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Slow Hand and a Woman’s Touch Ch. 05

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Big Tits

Lauren shows Jack sexy and salacious photos of her daughter in her bra and panties, topless, and naked.

Continued from Chapter 04:

With Jack not a very proficient or an efficient pussy eater, it took Lauren more than twice as long to cum whenever he ate her pussy. A rare occurrence for him to eat her, she was always blowing him. Perhaps, the long time that it took her to cum was one reason why he didn’t enjoy eating her cunt.

Obviously, he didn’t enjoy eating her pussy in the way that she enjoyed sucking his cock or sometimes pretended to enjoy sucking his cock. Obviously, he wasn’t as experienced eating her pussy as she was experienced sucking his prick. Obviously, with him an impatiently selfish man, he wasn’t very good at sexually exciting her with his fingers and/or with his tongue in the way she was expert at sexually exciting him with her hand and/or her mouth.

Whenever she blew him, while stroking him faster and sucking him deeper, it only took him a few minutes to cum in her mouth, all over her face, and/or across her naked breasts. Whenever she blew him, as soon as he ejaculated his cum in her mouth or all over her face, he was ready to go to sleep. With him always in the mood for her to suck him, she wished he was always in the mood to eat her.

Getting himself in position for the long haul, he moved in between her legs and moved himself closer to her pussy. He moved close enough to lean forward to lick her. No doubt, as it always was in the past, by the time she was ready to cum, he’d have lockjaw. By the time she was ready to cum, he’d be squirming from the uncomfortableness of his awkward neck and back breaking position. By the time she was ready to cum, he’d be bored, lose interest, and be ready to quit.

Only, this time, with her promising to show him sexually salacious photos of her daughter if he licked and fingered her pussy, with his eye on the prize, seemingly, he was determined to give her an oral, sexual orgasm. He was determined to make her cum. Licking her faster while fingering her deeper, resolute and motivated to make her cum, he had to give her a sexual orgasm for her to show him sexy, naked photos of her daughter, Becky.

As if he suddenly became a pussy eating expert, he sucked on her labia. He licked her vulva. As if he suddenly turned into a pussy eating machine, he rubbed her clit harder, licked her pussy faster, and fingered her cunt deeper. Obviously, motivated to make her cum, the promise of showing him sexy photos of her daughter was his inspiration.

Determined to make her to cum, obviously, the sooner she had her oral orgasm the better. The sooner she had her orgasm, the sooner he’d be looking at sexy photos of her daughter. As if he was suddenly possessed with eating her cunt, licking her faster and rubbing her clit harder, Lauren sexually teased her boyfriend with sexually inappropriate photos of her daughter.

“Oh, Jack. Jack. That feels so good. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop,” she said. “Lick me, Jack. Lick me faster. Lick me harder. Eat my cunt. Eat me, Jack. Eat me. Fingerfuck my pussy. Make me cum, Jack. I need to cum,” said Lauren.

In the way that he always put a heavy hand to the back of her head when she blew him, she put a heavy hand to the back of his head while he licked her. When he tried to resist and lift his head to come up for air, playing the role of the sexual abuser, she mashed his face in her pussy. As if she was a Dominatrix instead of his sexy girlfriend, she held his head in both of her hands. Moving his head up and down and from side-to-side, she used his face as her personal sponge.

Still not done having her wicked, sexual way with his tongue, she rubbed his face all over her soaking wet cunt. In the way he ejaculated his cum in her mouth, all over her face, in her hair and across her big tits, awash in her sexual wetness, she wiped her vaginal secretions all over his face. In the way her face and breasts dripped with his cum whenever he gave her a cum bath, returning the sexual favor, he was dripping with her vaginal secretions.

Then, from out of nowhere, as if he knew exactly what to do and what to say, he sexually teased her with his voice. Adding animation to eating her pussy, as if he was an X-rated cartoon character, he sexually delighted her by making pussy eating sounds. Adding a new, sexual dimension to fingering and licking her pussy, he added animated sounds to eating her cunt while blowing his warm breath in her pussy.

“Uma, uma, uma,” he said while licking her pussy. A new sexual trick up his sleeve that he added to his sensual menu, he added sound effects to his finger fingering her and his tongue licking her. “Uma, uma, uma,” he said when she wiggled her ass. “Uma, uma, uma. Uma, uma, uma,” he said breathing his warm air in her cunt. “Uma, uma, uma,” he said as if he was suddenly enjoying eating her pussy in the way she always enjoyed sucking his prick.

