to see all of the open space and play areas that I have. They especially were interested in the new trampoline that I had just had delivered. I admitted that it was mostly for them and they couldn’t conceal their excitement. We agreed that a swim would be nice and headed for the pool. Taking note that I have no neighbors within a mile or so, and no prying eyes to hide from, we all undressed and swam in the nude.

When we got out of the pool, we all just remained naked as I began to prepare dinner. Trish came and helped me in the kitchen and outside at the grill while Tracy and Teri broke in the new trampoline. Their cheerleading and gymnastics skills were apparent as they did flips and twists and turns in the air with no fear at all. Trish complimented me on my thoughtfulness for acquiring the tramp, but also admonished me for buttering up to them and warned me to be careful not to spoil them too much. I told Trish that I would always check with her, in the future, before I purchased something like that again. She thanked me with a long wet kiss and a playful squeeze of my dick while we cooked the brats on the grill. Traci spotted us and giggled from across the yard.

When supper was ready we called the girls and they came running. I sent them inside to wash up before eating and then we all sat outside on the patio and ate. I asked the girls if they had any plans for the weekend. Tracy asked if we could rent some movies and Trish and I thought that was a good idea. Teri mentioned that her class car wash had been rescheduled and so she had nothing to do on Saturday.

‘Can we hang out here and play on the trampoline and swim?’ she asked.

I looked at Trish and she nodded her approval and so together we consented to a plan for a lazy weekend at my place.

After dinner we cleaned up the kitchen and Tracy asked if she could go and get the movies. Since she was a relatively new driver, she was still in the ‘ask permission’ mode and Trish said it would be OK.

I looked at Trish and quietly asked, ‘Why not let her take my car?’ I knew that Tracy was dying to drive my Jaguar convertible that she had seen in the garage earlier in the day. Trish smiled, knowing that I was eager to share my toys with the girls, and also appreciative that I had asked her first.

She responded by answering Traci. ‘Rob says you can take his car, if you want to.’

Tracy’s eyes opened wide. ‘Really? Oh thank you Rob! I promise I’ll be careful.’ She ran over and jumped up on me to give me a hug. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and her legs around my waist. I felt her ripe young breasts against my chest and my cock jumped just a twitch up towards her naked pussy. I held her ass in my hands and kissed her on the cheek as she slid down my hips and back onto the floor.

‘I better put some clothes on.’ She said as she ran off towards her room. Trish and I laughed together and I felt a warm feeling inside knowing that gaziantep yabancı escort I was assuming a semi parental role and it was going well so far.

When Tracy came back out, I gave her the keys and asked if she had any questions about driving the car. She asked if I would come out in the garage just to show her everything. She hugged her mom and then she and I walked out to where the car was parked. She held my hand as we walked and I felt like a kid in high school with my new girlfriend.

When we got to the car, Tracy opened the door and sat down into the drivers’ seat. When she looked up at me smiling, I noticed that I could see down her top to her perky nipples and they looked as though she was excited. As she reached forward to turn the key in the ignition, the view got even better. Tracy looked up and caught me staring down her shirt.

‘Do you like looking at my titties?’ she inquired.

Although slightly embarrassed at being caught, I smiled and admitted that I did. ‘You’ve got some cute ones and I can never resist a peek inside a pretty girl’s shirt.’

‘I like it when I see you watching me too.’ Tracy replied. ‘It makes me feel pretty and desirable. Do you think I’m pretty?’

I nodded and answered. ‘You are one of the prettiest young women I’ve ever seen before. And I mean it! You’re going to break a lot of young boys’ hearts.’

She blushed slightly at the honesty of my answer. ‘Well, I’ll never break your heart,’ she said, ‘you can have me anytime you want.’ My face was close enough that she only had to stretch a tiny bit to kiss me on my lips. I kissed back and we remained that way for just a few seconds, but it was way more than a friendly peck. Then she put the car in gear and began to pull away.

‘Thank you Rob. I love you. I’ll be careful and I’ll hurry right back.’

