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This story is the property of the writer Kalimaxos.
The story actually begins with chapter 02. So I suggest you start there. Chapter 01 is a glimpse into the future when obviously more characters are introduced. But here is a quick summary.
Andrea Mayers is the mother of Jay and Leslie. Things happen and Jay and Andrea…
OK, that’s summary enough.
This story and the chapters to follow are fiction. None of the characters exist and their names are all fictitious as well. Any names that match individuals in real life are purely a coincidence. But then…one never knows. Please read the previous story parts.
So…sit back and enjoy the adventures of Andrea and Jay. (And some other people in their lives.)
Heather. October 2006 Savannah Ga
Jay drove to the grocery store trying to sort out his thoughts about the upcoming evening. He was about to meet the infamous Heather. She would be in her late twenties now, he thought. The other person in his mother’s life.
According to Andrea, she and Heather had not been sexual in close to three years. But they had stayed in touch. While he had heard his mother talk to Heather on the phone over the years, Andrea would usually go to another room. A signal to Jay to back off and give her privacy. Girl talk. Or was there more?
He could tell that some of the conversations had been heated end some, very emotional. Heather had come to his father’s funeral with her husband but had not lingered to crowd her mother. But she had caught Heather looking at his mom and crying. At the moment he had thought Heather was not mourning the loss of his father who she barely knew.
No. Heather had been crying seeing the anguish Andrea was going through. Jay had thought it was a woman thing. Feeling for a friend’s loss. Women did cry more openly when emotions overtook them. But now…knowing what had transpired between his mother and Heather, he realized Heather was in anguish herself. Seeing the woman she loved hurting and not being able to go hug and console her.
There were times recently that Jay felt threatened by the mention of Heather. Any emotional bond ones lover had for an ex-lover was always a source of jealousy and angst. Still, Jay accepted that Heather cared about his mother and appreciated it. The two women had relied on one another when their husbands had deployed and gotten close. Very close.
Maybe he should give Heather the benefit of the doubt to be in his mother’s life as a friend if nothing else. After all he and Andrea had done, there was no way he could see his mother ditching men for Heather.
Andrea finished her work early with a client and started the loan paperwork when she saw Heather coming in the bank. Heather had certainly dressed to impress. A green wraparound dress that showed leg over her knees and cleavage. She certainly had the boobs and legs to show off. Legs that were more appealing on her high heels. She was sporting a nice tan, and her long black hair was in a ponytail held back with a green ribbon. Andrea opened the glass door and waved her in.
Cynthia Barret looked up briefly as Heather’s figure caught her eye. The young woman’s ass looked spectacular. A twinge of arousal washed over Cynthia and she crossed her legs. Cynthia had never thought herself a lesbian. Most women who had not come to terms with their bisexuality did not. And in reality, they were not. Cynthia had come to terms with her attraction to women. But she knew herself. If she were to quantify her attraction to the sexes by fractions, it would be two thirds for men and one third for women.
But in recent weeks, Andrea Mayers had intrigued her, and a few times aroused her. Something she found disturbing as she considered Andrea a work rival. Cynthia went back to work, but she was unsettled.
Heather and Andrea smiled at each other, hugged and did the girl “don’t mess my make up” kiss.
“Hey girl…you look good” beamed Andrea as Heather came in her office and sat.
“Thanks Andrea…so do you! You look…glowing.” Heather was almost gushing to be near her friend and mentor.
“Let me finish up and we’ll get out of here.” Andrea said as she started saving documents and logging off the system. She made sure she did. And turned off the desktop.
“Wow, new job, new place to live…you made some changes eh?” Heather was enthusiastic.
“Sounds like you made some changes as well. A free woman…” Andrea trailed off as Heather’s reaction threw her off. Heather smiled, but Andrea could see some pain in her face as she recovered, and her beaming smile returned.
“It was for the best Andrea.”
There was a few seconds of uncomfortable silence. Both knew there was a lot of pain in the marriage that had ended and did not wish to rehash it.
“Hey, let’s get out of here” Andrea said as she picked up her purse and laptop bag.
She checked her desk was locked, checked she had everything and followed Heather out.
“I türkçe bahis have a surprise for you,” she told Heather.
“Love those…what is it?”
“My son is cooking dinner for us at our place.”
Heather was a little disappointed, but it had been so long since she had seen Andrea, she would take anything her friend had to offer. She still felt the same for the older woman as she had for the last five years. There was a connection between them she could not shake. “Older?” Andrea looked younger than she had last seen her. Glowing in fact.
“Oh…OK. Is it far?” she asked.
“About a ten minute drive. Did you park far?” Andrea asked.
“I’m in the garage a block away.”
“Great, you can drop me off to my car and then follow me.”
Andrea could sense some apprehension from Heather, but as usual, no argument. It was always that way between them. Andrea led and Heather followed.