Surprising him, obviously, by the moaning sounds and the wiggling motion she made, in addition to enjoying him fingering her while licking her, seks hikayeleri she seemingly enjoyed his sound effects, too. Obviously, surprising him, by adding a new dimension to eating her pussy, the sound effects sexually aroused her. Obviously, surprising him, instead of taking fifteen minutes for her to cum, instead of him stopping in pain from numbness and her stopping him in sexual frustration, she was ready to cum in less than five minutes.

Perhaps, because it had been so very long since he had taken the time to finger and lick her pussy was the reason why she was ready to cum. Perhaps, because she had witnessed her daughter naked and having gay sex with her bi-sexual lover, was the reason why she was so sexually excited. More sexually aroused than normal, perhaps, she had imagined Ellen and even her daughter fingering her pussy while licking her pussy. Perhaps, because she had verbalized her sexual suggestion to having a threesome or even a foursome, those thoughts put her in the sexual mood to cum much quicker.

“Jack! Jack! Oh, my God, Jack! I’m cumming. I’m cumming, Jack. Don’t stop licking me. Don’t stop fingering. Lick me faster. Lick me harder. Finger me deeper. Rub my clit. Rub my clit. There, right there. Yeah, baby, that’s it. Jack, oh, Jack,” she said.

She tightened her legs before letting herself go. Then, she collapsed as if she had died. She reached down for him while he reached up for her. He wiped his face on the towel she had at the ready on the arm of the couch. She kissed him deep and long. Then, holding on to one another, they basked in the afterglow of sex.

She only wished that in the way she had walked in on Becky and Ellen having lesbian sex, Becky and Ellen had walked in on them having heterosexual sex. In the way that she saw her daughter’s naked pussy and Ellen’s shave cunt, Lauren would have loved to expose her naked pussy and ass to her daughter and to her lesbian lover. After seeing her naked ass and pussy, in the way she was sexually aroused to have sex with her daughter and/or her lover, she wondered if her daughter and/or Ellen would be tempted to finger her while eating her.

She knew that after he ate her, with him needing to cum too, she needed to blow him. Yet, not ready to suck him just yet, it was enough that she was ready and willing to show him sexy photos of her daughter in her bra and panties, topless, and naked. No doubt, at least for now, he’d much rather see photos of Becky in her bra and panties, topless, and/or naked than to receive a blowjob.

Chapter 05:

After eating Lauren and making her cum, Jack looked at his girlfriend as if he was a good little boy. He looked at Lauren as if she was his mother and he had just pleased her by getting a good report card. He looked at her as if he was expecting his just rewards for licking her pussy, fingering her cunt, and making her cum.

“May I see the photos of Becky now?”

Not knowing what she’d find on her daughter’s computer, Lauren hoped there was something to show Jack as his reward for eating her. Maybe, the more sexually inappropriate photos she showed him of her daughter, the more he’d eat her and the more he’d make her cum. Yet, she was sad that she had to use her daughter to get what she sexually wanted from her boyfriend. Nonetheless, after seeing Becky and Ellen naked, she was sexually excited to see sexy photos of them too.

Lauren stood and wiped herself with the towel that she had been sitting on to protect her vaginal secretions from staining the fabric on the couch. She put her panties on and fluffed down her short skirt. Then, she reached for his hand to help Jack to a standing position. He straightened his posture as if he had been a contortionist confined in a small space. Obviously, in how he was contorted while eating her and the way that he stood without pain, his back wasn’t hurting him anymore.

“Come on,” she said.

As if Lauren was his owner carrying a doggie treat, Jack followed her as if he was a dog hoping for a bone.

“Where are we going?”

Not answering him, she turned and smiled. She entered Becky’s room and sat in front of her computer. She typed in her daughter’s password, PortiadeRossi69 while realizing what her password meant for the first time. Portia de Rossi was Ellen DeGeneres’ wife and 69 was obvious. Her password made sense since Becky’s lover was named Ellen too, the same, first name as DeGeneres’ wife.

She turned to look up at Jack who stood behind her while staring over her shoulder at all that he was about to see of her daughter on the computer screen. She knew that her daughter was organized with her computer files but, unfortunately, not with hanging her clothes or parking her car. As if there was a drumroll, as if they were children snooping on their parents’ computer, the suspense was real. She clicked on the folder marked Becky’s Photos and Becky instantly appeared in a wall of photos wearing different outfits. There were photos of her in jeans and tops, skirts and blouses, and in gaziantep şişman escort bayan dresses.