I watched as she drove out the driveway and caught her watching me in the rear view mirror. I realized that I was still naked and standing in the doorway of my garage. Not that anyone could ever see me, but just that I hadn’t been naked in that part of the house before. It wasn’t like the seclusion that I felt in the back yard. I turned and walked back into the house.

Trish had just sat down in the game room on my big leather chair and Teri was climbing onto her lap. Seeing the two naked female forms cuddling together made me stir and I walked over beside them and bent down to give Trish a kiss. As we kissed, Teri moved closer and kissed us both, by surprise, and we shifted into a rather sensuous three way kiss with tongues licking everywhere.

‘Mmm, mom, Rob’s a good kisser isn’t he?’ the precocious teen asked.

‘Yes he is darling. And so are you.’ Trish told her. ‘I guess those practice sessions we’ve had are working. So who else have you been kissing lately?’

Once again, I was blown away by the intimacy that was shared between Trish and her daughters, but I was so glad to be a part of it. It would just take some time to get used to.

Teri looked back at her mother. ‘I’ve only kissed you and Tracy before. I’ve never kissed another boy, except Rob. His lips are different and his chin feels rough. But he tastes good…’

Trish laughed and agreed. ‘He sure does! I can’t get enough of him!’

She kissed me again and Teri joined once more. Trish put her arm around my waist and then I felt Teri place her hand at the top of my leg, very close to my dangling dick. I pulled back slightly and we broke our kiss. I pretended that I needed something from my bedroom and headed off gaziantep genç escort through the door. What I really needed was a quick break from the excitement of the moment with Trish and her bold young daughter.

I stood in the bathroom contemplating what was happening. I was finally grasping the fact that Trish indeed had a sexual relationship with her daughters as well as the traditional mother daughter relations. And I also realized that I was being welcomed into the triangle of love and in fact, I was being warmly received by all three of the girls equally. What had begun as my own normal pursuit of a female companion was becoming a foursome with an incestuous twist!

I had to overcome my uneasiness about the strangeness of the affair and simply accept it and enjoy it, as Trish and the girls were doing already. I stared at myself in the mirror. I know that I’m a good looking guy, but I’m no Adonis! How did I get so lucky?

When I walked back into the game room Trish and Teri were still cuddling in the chair. I sat down in the big chair opposite them and watched as Teri traced her finger over her mother’s nipple. It was erect and Teri was marveling at what she had done. Trish kissed her ear and then touched Teri’s nipple as well. She pinched it and pulled on it and then leaned forward to kiss and suckle on it. Teri held her mom’s head and pulled her close to her chest. Then she looked over at me and smiled that childish grin, knowing that I was getting turned on at the sight of the two of them. She spread her legs open and ran a finger slowly along her puffy young crease. I touched myself and felt the surge of rigidity and my cock jumped from its resting position. Teri pulled her mother closer and kissed her hair.

I heard the garage door going down and Tracy walked into the room. She surveyed the sight and then strolled over to my side.

‘Are they leaving you out?’ she asked.

‘No no, I was just enjoying watching.’ I replied.

‘I can see that you’re enjoying it!’ Tracy said as she eyed my growing cock. ‘Mind if I join you?’

I scooted over to make room for her next to me on the chair. She sat down and hugged me and let her hand slide down to my hardening tool. I put my arm around her waist and she slid down so that my hand moved up to her breast. I let my fingers roam and stroked her titty through her loose tank top. She leaned closer and kissed me near my mouth.

‘Mmm that feels good Rob. But let me take off my shirt.’

I released my fingers and she pulled her top over her head. Then she slid her shorts down and kicked them off with her shoes and just like that, she was naked in my lap.

I looked across at Trish who was now busy rubbing her fingers in Teri’s juicy young pussy. She smiled at me and mouthed an approving kiss through the air. I smiled back as Tracy settled in deeper in my lap and buried her face in my ear and neck. I felt her sigh as we snuggled. My hand was stroking her naked leg and hip. She curled her legs up and my hand drifted down across her ass and into the cleft. My fingers strained to touch her virginal bunghole and even further into the warmth between her legs. She wiggled her butt and my fingers slipped into the moist fold. Tracy sighed again and kissed my neck.

