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Tales from the Stream Ch. 16

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Author’s Note

The past couple chapters have been about silly, sexy fun. This chapter takes a turn and focuses more on togetherness and the importance of found family.


Chapter 16: Valley of the Shadow

Onboard The Black Prince, in the lounge

Lúcia sprawled out over the Megacomf sofa, loosely clad in one of Aidoru’s robes, and holding a tablet computer in her hand. She tapped at the tablet.

Bureau D’Arrondissements, Nouveau Paris

Chère Marrie-Anne,

Comment ça va? Life on The Black Prince has been one adventure after another. We will be dropping out of the stream soon, so I can finally send you a proper letter and get you caught up on everything that’s happened.

But first, I should tell you about my girlfriend. Well, she is my friend. And she is a girl. Three girls, actually. Her name is Aidoru….

* * *

In the garden room.

Aidoru sat on the floor, occupying three of the four corners. She wore red-tinted, wrap-around sun glasses and nothing else. The Aidoru in the starboard side aft corner was holding a tablet.

Toblerone, Inc. Head Offices, Geneva, Switzerland.

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Aidoru. I trust you are familiar with my work in the recording industry and on the vid streams. I am writing to you today to see if you may be in need of a spokesperson for your fine product….

* * *

In the galley.

Emily sat alone at the table, bathed in the bluish-white glow of a tablet backlight. She started at the screen with her head wrapped in her hands.

The Law Offices of Marcia Cohen and Associates.

Dear Ms. Cohen,

I have decided to add my name to the list of plaintiffs in the Weyland-Yutani wrongful termination and breach of contract case….

Emily moved her hand until her finger hovered over the button marked ‘Send’.

* * *

In the stateroom.

Amaliya lay diagonally across the king-sized bed, with her elbow crooked against the pillow and her head resting on her open palm.


It’s been a while, huh? I’m not sure how you feel about getting a letter after all this time. I’m not sure you’ll even open it, much less read it. But I wanted to let you know I’m alright….

With her free hand, Amaliya hovered her index finger over ‘Save Draft’. She stared at the screen. She shifted her finger to ‘Delete’ and held it there, centimeters from the screen.

She dropped her finger.

She tapped ‘Confirm’.

* * *

In the conn.

Jade leaned back in the captain’s chair, with one leg tucked up under her and the other dangling. With toes extended, she pushed against the deck to swivel the chair in a lazy arc. In her hands she held a tablet.

Tourist Office, Nauja Vilnius

To the Most Honorable Captain Joan,

Avast, matey! I’ve found your cooling pump. Well, not exactly the pump itself, but I managed to locate the original CAD drawings from an old repair archive. I’ve found an Ixian forge in Tech Valley on Xīn Shenzhen. And guess what? They take Dogecoin! We’re heading there now….

* * *

On the approach to Xīn Shenzhen space elevator.

In the conn, captain Jade tapped at the helm controls. Amaliya sat in the co-pilot seat next to her.

“You don’t have to come along,” said Jade. “It’s just a quick trip to pick up the part and then back up the gravity well.”

“I’m hoping we might find a nice place to grab a bite,” said Amaliya. “Maybe a light lunch.”

“It’s pretty industrial. Best you’re going to get is a street vendor with a noodle cart. And I certainly wouldn’t recommend anything that advertises meat… because it’s not.”

“Beats granola bars and Marmite.” Amaliya turned and batted her lashes. “Please?”

“Fine. You. Me. In and out. That’s it.”

“Really? You really want to leave everyone else here on the ship and risk another Soylent Green incident? We all need to stretch our legs. Breathe some fresh air.”

Jade laughed.


“Ever been to Xīn Shenzhen? It’s not exactly a garden spot. They’re know for Tech Valley, not for their environmental conservation efforts.”



Amaliya leaned over to plant a kiss on Jade’s cheek. “You’re the best.”

* * *

Xīn Shenzhen space elevator, planetside terminus.

The group of women exited the elevator together. Jade motioned them all over to one side. Beside her was a floor to ceiling screen showing a continuous loop of a young woman eating a bowl of noodles. The image of the woman faded out with a twinkle in her eye, replaced by the words ‘Jin Mai Lang, Sichuan’.

As the woman reappeared with a fresh bowl of noodles, Amaliya began walking toward the giant screen. Jade reached out and caught her by the elbow.

“Everybody stay together and stay close. Got it?” Jade took Amaliya by the shoulder and turned her around. While Amaliya stood, blinking, Şişli travesti Jade shifted her gaze to each of the crew gathered around her. “The consumer protection laws here are pretty lax. Advertising is very pervasive and very invasive.”

