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Tango on the Razor’s Edge Ch. 06

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It was an open secret that Dan was selling the company, but it wasn’t widely known that he was in New York with Holly to finalize the deal. Their trip dragged on as the last i’s were dotted, and the t’s were crossed. I spent most of the two weeks they were away coaxing the big press at station 8 into action. It was a notoriously finicky piece of equipment with a chronic backlog of jobs. When I wasn’t working on the press, I was busy taking care of Holly’s daughters and keeping up with the housework.

The mechanical emasculator Holly had me wearing affected every part of my life. A mental image of my cock in its grasp popped into my head when I ordered coffee, held the door open for someone, or talked to the guys on my crew. I felt its unyielding presence when I walked between stations and when I squatted down to work. It was an unrelenting reminder that I was less now, and somehow everyone picked up on it. People at work took me less seriously, and waitresses ignored me. Even my daughters treated me like I was a parental short-timer.

Every night I was awakened by the battle between my cock and the cage that restrained it. The fierceness of my nocturnal erections mounted as the number of days since my last orgasm accumulated. I woke several times a night to a throbbing, crimped hardon and memories of Holly’s plastic cock in my ass. At first, I yanked at the cage, pulling it as far as my balls would allow, then jamming it back down in a futile attempt to induce an orgasm. Eventually, I realized that my best option was to think about something else and wait for my erection to fade. At least that way, I could get some sleep.

The physical embrace of my penis by the cage and the caress of hips and chest by the lingerie combined to make me continuously think about Holly. I fantasized about her calling me her good girl for cleaning the house or saying I was a thoughtful little bitch when she saw the flowers I’d put on the coffee table. I even began to look forward to the dull agony of the cage’s restraint on my engorged cock in the middle of the night. But she never saw the house when it was clean, smelled the fresh flowers, or came home to release my cock. She was with Dan.


Raul and I showed up early Monday morning to get the press ready for the morning shift. We’d worked on it much of the weekend, but things hadn’t gone well, and we were still at it mid-morning when Holly and Dan got back from their long trip. Holly announced her arrival with the text: I need to see you. Come to my office NOW.

I asked Raul, “Can you button it up and get it started without me? I’ve got something I need to take care of.”

“I guess. When will you be coming back?”

I shrugged as I walked away. “Who knows?”


I knocked on the door to Holly’s office, wondering if Dan would be in there with her. I waited for a second and then opened a gap and peeked in. She was wearing one of the evocative business suits that gave her the advantage in negotiations. She muted her phone and said, “Come in and close the door.” As the door latch caught, she said, “Take off your man clothes and kneel down.”

I took off my shirt and folded my chinos to use as a pad to kneel on. Once I was kneeling in front of her, she stood and slipped off her panties. She hiked up her skirt, sat down, and spread her legs. “Take it slowly. I don’t want to cum while I’m on the phone.” She unmuted the phone and said something business-like.

I scooted in close and began by kissing her inner thigh. She leaned back in her chair, rested her free hand on my head, and continued her conversation. “Of course, Mr. Carlson. We’ve taken care of your reservations. You’re booked at the best hotel in town. It has comfortable beds and beautiful views of the city.”

She listened for a few moments, then continued, “I’ve stayed there many times myself. I’m sure you will enjoy it.” She spread her legs a bit further to let my lips embrace her excited flower. I tucked my knees in tightly, scooted up, and pressed my face in closer as I inhaled her musky scent. “What kind of entertainment did you have in mind?” she asked.

She stroked my hair as she listened on the phone. Her hips twisted and lunged forward, firmly engaging her pussy to my mouth. I didn’t know if she was responding to the slow swirls of my tongue on her clit or the half of the conversation I couldn’t hear.

She sighed heavily, then said, “I didn’t realize your tastes were so exotic,” and then listened intently for a few more moments. “Oh, I like a man who’s both open-minded and in-touch with his sexuality. I’m certain that we will be able to accommodate you.” After another pause, she said, “Of course. I have the perfect woman for you. You’re going to love her.” She talked for a few more minutes, said, “We’ll see you in a couple weeks,” and ended the call, and firmly placed both of her hands on my head, increasing the bind of my head at her cunt. “Oh, Baby, you make me feel so good.”

Now that she was off the phone, I set to work. My mouth opened wide at her antep escort vagina. I stuck my tongue in as far in as possible and flicked it wildly at her g-spot, which was just within reach of its tip. She tipped her head back and said, “You are incredible. You always know exactly what I need.”