They got their cars and drove the few miles to the apartment complex Jay and Andrea lived at. Parking near each other they walked together up the stairs.
Jay had gone shopping and gotten home in time to pick up the living room and clean the bathroom. Neither of them were messy people, so it didn’t take him long. Then he had time for a quick shower before starting dinner.
Andrea had taught him to cook early in life. By the time he was fifteen, he could cook basic meals. After his father died, he started cooking for them so his mother would come home and not have to do a lot. She appreciated it, but eventually they started to share cooking duties. By the time they moved across town, it was normal for them to take turns cooking. She still cleaned the bathroom and kitchen herself, but she let him do laundry and other cleaning. His room had a bed and his desk still, but no one slept in it. Jay used it to study.
Going simple, Jay grilled chicken breasts with teriyaki sauce, made rice and a salad. White wine was chilling in the fridge, so that left setting the table. Around 5:30 he changed to jeans and a white button-down shirt. He knew Andrea loved him in it, so he was going to look his best. As he combed his hair, he heard the doorbell ring. He stepped out of the bathroom as he heard the door being unlocked. ‘Showtime’ he thought.
“Hey there…women in the house.” He heard Andrea call out in a happy voice. Then another female voice.
“Smells good.”
Jay stepped out of the hallway into the living room and gave the women his signature smile. Andrea was standing behind the young brunette and covered her face trying to suppress a laugh. The smile pose was Jay’s standard “get a better deal from women” tool. It worked with her, but it also did wonders with sales ladies, waitress and restaurant hostesses. And it sure worked on Heather, who almost dropped her jaw to stare.
“Hello ladies” he said offering his hand to Heather, “welcome to our home.”
“Hi…ah…I’m Heather.” She uttered trying to compose herself and putting out her hand to grasp his. He held it and gave her a polite nod. She about melted in her underwear.
“I’m Jay” he said. And leaned in. “Who is that beautiful woman you brought with you Heather?” Heather was speechless but tried to say something. Only her lips moved, nothing came out.
“Oh my God,” Andrea replied shaking her head. “Ignore him Heather…he thinks he is funny.” Then she leaned into give her a hug. “I failed in his upbringing.”
Jay nodded with a smirk. “So true…I just got out of the penitentiary this morning. We robbed banks together…she let me take the fall.”
By now Heather figured out their playful way and was smiling as mother and son went back and forth. Andrea guided her toward the dining room.
“Jay, you sure have changed since we last saw each other,” Heather said still trying not to stare.
She figured that she could stare so long as she was talking to him. Andrea was watching them both smiling.
“You too Heather,” he replied. “You look more…”
“More?” Heather asked wondering what he meant. She looked at him directly, but he kept that smile and her gaze.
“Yes,” he replied still smiling. “More of happy, more relaxed. Don’t you think mom?”
Andrea looked at him stunned and how he kept his cool. He was flirting with this woman right in front of her and thought nothing of it. She had a pang of jealousy, but she found herself proud that he was her son. Proud that she had raised a man, not a man child.
“So Jay…service please” Andrea called out as if in a restaurant and sat down next to Heather.
Replying with a polite grin, Jay placed a towel over his arm, retrieved three wine glasses and turned to open the refrigerator to take out the chilled wine. White, as went with poultry; she had taught him well. He poured for them and then served them dinner. Lastly, he served himself and sat to eat with them.
The women chatted about people they had known, places they had shopped or eaten at, and other light conversation. Jay mainly listened and did iddaa siteleri not interrupt. The women, as they are apt to do ate sparingly but drank copiously as time passed. Jay refilled their glasses, cleared untouched dishes and refilled their glasses again. By the time dinner was done, the bottle was finished, and the ladies were laughing describing the wife of the base general and her comments at an event.
“Remember ladies, we are Army wives and must…” Andrea said imitating the woman.
“…Act accordingly” Heather finished Andreas imitation of the general’s wife…hag as they called her after another glass from the new bottle Jay had opened. He was still nursing his first glass, but they never noticed.
“Oh Andrea, I haven’t laughed this much in…” she got maudlin, “a while…” she suddenly hiccuped and erupted in laughter. Andrea joined her bumping her shoulder on the younger woman. Heather, turned to look at Andrea with a serious look.
“And Andrea…” she stopped to think for a minute. “I haven’t stopped loving you either.”
Andrea, caught what Heather said, but even drunk, she stayed in control.
“Me too girlfriend…you’re the best girl buddy I ever had in the Army.” And clinked Heather’s glass. Then turning to Jay, said “she’s the best Jay.”
Jay nodded smiling politely. He wondered if he should stop refilling their glasses. Both women were crossing the tipsy threshold.
“Andrea, I meant it. I have and will always love you. Even if I get remarried, move or whatever happens to us…my heart will always be yours.”
Andrea, noticed that Jay had stopped smiling and was silently watching the situation develop.
“I know Heather. I have known for some time and so has my son.”