Emily pulled out her Michelin Guide. “It says the forge is only a kilometer and a half down Tech Valley from the terminus here. How much temptation can you pack into fifteen hundred meters?”

Jade fixed her gaze on Emily. “Don’t ever let your guard down. Not even once. No matter what they show you. We need to stick together. Remember that.”

* * *

Just outside the Space Elevator Terminus.

Jade and the crew walked out into a long boulevard crowded with autocabs, pedestrians, and street vendors. Any sunlight from above was completely blocked out by multi-story buildings reaching up until they disappeared in a dense layer of smog hanging a few hundred meters above street level.

The sides of every building were covered in screens, all hawking their wares, at ten times the scale of the noodle advertisement inside the terminus.

“Keep your heads down,” said Jade. “Stick together.”

* * *


“Hello Brian.”

“Lúcia,” said the man in the plaid suit, walking alongside. “Long time, no see. I wanted to let you know there’s a Megacomf Outlet just down the road. I trust you’ll pop in, eh? We’re having a sale.”

The man in the plaid suit leveled both index fingers at Lúcia, thumbs pointing up, and grinned. Surrounding the man were three women in sleeveless white mini-dresses and white leather go-go boots. All three sighed and appeared ready to faint when the man winked and pulled his fingers back to blow across the tips.

“We have two Megacomf sofas already,” said Lúcia. “Purchased in the outlet store on Nouveau Paris. Do you not remember?”

The image of the man froze for a moment, yet still managed to float half a meter in front of Lúcia.

“Just a moment… Just a moment…” said the man in the suit. The image glitched once. “The girls and I have missed you, Lúcia. Won’t you stop in to say hello?”

The go-go girls danced around Lúcia, shaking their long, blonde manes from side to side.

“You haven’t made it until you’ve made it on a Megacomf,” said the man. He leveled his fingers and winked again. This time when the three women collapsed, they collapsed onto Lúcia.

Lúcia reached out to catch the women closest, but ended up grasping at air–her fingers pushing right through the now translucent image of a white mini-dress.

“This isn’t real,” she said. “Megacomf Brian would never–“

“Not as real as a Megacomf, but real enough, isn’t it?” The holographic image of Megacomf Brian stepped around behind Lúcia to whisper in her ear. “You’ve had a ride on the sofa, love. You know what I’m talking about.”

“Go away.”

“Now, now, Lúcia. Is that anyway to treat an old friend? The girls and I have been looking forward to seeing you for quite some time.” The hologram froze for a moment. “Well, mostly the girls. And we’re having a two for one sale.”

The hologram of Megacomf Brian stepped back and the trio of girls moved closer. They surrounded Lúcia, draping their arms around her neck.

“You’re not real,” said Lúcia.

“They’re real enough for what you want.”

Lúcia pressed her palms together and lowered her gaze to the pavement under her feet. “Holy Mother, our redemption. Be our protection. Direct our minds by your gracious presence. Watch over our paths and–“

“What’s this?” said the hologram. “Lúcia, I’m offended. I’m not here to harm you. I just want you to feel good. Don’t you want to feel good?”

“I’m fine.”

“You sure?” Holographic Megacomf Brian stepped in Lúcia’s path, floating along a dozen centimeters in front of her. “It’s not you I’m worried about, you know. It’s your girlfriend.”

“Holy Mother, our redemption. Be our protection. Direct our minds–“

“Not much of a girlfriend, is she? Kind of broken, if you ask me.” Holographic Megacomf Brian was flanked by the trio of go-go girls. “A Megacomf can take you away from all that. One night with these girls… Mmm. They’ll touch you where you want to be touched, Lúcia. Take you to the place you’ve dreamed about, but never had the courage to explore. Megacomf can make it happen.”

The trio of holographic go-go dancers in white mini-dresses simultaneously transformed into three black leather clad dominatrixes, each holding a ridding crop that she tapped against her open palm. Holographic Megacomf Brian raised an eyebrow.

“Love is not a sin,” muttered Lúcia.

“The kind of love you want is. But don’t worry. When they whisper sweet nothings in your ear, they won’t be speaking in haiku, that’s for sure. You’re a dirty girl, Lúcia. You know it. I know it. These girls know it too, but they don’t mind. They understand your appetites.”

The trio of holographic dominatrixes linked hands and Şişli travestileri skipped a circle around Lúcia, while their thick, blonde locks bounced in a synchronized rhythm.

