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It had been a very busy morning for Dexter and his mother. They had to visit several buildings and listen to several demoralizing explanations as to what the procedures would be in transitioning him into a girl. The worst part was having to pretend he was actually interested in doing this. The people he met were very nice and very understanding, that is if you were really a man wanting to be a woman.
“Baby, why don’t you take all your clothes off and get in bed and take a little nap. You’ve had a stressful morning,” Angela said when they were finally back in his bedroom. She wanted him out of his feminine attire as soon as possible.
“I think I will,” he said in a low almost depressed voice.
Dexter undressed removing all the feminine attire he had been wearing. Angela had pulled back the sheets for him and he slid in. She then undressed and slid in naked next to him and immediately put her hand between his legs. She rubbed him gently. He looked at her.
“Shhhhh, just close your eyes and relax baby. Take a little nap,” she said as she continued her manipulations.
His penis began to swell and become erect. He squirmed around on the sheets as the feelings became stronger. Angela positioned herself down near his waist. She noticed one of his feet was now uncovered and his red toenails were exposed. The sight made her uncomfortable so she gently flipped the sheet back over his foot, then she put his penis in her mouth and began giving him a very soothing and relaxing oral massage.
Twenty minutes passed and Angela continued at a very methodical pace. She was relaxing Dexter and it was working. She then tightened her grip and steadied herself before beginning to vigorously slide her lips up and down his hard shaft. The relaxing oral massage was now an aggressive blowjob. It wasn’t long before Dexter tensed up, bowed his back and released his days tensions along with his semen into Angela’s mouth.
Angela never hesitated as the semen filled her she continued stroking his dick. She swallowed and he sighed.
“Go to sleep now,” she said softly.
Angela lay on her back next to him propped up on a pillow. She was looking at a book as if reading but her mind was wondering again.
“Did I just do that for Dexter because I love him and wanted to do ease his pain, or am I just feeling sorry for him with all this talk of him becoming a girl soon?”
Angela wasn’t sure, but she felt it was somehow a mixture of the two.
“What if they do this to him? Turn Dexter into a woman, and construct a vagina for him” she thought. “Would I officially be labeled some kind of lesbian? I’m not a lesbian. Am I a bad person for having these thoughts?” The idea that the public and her family may see her as a lesbian caused her even more discomfort. She was not attracted to other women, nor was she attracted to men that dressed as women she was finding out. She looked at him sleeping. “You don’t want to be a girl Dexter, but I…I don’t wish to be labeled a lesbian either,” She said softly
She xhamster porno couldn’t imagine a man being forced to have his penis and testicles removed. Much less having a vagina then constructed in their place. “He has done nothing wrong. It’s not his fault this is happening to him,” she kept chiding herself over and over for the feelings that were creeping in and all too real, “but it’s not my fault either.”.
She looked across the room and there hanging on the closet door was the dress that Dexter would be wearing this afternoon when he was introduced to his brother and sister dressed as a girl for the first time. Angela turned her eyes away and rubbed her temples with her fingers. She suddenly had a bad headache at the thought of him wearing the dress and high heels this evening.
She teared up and looked at the ceiling.
“It’s not fair,” she said as she sobbed softly at the guilt she now felt over her conflicting feelings. “It’s not him wanting to wear the dress and look like a woman, so why do I feel like this?” she scolded herself again. “It’s not my fault either that I feel this way.”
Dexter slept quietly beside her totally unaware of the inner emotional struggle she was having about him and his looming femininity.
Sarah was down at the mall. It seems an opening had suddenly become available in the public pillories and she could get some of her time in this afternoon.
It was unusual to have someone placed in the devices for the afternoon, but Sarah needed to get this out of the way.
She went into the office to register and was given a orange jumpsuit to change into. After she had changed her hands were secured behind her back and two men led her out to the mall’s main corridor and to the middle that was filled with planters, advertising, seasonal displays and yes, a small platform with a pillory about five feet above the floor. This put the feet of the convicted at about eye level for the shoppers and those walking by, so they stood high with an unobstructed view so all could see them in their pilloried state.
Sarah had seen many of her clients walk up these steps and she had always been supportive and tried to help them with the emotional responses caused by the embarrassment they felt while standing in public locked in these things. She now was feeling those same heartbreaking emotions.
The stairway was pushed against the platform. Once she was up on the small only about 18″ square platform, Sarah noticed that people were stopping what they were doing and began watching the process. The pillory was opened and she stood in front of it. Her ankles were then strapped tightly together to a small post at her feet so she could not move her legs once she was set. Then she was bent over slightly so her head was now positioned in the pillory. They slid the top down around Sarah’s neck securing her head in the device. It was then locked.
As Sarah stood bent yaşlı porno over slightly with her head secured, her hands were then released from the cuffs behind her back and each one of her hands placed wide on each side and the rest of the pillory was closed over her wrist. Sarah glanced up to see the mixed reactions of those passing by and those that just stood staring. Her head was was gently lifted and the chin strap added and secured so she could not turn her face away and she was well displayed for public viewing.