With me kneeling on my chinos, dressed in lingerie, and my cock caged, one might have thought she was ironic, but I knew she wasn’t. Dan might fuck her relentlessly, but I got her off. She turned to me when she needed release, and at that moment, I was there in her office in the middle of the morning doing what Dan should have been doing for the last two weeks.

I’d forgotten how much I loved the bitter taste of her pussy and the supple yielding of its flesh. I loved the hunt for the sensitive spot within her vagina, which never seemed to be where I expected. I loved the ruddy color that her skin became when she was excited and the swollen pulse that was so obvious once I’d found it. Her body tensed, and her fingernails bit into my scalp as I slowly upped the amplitude.

She said, “Oh, Baby. You are such a good pussy eater. You are the perfect lesbian lover.”

I wasn’t particularly keen on being her lesbian lover, but it was better than nothing. Rather than pay attention to her words, I focused on her hips’ position and her hands’ pressure.

Her hands shifted to my chin, abruptly lifting my face from her pussy just as I was sure she was about to cum. She said, “Stop, Baby.”

My face was wet with her juices, and my cock was hard against the confines of my cage. I asked, “What? Why?”

“Look at me.”

I looked up at her, confused and a little anxious about why she would interrupt me when we were so close.

“Did you like fucking me with Dan’s dick?”

“I… Yeah, it was good if you liked it. Only your happiness matters.”

“That’s a good girl.” She pushed her pussy into my mouth, held it there for a few moments, then pulled back. “Tell me that you liked it. Tell me that helping him fuck me made you hard.”

I slid my finger into her pussy and reacquired the spot within her and then drew tight circles upon it with my fingertip while I said, “I would do anything to please you.” I kissed her pussy then continued, “I’d do anything you ask, suck any cock, eat any cum, hold anyone’s dick while they fucked you.”

She smiled brightly with half-open eyes. “Oh, Baby. That’s what I want to hear.”

I nipped at her clit while my fingertip continued its pressure within her. “I so desperately want to please you that I’d do anything.”

Her smile faded into the gaze of impending ecstasy. Her legs spread further apart, and she pulled my mouth into tight contact with her wet and ready vagina. Her intention was unmistakable, so I opened my mouth wide and pushed my tongue deep into her wet, open cunt. Once again, I probed for the magical spot that was slightly harder than the surrounding flesh and just barely within my tongue’s reach. Her hands pulled firmly at my head as my tongue found its mark, and she said, “There it is, Baby.” She moaned softly and whispered, “That’s incredible. Momma’s about to cum.”

I flicked vigorously at the tender spot inside of her. As I did, her grip on my head tightened, and her hips trembled. When we’d started dating, she came with a moan and a shiver like all the other women I’d known. But as time went on, I learned to read her better, and I discovered unique places where she liked to be touched and the particular ways she needed me to touch them. As my expertise grew, her moans became louder, and her body’s shudders became more violent. Her hands entwined in my hair so that she could grip my head in then position it in exactly the right place. It didn’t even occur to her that she could caress me or tell me how much she cared about me when the intense rush of her impending orgasm was about to drop.

I redoubled my effort at her cunt, holding my breath as both my nose and mouth were pressed tightly against her flesh.

“Oh, fuck me.” Her shoulders shook as her hands pulled even more vigorously at my head.

My cock pulsed in its cage. I desperately wanted to ram my dick inside of her, to fuck her with everything I had: my cock, my tongue, my fingers, my spine… everything, but that wasn’t what she needed.

She lashed out at me, “You fucking cunt-eater.”

I pressed my mouth even tighter and stretched my tongue as far as it would go.

She sighed heavily as her body convulsed and her cunt exploded in a rush of fluids, dousing my face, my chest, and my lap with her briny ejaculate. I lapped up as only a servile sissy would. I must have looked ridiculous on my knees, half-dressed as a girl, licking the dank residue from her thighs and then sucking at her pussy for any drops I might have missed.

She said, “Oh my god. I’ve never done that before.”

“What happened?”

“You made me squirt, Baby.” She stroked my cheek and said, “See what a good girl you are?”

I’d heard of squirting, but I’d gaziemir escort never been able to induce it. “Wow, that’s amazing.”

Holly collected herself as she sized up the mess we’d just made. She checked the time and said, “Oh shit. You’d better clean up. I’ve got a meeting with Dan.”