“Holy Mother, our redemption. Be our protection. Direct our–“

“You can’t deny it,” said the hologram. “Try as you might. One night on the Megacomf with them and you’ll be a new woman. The woman you want to be.”

“Holy Mother, our redemption. Be our protection. Direct–“

“You haven’t made it, until you’ve made it on a Megacomf.” Holographic Megacomf Brian leveled his index fingers at Lúcia and winked. The dominatrixes closed in.

“Stop it!” Lúcia stumbled. “Get out of my head!”

Aidoru turned her heads at the sound of Lúcia’s cries. She surrounded Lúcia with her three bodies, drawing close. One Aidoru wrapped an arm around Lúcia, helping her stand straight. The other two each took a hand and wove their fingers in with Lúcia’s. Together, they walked on.

“Lúcia, my love,” whispered Aidoru.

“I will remain at your side.

“I will keep you safe.”

* * *


In front of Aidoru, a young boy skipped along in his school uniform. He carried a satchel slung over his shoulder. “Hello,” he said to Aidoru.


“Would you like some chocolate?” The boy reached into his satchel and pulled out a Toblerone bar nearly twice as long as his satchel was wide. “I’ve just got this one, but I know where you can get more.”

Aidoru stared as the boy picked at the end of the triangular box to reveal the inner foil.

“You like Toblerone, don’t you?” The boy peeled back the foil to reveal a segment of chocolate. He bit it off. “I can always tell a chocolate lover of refined taste. A little indulgence now and then helps you recover a bit of that lost youth, wouldn’t you say? And you’ve lost out on quite a bit of that, haven’t you? What with touring and those endless performances, night after night.”

There was chocolate in the corner of the boy’s mouth as he spoke. Aidoru fixed her gaze on the spot.

“Plenty of chocolate just up ahead. Just the thing you need, eh? In the shop on the right…” The image of the boy froze. “Just a moment… Just a moment…”

Aidoru shivered and turned her gaze to Lúcia. She reached out to touch Lúcia’s hair and smiled.

“I know what you want.” The holographic boy who had been walking alongside Aidoru transformed into a towering man of considerable bulk, squeezed into a tailored suit. He pulled the Toblerone from its box, and dragged it under his nose as he inhaled. “I know exactly what you want.”

Aidoru shook her head. She looked at the pavement.

“Pay attention, girl, ’cause this is where things get good.” The holographic man bit a chunk off the end of the Toblerone and spat it on the ground. He pulled out a lighter, place one end of the Toblerone in his mouth, and proceeded to touch the flame to the other end.

The man exhaled a thick cloud of smoke.

“I know exactly what you want.” The holographic man punctuated his words by poking at the air with the lit end of his Toblerone. “Just up ahead there’s a recording studio. Not the main studio, mind you, but you’ll get there soon enough. A woman of your considerable talents.”

Aidoru turned her gaze to the glowing end of the Toblerone.

“With your golden pipes and years of perfecting those synchronized dance moves, you’ll be a shoe in. Top of the charts in no time.” The holographic man drew an arc in the air with his hand as he said this.

Aidoru looked up. Surrounding her, on the side of every building’s billboard, was her face framed by a crowd of screaming fans. Dressed in her signature pleated mini and white blouse tied at the waist, she marched out to the edge of the stage. When she raised her hands to the crowd, they went wild.

In each hand, she lifted a Toblerone bar with a foam microphone cover on the end. Aidoru on the billboards began to sing.

“Thisss isss what you want, isssn’t it?” The holographic man’s tongue had become forked, like a serpent.

Aidoru kept her gaze fixed on the billboards.

“It’sss not like the old daysss, either,” said the man. “You needed keep sssuch a pure image. In fact, you can do pretty much what you pleassse thessse daysss.”

In perfect synchronization, the three Aidoru on the billboards reached up to yank the shoulder of her blouse, exposing herself on one side. The roar of the crowd swelled to new heights.

“Got a boy you fancy? Not a problem. No need to hold back anymore. No restrictions on dating.”

The Aidoru on the billboards slid the other side of her blouse off her shoulder. She thrust her hips forward and threw her head back. The crowd roared. When she moved her hand to her thigh and began working upward, they began to chant her name.

The holographic man leaned in. “Any boy you want.” He made a circle with his finger and thumb and poked the lit end of the Toblerone bar in and out through Travesti şişli the center several times.

Aidoru blinked. She turned her head away from the billboards and back to Lúcia.

“Oh,” said the man. He chuckled. “My bad.”