“You got her all locked down?” one of the security men asked the other.
“Yeah, I think that’s it for this one,” he said looking at Sarah. “Anything you’d like to say before we leave?”
“No,” Sarah said staring straight ahead with a heated glare.
The men left the platform and pulled the steps away leaving Sarah now standing alone on a pole and pillory in the center of the mall midway. The sign for her transgression read “Violation Code
22.23 Sec.
33 Articles: 37.5 and 38.5″ Sarah had seen the sign when she was being processed and found it odd that it was worded in such a way.
The public observers who read the sign looked puzzled. The signs usually spelled out the offense where people could read what it was the person had done. These were the reference codes and would be difficult to find even if someone researched them.
Sarah had been standing there about ten minutes when she noticed someone inside the secure area. It was the area around the pillories that was off limits to the general public. She could see out of the very corner of her eye that it was just an old man with the mall custodian staff cleaning the floors.
“I see you are the only one on the perches today,” the man said in a too friendly tone looking at all the other empty stands down the length of the mall.
Sarah ignored him. He was and older man and spoke with a rather deep voice. Probably talked to the unfortunates that had to stand in these pillories all the time when he was supposed to be working.
He approached a little closer, sweeping the area around the stand. He took a closer look at the sign on her pillory.
“Sarah Greer huh,” he said looking at the name on the sign. “Pretty toenails Sara Greer. You girls like those bright colors on your toes don’t you.
“Leave me alone. What are you some kind of pervert?”
Pervert? For admiring your toes. You are the one that painted your toenails lady not me. Kind of bold color if you don’t want people to notice if you ask me.
“Go away.”
“Hmmm…looks like you pissed off the Queen.” The man seemed amused and chuckled to himself.
“Why don’t you just do your job and leave me alone.”
The man backed off to the side slightly out of her vision and continued to sweep the floor.
He then shook his head and huffed, “I can see the violation of royal protocol, but mocking of the Queen, now that takes some balls,” he said with a smirk.
“I didn’t mock the Queen,” Sarah hissed at him.
“Article aldatma porno 37.5 is a protocol violation and 38.5 is for mocking the Queen. At least that is what it means in a simple man’s terms.”
Sarah tried to look over to the man, but the chin strap kept her head in place. How does he know what those articles mean? She would have thought him just guessing if that was not in fact really close to what it was she had done. How does a janitor find out that kind of information?
“Who are you?” Sarah said trying to keep her voice calm.
“I am the custodian. I am in charge of looking after things here.”
“How does a mall custodian know what those articles mean?”
The man’s voice now changed to a serious tone but he continued to sweep the floor. “I said I was a custodian, I never said I worked for the mall.”
“What does that mean?” she asked totally confused at the sudden serious sound in his voice.
“I am here to look after you Ms. Greer. I needed to talk with you, at least for a moment.
“I am not available for free legal advice just because you find it convenient to have me locked in one of these…”
“Quiet,” he interrupted her, “I can’t keep slipping your business cards in your bra now can I,” he said.
“That was you? What is going on here? What do you know about this Ferguson case?” she insisted.
“More than you need to know right now that’s for sure, but you will be filled in soon.”
“Listen, I can have audience with the Queen upon request anytime I want. I am not to be trifled with.”
“Do you think it was just a coincidence that you of all people were directed to the Ferguson case to begin with? Hmmm? We caused that to happen Ms. Greer. Do you find it odd to be standing here at this time of day, the only person on the pillories, on a day that subjects are not put in pillories. We arranged that too. We needed to contact you.” He kept working around her as he spoke.
“Why?” she said feeling angry at the man’s sudden arrogance. “Who is the we that is doing this?”
“The we? We are what’s left of the EKG. We know many things Ms. Greer. Secrets of the realm. Things that you will need to know about Dexter and his situation going forward. Many men and women have paid a price protecting this boy over the years. We have chosen you for a reason to represent Dexter.”
“Why all this weird cloak and dagger like some kind of dark spy novel? Why don’t you just meet me at my office and we can discuss what you have?”
“What we have? What we have dear lady is so big that we are being monitored and sought by the Queen’s people. We know many things about Dexter, things the Queen doesn’t know it all but is trying to figure out and it is now time for you to be a part,” he said stepping in front of her and looking her straight in the eye for the first time, “You see Ms. Greer, I know who you really are. We will be in contact again soon.”
“Wait,” Sarah called out as the man now walked away. She had yelled so loud that people in the mall had turned to see what the hapless woman in the pillory might want from a custodian.
Sarah stood there the rest of the afternoon not noticing any of the gawkers or feeling any humiliation from the remarks and sexual insults from perverts walking by. Her mind was too preoccupied.
“He knows about me?”
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