It took me a moment to assess our situation. There were absorbent towels in the shop downstairs and paper towels in the bathroom down the hall, but they might as well have been across the galaxy. The facial tissues in the box on her desk were not up to the challenge, which left my shirt and half-drenched chinos. Without thinking about the consequences, I wiped my face and patted down the rest of my body with them. As I was wiping off, a glint reflected from her necklace. I said, “If you release me, I’ll make you cum again in a different way.”

She smiled sweetly as she stroked my hair. “You know my pussy belongs to Dan now. He wouldn’t like your sloppy seconds.”

“But you let me eat your pussy.”

“No, Dan lets you eat my pussy. He likes knowing that your tongue goes where his dick has been.”

“But, I make you cum.”

“Of course you do. You are such a good little princess. Dan is going to be so happy that you took such good care of his pussy.”

She stood up, used one of my pantlegs to dry herself, and then handed the pants to me. “It looks like the deal is about to close, so we better get back to work.” She put on her panties and pulled her skirt down, kissed me on the cheek, and then thought for a moment. “Tell the girls I’ll be home tonight and fix something nice for dinner. I’m tired of eating out.”

Before I could reply, I was interrupted by Raul on my phone: “Are you still around?”

I watched Holly close the door as I said, “I can be. Why?”

“We’re still having trouble at number eight.”

“I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

It was then that I realized what a mess my clothes were in. I did my best to pat them dry with the facial tissues and then slid my leg past the cold, wet friction of the cum-laden fabric. I buttoned up my dank shirt and tied the necktie that concealed the golden declaration of my marital state.


One of Raul’s new technicians greeted me with a cheerful: “What happened to you, boss-man? Did you fall in a lake?”

I shook my head. “Something like that.”

“You smell like a fish, boss man. Please regale us with the ‘what happened.'” The new technician wouldn’t shut up.

Raul took control of the situation by asking him to get some towels from the stockroom and then led me to the big press.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

Raul shook his head. “It never works unless you’re the one who turns the wrench.”

In truth, I’d asked him to button it up before I was sure it was ready. I tinkered around for a few minutes, making minor adjustments in the hope we were closer than we were. Then I committed to the long, slow process of tearing the machine down again.

We had worked through lunch and well into the afternoon when Dan came down to see what was going on. He said, “What the fuck is the holdup?”

Holly was right. I couldn’t look at him without thinking of his dick deep inside her while they soaked in his million-dollar hot tub. I said, “We’re finishing up now.”

“Do you mean, ‘We’re finishing up now, Sir.’?”

I looked to the ground and said, “Yes, Sir. We’ve almost got it running.”

Raul looked at me like I was crazy.

Dan said, “Damned straight. The production log for this machine is going to be pristine. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Sir.”

Once Dan was gone, Raul asked, “Since when do you ‘Yes, Sir,’ that dickhead.”

I shook my head and said, “You don’t want to know.”

“It has something to do with Holly, doesn’t it?”

“Just let it drop, okay?”

“Everybody upstairs is talking about how much time they spend together.”

I pointed across the way and asked, “Can you hand me that wrench?”

“They think she’s going for the golden ring.”

I looked him in the eye and said, “Forget about that and focus on what we’re doing.”

“Doesn’t that bother you?”

“Raul, would it bother you if the plant closed?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Why don’t you and I worry about the press now, and let me worry about Holly later, okay?”

He picked up the wrench and handed it to me. “Someone needs to worry about you. There won’t be much of a plant without you.”

“I’m fine,” I assured him. “Let’s just do what we need to do.”


I worked way past the end of my shift to make sure the day’s production quota was met, then raced to the high school to pick up Chris and Cathryn from practice. When I was their age, I couldn’t wait to get my driver’s license, but they were happy to have me drive them around. After they’d piled into the car, we stopped by Aunt Melba’s restaurant to pick up the order I’d called in from work.

“Can’t we get Chipotle?” whined Cathryn.

“Your mother wants home-cooked food, gaziosmanpaşa escort and tonight this is as close as I can get.”

Chris asked, “Mom’s home?” while Cathryn cackled, “If mom’s home, why aren’t you wearing a dress?”

Chris glared at Cathryn while I looked at her in the rearview mirror. “Would you like me to pick you up from school wearing a dress?”

She laughed, “Yeah, then maybe you could blow one of the vice principals to get me out of detention.”