Ready to disrespect Becky’s privacy and betray her daughter’s trust, Lauren moved to the next page of photos. With all of her photos saved to the Cloud, magically, Becky instantly appeared in her bra and panties. Lauren looked up at Jack and smiled proudly while he stared at the photos with his mouth open. As if had never seen a twenty-something, young woman in her bra and panties before, he continued staring at his girlfriend’s daughter posing in her underwear.

“Wow,” said Jack. “She’s smoking hot. She’s a younger version of you. She looks just like you in your bra and panties. Like mother like daughter, she has your sexy and shapely body.”

Lauren laughed at her boyfriend’s comments with nervousness. Taking a huge risk, she was threading uncharted ground. Was she doing right thing in showing her boyfriend, sexy photos of her daughter? What if he sexually wants her daughter more than he sexually wants her? What if he leaves her for her daughter. Only, even if she didn’t have a lesbian lover, Becky would never take up with Jack. Not very fond of him, she barely tolerates him.

“If I say so myself, she does look good in her underwear. She looks as good as a lingerie model,” said her proud mother.

Only, what she didn’t tell Jack was that seeing Becky in her bra and panties, sexually aroused her. The sexy photos of her nearly naked daughter, made her horny. The sexy photos of her daughter made her wonder what it would be like to have sex with Becky. Like daughter like mother, did Lauren she have latent lesbian tendencies? Was that why she was suddenly sexually attracted to her daughter? In the way Jack was a pervert, was she an incestuous whore?

# # #

There were dozens of photos of Becky in her bra and panties. She had as many photos of her in her underwear as she had of her fully dressed. From full cup to balconette, to demi-cup, multiway/strapless, plunge, padded, t-shirt, non-wired, wired, bandeau, sports, Wonderbra, and minimizer, photo after photo showed her daughter in different colors and styles of brassieres. From briefs to high-cut briefs, to boy shorts hipsters, bikini, cheeky, thongs, and even G-string, photo after photo showed her daughter in different colors and styles of panties.

From photos taken from the from the front, the side, and the rear, the computer screen showed Jack her daughter’s shapely body, her big tits, and her round ass. No matter which style and color bra she wore, her breasts looked huge. No matter which style and color panties she wore, her ass looked shapely.

Not that her mother had a bad body, she didn’t. She had a great body, especially for a mother who was twenty-years older than her daughter. Yet, after giving birth to her daughter, living life on the planet twenty-years more than Becky, at forty-something-years-old instead of twenty-something-years-old, she no longer had Becky’s body with her toned abs.

“Jesus, Becky has big tits. Her tits are as big as your tits,” he said.

Groping her big tit, he reached down with one hand to fondle Lauren’s breast through her blouse. Then, he fingered her still erect nipple through her bra with one hand while fingering the head of his cock through his pants with his other hand. He fingered his already erect prick as if he was preparing to masturbate himself or ask Lauren to masturbate him. If it wasn’t enough that he was seeing photos of her daughter in her underwear, he seemed deemed to masturbate himself over all that he was seeing of Becky.

Lauren laughed again this time with joy. Obviously, she was enjoying viewing the photos of her daughter in her bra and panties as much as Jack was enjoying seeing Becky in her underwear. Becoming even more sexually aroused, Lauren wondered if there were any photos of her daughter topless and possibly, even naked. In the way that Jack seemingly couldn’t wait to see Becky’s naked tits, pussy, and ass, Lauren was eager to see her daughter without her clothes too.

“Like mother like daughter. We both have D cup breasts. She’s always borrowing my bras. Many of these photos are of her wearing one of my bras,” said Lauren as if proud that her daughter looked so sexy wearing her bras.

Jack leaned closer to the screen.

“I like that pink bra,’ he said pointing to the photo with his finger. “I can see her nipples in that one,” he said continuing to finger himself while staring at her daughter’s nipples in her sheer bra. “The same thing with that yellow bra. I can not only clearly see her nipples but also, I can clearly see her areolas too. She has big nipples like you,” he said while fingering Lauren’s nipples through her bra.

Lauren smiled up at her boyfriend.

“I like those bras too. They’re my sexiest bras. I wear them when I want to flash unsuspecting men not only my cleavage and bra but also my nipples,” she said with a dirty laugh.

As if rethinking what he was about to gaziantep sınırsız escort bayan say, he paused before confessing his sexual thoughts.

“Now that I’ve seen her big, bra clad breasts, I’d love to feel her Becky’s big, naked tits while fingering her nipples.”

