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Being a school teacher I have the summer off. So when Billy left for work in the morning I was still in my pajamas when I went out to get the paper. I thought about throwing on a robe but decided “screw it”, my light weight linen pajamas would do just fine.
As I picked up the paper I saw Billy’s next door neighbor, Debie, getting her paper too. We struck up a conversation and she invited me over to her house for coffee or tea.
I told her I needed to put some clothes on first, but she said not to bother as she was only wearing a robe and didn’t plan to get dressed. I tossed the paper up on the porch and went over to Debie’s house.
Sitting in her kitchen she told me about living next to Billy while he was growing up. She was only about ten years older than Billy but always felt like a mother figure to Billy.
Both her kids were out of the house and off to college and her asshole husband had run off with his secretary about six months ago.
We sat and talked for about forty-five minutes. Every time she shifted in her seat or got up to refill her coffee her robe would open up a bit. She was naked underneath. No bra. No panties.
I wasn’t one to speak. I wasn’t wearing a bra or panties either.
When I was getting up to leave Debie said, “I’m going for a walk around the neighborhood. If you have time come walk with me.”
“Okay, let me go put some clothes on and I’ll be right back.”
We met outside about ten minutes later. Debie was wearing shorts and a tee shirt. I could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra. She didn’t need one; she had small “perky” tits.
I wasn’t as brave as she was. My breasts were even smaller than Debie’s, but I was wearing a sports bra.
We walked escort bayan and shot the shit for about an hour. I loved listening to her “Billy” stories.
Walking wasn’t very stressful, but it was hot and humid. When we got back we were both in serious need of a shower.
“I’m going to cool off in the pool,” I said. “Come have a swim with me.”
“Okay, let me go put on a swim suit,” she said.
I told her she didn’t have to wear a suit if she didn’t want to. “I’m planning to swim bare-assed naked.”
Debie wasn’t ready to start skinny dipping with someone she only met a couple hours ago.
When she came back she was wearing a tiny string bikini. Sometimes I think a little bit of clothing is more erotic than no clothing. This was certainly one of those times.
In deference to Debie I decided to wear a swim suit too. And I had the perfect one in mind. Billy’s sister, Jenn, had left her red “Bay Watch” suit here when she was over last weekend.
The suit was real tight on me. My breasts would never fill out the suit like Jenn’s but my nipples were hard and pushed out the nylon out like little bullets.
Before we jumped in the pool Debie came over to me and put her hand between my legs. And pulling one side of the suit out, she stuck her fingers in and ran them down from my clit to my ass hole.
“Sorry about that,” she said. “One of your lips was flapping in the wind.
It took me a moment to understand what she was talking about.
“Oh,” I said, embarrassed. “This isn’t my swim suit. I guess it fits Jenn better.”
“I’ve seen Jenn in this suit and you’re right, it fits her like a 2nd skin. But don’t worry,” she said as she ran her hand over my breast altıparmak escort bayan and stiff nipple, “You do it justice, too.”
Debie swam up to me in the shallow end and said, “Billy and Jenn have been swimming in this pool for years. I used to watch them from my bedroom window. Usually, if their parents were gone, they were skinny dipping. Many times they were doing more than just skinny dipping, if you catch my drift.”
I laughed. “Billy says you’re a MILF,” I said. “I had to look up MILF on the internet.”
“Billy’s sweet, but I think I’m more Jenn’s MILF than I am Billy’s,” Debie said. “It wasn’t until my kids had gone off to school and my asshole husband ran off with his secretary that I realized I liked snatch a lot better than cock. And I think Jenn does too.”
When we got out of the pool I offered Debie a beer and we sat at the patio table telling lies.
The only other woman I’ve been with was Jenn and I didn’t know how to make a pass at another women.
Debie helped when she said, “Look at you, Robyn. You’re drop dead gorgeous. If you weren’t fucking Billy I’d be down on my knees right now eating your pussy.”
I nearly choked on my beer. “Just because I like cock doesn’t mean I don’t like pussy, too!”
I looked at Debie. She had her hand in her bikini. I went over to her and pulled down her suit. I sat there watching her masturbate.
“I needed that,” Debie said after her climax. “I’ve never had anyone just sit there and watch. It was a real turn-on.”
She came over to me and reaching between my legs pulled my swim suit tight giving me a “pussy wedgie.”
I started rubbing myself, but she moved my hand nilüfer eskort away. Leaning down she sucked my clit right through the nylon suit. My orgasm was so intense I nearly fell out of the chair when I came.
Debie stood up and took her bikini top off. “Last one in is a rotten egg,” she said as she headed to the pool.
I couldn’t get my suit off fast enough as I followed her into the pool.
We were both in the pool, naked, when Billy got home.
When he saw Debie he turned his back to us and said, “I’m sorry, Mrs. Allen, I didn’t know you were here.”
“Oh, don’t be such an idiot, Billy,” Debie said. “Come join us. And my name is Debie, I’m not Mrs. Allen anymore.”
The next morning I was sitting on the back porch having a cup of coffee when Debie poked her head over the fence and said, “Hey, you wanna go for a walk around the neighborhood?”
“Sure, let me go change.”
I didn’t wear a bra or panties this time, only shorts and a tee shirt.
I noticed Debie kept grabbing her crotch while we were walking. “You have an itch?” I asked.
“I’m wearing a thong,” she said. “The damn thing keeps riding up my crack. And I’m not talking about my ass crack.”
A few minutes later she said, “I have to take this damn thong off, it’s annoying the hell out of me.
“Look, there’s a big bush,” she said.
After a minute or so Debie came out from behind the bush waving a purple thong. “In the immortal words of Cream, ‘I feel free’.” She tossed the thong to me.
“What am I supposed to do with this? I don’t have any pockets.”
“I don’t know, me neither,” she said.
What the fuck, I thought. I pulled my shorts down a bit and pushed Debie’s thong in my pussy with my fingers. I wasn’t wearing panties but I was sure the thong would stay put until Debie and I got back to the house.
Debie watched me stuff her thong up my cunt. “Now, that’s downright naughty,” she said. “Keep it warm for me and I’ll get it back when we finish walking.”
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