God I felt like a teenager at a make out party!

With my other hand I reached for Tracy’s face. I touched her chin and she looked up into my eyes.

‘Oh Rob. Make me feel warm and juicy. Like mom does…’

Then she kissed my lips. I opened my mouth and she did the same. Our gaziantep gerçek resimli escort tongues were dancing and her warm saliva tasted so fresh and sweet. I tried not to be too aggressive. I let her be the one to set the pace. My middle finger was now tucked well inside of her. I flicked the first knuckle and she squirmed down taking me in further. I kept up the writhing of my finger as she got wetter on my hand. My right hand dropped from her cheek and I twisted her pert young nipple gently between my thumb and fingers. Tracy pulled my head tighter in her seductive teen aged kiss.

Across the floor, Trish was bringing Teri to a climax. Teri’s cries and motions signaled that she was getting what she wanted from her mother.

Tracy pushed down harder on my hand and I stretched my finger to reach her innermost depth.

‘Oh yes Rob! That feels so good! Right there!’

I had apparently found her young G-spot. I twirled my finger inside of her until it began to ache. She was bouncing and writhing on my extended digit while my cock pressed up against the warmth and softness of her leg and ass. I was so engrossed in her pleasure that my own needs were out of my mind.

When she came I felt a rush of warm juice flowing into the palm of my hand and I hugged her tightly. She sighed heavily into my neck and hugged me back.

‘Oh God Rob! That’s the first time I ever felt quite like that!’

Trish glanced over at us wondering just what I might have done that went further than she had gone before. Then she smiled at me, knowing that if Tracy had enjoyed it, that was all that mattered. I continued to stroke Tracy with long soft strokes from her thigh to her breast. As her heavy breathing subsided she became aware of my rigid cock pressing at the underside of her leg. She shifted to release it and grasped it with her hand as it stood before her.

‘Oops. I guess I did that to you without knowing it.’ She said sheepishly.

‘Oh don’t worry Tracy. I was having more fun making you feel good. Did you like it?’

‘Mmm yes Rob.’ She looked over at Trish and smiled. Trish nodded and smiled back as Tracy snuggled into my neck again.

Teri was sacked out across her mother’s legs. Her arms spread wide and her legs laying wide open to our view. Tracy laughed and said, “God Teri! Are you totally spent?’

Teri giggled and then spoke. “I like doing it like this with Mom here. Can we trade and do it some more?’

Trish laughed and pushed Teri off her legs. “Gosh Teri, you know Rob and I have our own wants and needs. Do you think we’re just here to please you two whenever you want?’

Tracy laughed and answered. ‘Now that you mention it, it sounds like a good idea to me!’

We all laughed together.

‘Sorry Rob,’ Trish said, ‘I didn’t mean to turn you into an auto sex machine for my two horny girls!’

We laughed again.

‘Am I complaining?’ I asked. ‘I’ll let you know if they become too much to handle!’

Trish stood up and changed the subject. ‘Tracy? Where are those movies you went to get?’

I watched as she unconsciously rubbed her pussy and looked around for the package with the DVDs. Tracy stood up and walked over to the table where she had put them. I admired her firm young ass and her lithe figure. She handed the bag to Trish and they examined the titles together. They put their arms around each others’ waist and stood there in all of their naked glory.

Teri was still spread out on the chair across from me.

I silently marveled at my own unending good fortune…

Over the next few weeks, we alternated weekends at my house with visits to the nude resort. We all grew even closer and so incredibly comfortable with each other. I knew that I had found my true love in Trish and a love for her children as well.

It was only three months since we had met, but I asked Trish to marry me. Again…this time for real.

And we both consulted with Tracy and Teri. And we all were overjoyed.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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