Lauren looked down at Jack fingering himself before looking up at him. He gave her an embarrassed look and moved his hand away from his growing erection. Obviously embarrassed, not only was he showing his girlfriend the sexual attraction that he had for her daughter but also, he was showing his sexual perversion for wanting and needing to masturbate his sexual lust over seeing Becky in her underwear.

“Like mother, like daughter, Jack,” she said with a little laugh. “As you can see from my daughter wearing my bras, we have the same size tits. Feeling my tits while fingering my nipples may be the closest you’ll ever get to feeling my daughter’s tits while fingering her nipples.”

Jack coughed a nervous cough to clear his throat.

“I didn’t mean anything by what I said. I’m sorry. Maybe I shouldn’t have disrespected you and your daughter by saying what I said. Please forgive me, Lauren,” said Jack.

# # #

Lauren turned in her chair to look at her boyfriend. She looked up at his face before looking down at his erection that tented his pants. While tracing the length and width of his engorged cock with her fingertips, she reached out her hand and squeezed his erection through his pants.

“Obviously by that bulge in your pants, I assume that you like what you’re seeing of my daughter,” she said laughing while continuing to feel his erection through his pants. Then, she said what he obviously wanted to hear. “I don’t mind if you masturbate over my daughter,” said Lauren.

She looked down at his bulge that tented his pants again before looking up at him.

“Really?” He looked at her stunned and asked her to make sure that it was okay. “You don’t mind me masturbating over Becky?”

She smiled while nodding her head.

“Go ahead. Take out your cock and stroke yourself. I want to watch you masturbate yourself over my daughter. Here’s some tissue,” she said handing him a few tissues from Becky’s computer table.

‘Better he masturbates himself now than me having to masturbate him later,’ she thought. ‘Better that he masturbates now than expecting me to blow him later.’

Saving her from giving him yet another hand job and/or blowjob, with her still sexually excited over the imagined thoughts of having lesbian sex with Ellen and/or with her daughter, she’d rather he masturbated himself. Ready to sexually excite him even more, she looked up at him to see his reaction when she clicked on the next page of photos. As if she magically appeared without her big brassiere, Becky was topless. Her daughter’s breasts were nakedly exposed.

In full color view of his horny, perverted eyes, there before Jack were her daughter’s big, naked and shapely breasts. There were dozens of photos of her Becky topless. As if he had never seen naked breasts before, Jack stared from one photo to stare at the next photo. A tit man, obviously Jack loved Becky’s tits as much as he loved her mother’s tits.

Obviously, and perhaps, having already imagined them while imagining her topless and masturbating himself, he had never seen Becky’s naked breasts. Obviously, for him to be as sexually excited as he was now, he must have always wondered about, masturbated over, and wanted to see her naked tits. Lauren stared at her daughter’s naked breasts as much as Jack stared at Becky’s big tits. It had been years since she had seen her daughter topless.

Not having to ask him twice, Jack unzipped himself and reached his hand inside while looking at Lauren to make sure she was okay with him masturbating over Becky. Before pulling out his engorged prick, he looked at her again to make sure it was okay to masturbate over her daughter. He looked at Lauren as if not only asking her permission again but also apologizing for his perverse reaction to seeing Becky’s naked breasts.

“Are you sure?”

She nodded her okay and he pulled out his prick. Immediately, he slowly stroked himself while staring at Becky’s naked breasts.

“If you don’t masturbate over my daughter,” she said with a dirty laugh, “then I will.”

Jack returned his focused attention to Becky’s naked tits.

“Like mother like daughter, she has beautiful breasts,” said Jack slowly stroking himself to a bigger and harder erection. “I can’t wait to see her naked,” he said. “I can’t wait to see her naked pussy and her naked ass.”

Not leaving him in suspense, while staring up at him to see his reaction to seeing her daughter naked, Lauren clicked on the next page of photos.

“I can’t believe I’m showing you personal and private photos of my daughter in her bra and panties, topless, and now naked,” said Lauren staring up at Jack before looking down at his erect cock and before turning to look at the screen.

He gave her a sexy smile and a dirty laugh.

“Thank you for trusting me to see these photos. I promise not to say anything to Becky. I promise not to embarrass you or her by telling her that you showed me photos of her in her bra and panties, topless, and naked,” he said. “You have a beautiful and sexy daughter but she’s not as beautiful and as sexy as you, her mother,” he said lying while leaning down to give Lauren a kiss.

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