On the billboards, a dozen young women pushed to the front of the stage. They ripped their shirts off as one. The Aidoru on the screens moved closer to the edge of the stage. She held out her hands.

A dozen women simultaneously unhooked their bras and pulled their arms free of the straps. They all chanted Aidoru’s name as they sent their underwear sailing onto the stage.

“We love you!” screamed a woman, just before she fainted.

Aidoru reached out. “I… I…”

The man in the suit held out a paper with words so small Aidoru had to squint. The Toblerone cigar had transformed into a pen. The end was still lit. “Jussst sssign here,” he said.

Aidoru looked at the man. His face had become reptilian, his face a green pallor. His nose was reduced to two holes. His lips had disappeared to nothing. Only a forked tongue flicked where they once were.

“No.” Aidoru stumbled. “No!”

“Come on now, girl. Don’t make this difficult.” The holographic man swelled to twice his original height. The legs of his trousers had become as one, and a serpent’s tail trailed behind. He jabbed the burning Toblerone pen in the air just ahead of Aidoru.

“No! Never again! I won’t–“

“I’ve got you,” said Lúcia, stepping in to take the hands of two Aidoru. “You’re safe now.”

Emily swooped in to steady the remaining Aidoru with an arm around her waist. “We’ll walk with you, okay?” she said.

* * *


“I’ve got lottery tickets for sale,” said the young man hovering around Emily. “Girl like yourself ought to take a chance once in a while.”

Emily turned her gaze to the pavement.

“They don’t call it mega-millions for nothing do they? Nah. Think what you could do with that million, eh? Never have to work another day in your life.”

Emily shook her head.

“Oh,” said the young man. “Oh, you’re one of those. You know, ninety percent of people say that winning won’t change them. They’ll still show up to work in the morning. Mm-hmm. Want to guess how many actually do?”

Emily shook her head again.

“Okay, okay. Suit yourself. I can dig it. Some people need to do something to feel valued. Got some kind of wires crossed inside. Find their reward in a job well done instead of the money it brings.”

Emily wrapped her arms around herself.

“Perversion if you ask me.” The holographic young man stepped in front of Emily, but the image remained exactly one step ahead. He leaned in. “Money. We all want it. So why not flaunt it? Hmm?”

Emily turned her gaze to the pavement.

“Look up,” said the young man hovering over her. “Come on, one little looksie. I promise you’ll like it.”

Emily shook her head.

“Fine. Live your life in the dumps,” he said. “Sign onto the public dole. See how long you can go until they cut your benefits to half. Then a quarter. And then…”

Emily clenched her fist. She stole a quick glance at the hologram and scowled. As she did, the holographic young man evaporated before her eyes, and the billboard behind him shone through.

‘Tech jobs,’ announced the billboard. ‘Thousands of tech jobs, perfectly matched to your skillset, Emily Mitchell. Only the top employers.’

Emily turned her gaze to another billboard.

‘Off-world opportunities await. The stream has opened thousands of new worlds. With your skills, any of these worlds can be yours.’

Emily turned her eyes to the pavement.

“Come on,” said the young man, stepping in front of her once again. “What have you got to lose? Except these blahs you seem to have picked up from hanging around this dreary bunch.”

Emily clenched her jaw and looked up. Once again the young man disappeared, replaced by a beckoning billboard.

‘Tired of off-world already? Life on one planet can be so dull. Live a life of adventure in luxury accommodations. Sign on as crew for any one of a hundred private yachts.’ The words oozed across the billboard as the picture above showed a young woman in a tight fitting jumper and sailor’s cap, standing tall and saluting a couple walking toward the airlock.

“No!” said Emily. “No way! I will not–“

“Sorry,” said the young man. “Not sure how that one slipped into your profile. We’ve got plenty of other–“

“Fuck off!” shouted Emily. “Just, fuck off!”

“Just a moment…” The hologram flickered. “Just a moment…”

Emily sniffled and wiped under her nose with the back of her hand.

“Hey. I’ve got you, hon. I won’t let you go,” whispered Amailya, stepping in to steady her. “Here, hold my hand. That’s it.”

* * *


‘Honey, you’re home.’ On the billboard, a middle-aged woman in an apron opened her arms to the teenage girl in a varsity sweater coming through the front door. ‘I’ve missed you so much.’

“Cheesy, ain’t it?” said the same teenage girl, though now dressed in a black leather biker jacket and walking beside Amaliya. What was once a blonde ponytail was now a spiked smattering of messy pink. “I used to think so, too.”

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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