Chris said, “Shut up, you stupid bitch.”

Cathryn laughed again. “I’m just saying what you’re afraid to say. We all know Nick blows mom’s boyfriend, so why pretend he doesn’t? Right, Nick? Or should I say, Nicki?”

I looked in the rearview mirror at Cathryn. “Is that really what you want to say to me?”

“What difference does it make? You’re not going to be around much longer.”

Chris answered for me: “He won’t be around much longer if you keep acting like a bitch.”

“Come off it, Chris, you know he’s already planning his escape. You’re out of here, aren’t you, Nicki?”

In the calmest voice I could muster, I asked, “Would you like that, Cathryn? Do you want me to leave?”

Cathryn looked at Chris and then back to me.

“Do you want me to go?” I pressed her.

Cathryn looked at her hands in her lap, but she didn’t say anything.

“I’m doing everything I can to hold it together, but if you’d rather I left, then why the fuck am I trying so hard? Right?”

She said nothing.

“Just tell me. Do you want me to stay or go?”

After a long moment, she said, “Stay. Please stay.”

We rode the rest of the way home in silence.


Holly had parked her Mercedes in the middle of the driveway, so I parked the minivan on the street. The girls raced into the house to see her while I followed not far behind, carrying dinner. I came through the door to find her standing in the living room, hugging her daughters. She wiped Cathryn’s cheek and said, “Why are you crying, sweetheart?”

“I’m just happy to see you. It seems like you’ve been gone forever.”

Holly stroked Cathryn’s hair and asked, “Didn’t Nicki take good care of you?” Then she watched as I set out the meal I’d purchased on the table. “What’s that?” she asked.

“This is dinner.”

She raised her voice and said, “I told you to make dinner!”

I continued placing the food from the bag onto the table. “This is the best I could do tonight, Your Majesty.”

Holly was not amused. “Throw that crap out and make something from scratch.”

“The girls are hungry now. They need to eat.” I objected.

Holly collected the girls, looked from Chris to Cathryn, then asked, “You’d rather have Chipotle, wouldn’t you?” Neither Chris nor Cathryn wanted to argue with her, and they both wanted Chipotle anyway, so it was decided. Holly said, “I’ll feed the girls while you cook,” as she led them out of the house.


I was in the middle of cooking dinner when Holly and the girls returned. Without a word to me, she kissed them, sent them upstairs, and sat down in the living room to scroll through her phone. Without looking up, she said, “Nicki, bring me a glass of wine.”

I poured her a glass and then walked it to her. Rather than reach up to take it, she let me put it on the table next to her chair. She didn’t even look up from her phone.

“Is that a new necklace?” I asked.

Holly smiled as her fingertips landed on the diamonds embedded in the gold choker wrapped around her neck. “Yes, Dan bought this for me. Isn’t it beautiful?”

“Is that the one from Farsadi’s shop?”

Holly laughed, “No, this is from Tiffany’s.” She held up her left wrist, “And look, a matching bracelet.”

“Wow, those are nice.”

“I know, right? Don’t you wish you could buy nice jewelry like this for me?”

I nodded in tacit agreement. “What happened to the chain with the key?”

She scoffed at me. “You wouldn’t want me to wear that old thing when I could be wearing something nice like this, would you?”

I shook my head in confused silence. She didn’t even want to rub my chastity in my face any longer.

After a few moments of silence, she asked, “What’s that you’re wearing?”

I wiped at the residue on my pants and said, “I haven’t had a chance to change.”

“No, I mean the whole thing. That isn’t the way a wife of mine dresses. Don’t you have anything better?”

“I’ll put something nice on once I’ve finished making dinner.”

“Can’t you at least get out of that shirt and those pants? You look like you’re wearing a Halloween costume when you dress like a man.”

“This is the way I always dress.”

“Well, you look ridiculous! Take it off.”

I looked upstairs. “What about the girls?”

“Don’t worry about the girls. They know all about you.”

I hesitated for another moment.

“It’s too late to be shy about it. You’re a sissy. Everyone knows it.”

She was right. The girls already knew that I’d given Dan head. It was silly of me to protest. I dropped my pants and then slipped out of my necktie and shirt. As I did, Holly took off her panties and spread her legs.

“I’m in the middle of making dinner!” I objected.

“Oh, I ate with the girls. Take the pot off the stove, go upstairs, and get a towel. I want you to make me squirt again.”

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