Heather turned to look from Jay, to Andrea and back to Jay.
“You know?” she asked then turned to Andrea. “You told him?
Jay nodded followed by Andrea who did as well. “I keep no secrets from Jay.”
“Well, so he knows…” Heather said then she turned to Jay. “Your mother…” she stopped to compose herself, “is the best friend, mentor and…” turning to Andrea so they can make eye contact, “…and best girl lover I ever had.”
Jay had not blinked since Heather had declared her love for his mother. He was witnessing a definitive moment in their life. His eyes drifted from Andrea to Heather, who having expended all her courage to say her piece, tipped her glass and emptied its contents down her throat. Then back to his mother, who leaned over and kissed Heather on the cheek.
“I think we need to ease up on the booze” Andrea said pushing her glass toward Jay. “Let’s you and I go sit in the living room and let Jay go do his studying.”
Heather stood up and managed to regain her lost balance.
“It was great meeting you Jay.”
“Same here Heather” he replied as he left for his room. He did have studying to do, and he threw himself into it for the next two hours. When he opened his door to go to the bathroom he heard the two women still talking. He went back to his room and continued studying.
Around ten thirty there was a knock at the door.
“Come in” he said.
Andrea came in and sat on the spare chair as Jay turned to her.
“Well, that was…different” he said.
Andrea noticed he was serious and intense. And he had every right to be Andrea thought. Heather had revealed some intense feelings for them both to deal with.
“What are you thinking?” She asked nervously.
“I barely know her. And yes, she said it when drunk, but she said she is in love with you right in front of me.” He topped for a second. “Mother, is she a problem?”
Andrea listened, but made no comment. But Jay had expected her to say something.
“What are you going to do with her?” he asked.
His mother’s indulging of Heather was starting to annoy him.
“More like what WE are going to do with her. We do things together these days Jay.”
Jay rolled his eyes looking up and shaking his head.
“Mother, this woman is but an acquaintance to me. She is here because she is something to you…the question is what is she to you?” He felt like saying “she is nothing to me” but kept that to himself.
“Nothing has changed in my mind and heart since you and I first talked about her. You are the only one in my heart. I feel for her as a friend, but she does not come between us.”
“What did you two talk about all this time?”
“Well, we talked about her deciding to get a divorce. She did it because she wants to move on from a failed marriage and eventually have children with someone.”
“While she is in love with you and wants you.” He looked at her intensely; his eyes boring into her. “How does that actually happen mother?”
Andrea noticed he was calling her mother almost like an accusation. Jay was both upset and threatened by the young woman.
“Say the word and she is out the door Jay. You are everything to me. But hear me out. She finds you attractive, deneme bonusu veren siteler and I know you probably do as well. I want to give you what all men want…you me and her. If nothing else, for one night.”
Jay looked at her for a moment and then burst out laughing. She smiled as he laughed, her arms crossed.
“Are you serious mom!”
“Yes” she said defiantly.
“Just like that?”
“Well, we would go to bed, take our clothes off…but yeah, that’s how it works.”
“Mom is this what you want?”
“Yes, but not unless we both do it together and both approve.”
“Andrea, this girl is not someone we picked up at a vacation far away. She knows you, where you live and work. It sounds fun, but her attachment to you scares me. If we do this, she will see this as a green light to keep coming back. I’m not sure I want that.”
“You don’t want two women to fuck you at the same time?”
“I don’t want anything to come between us. I love you…You, are everything to me. I’ll do this for you this time, but what happens after?”
“Jay she is moving back home. She said she needs a fresh start. We probably won’t ever see her again. She asked me to go to bed one last time and I said you had to be there or no deal. She said no problem if you were game.”
“And you can handle seeing me with another woman? Doing…things?” he asked with a worried look.
“Only her” Andrea answered quickly. “Ever since you saw me with Jane, I didn’t think you seeing me with another woman would shock you. But Heather is…special.”
“Why her?”
Andrea looked down, pursed her lips and looked back up.
“I have had fantasies of us… me, you and her. Me having her do things for you and me. Making her watch as you fuck me and you dominating me. I want her to know that she may think I’m her top, but that you are my top.”
Jay remembered the promised they had made to each other about sharing fantasies and sexual experiences.
“Oh, that’s deep mom…and kinky to the max.”
“You know Jay…you have a kinky streak in you that I like. Focus on that and forget her thing for me. She wants kids and that will never happen with her hanging around us. This is going to be a memory for her when she goes home, marries Joe-average and turns into a boring mom.”
“So she knows about us?”
“Jay, she figured it out the first five minutes you met her. You didn’t behave like my son. You acted like the man of the house…my man. She knew and told me so the minute you left the room. I saw no point in denying it.”
“Do you trust her to keep this to herself?”
“If I trusted anyone…it would be her Jay. She wants me to be happy.”
He was still apprehensive, but he saw that this was something his mother wanted. And he chose to do this for her.
“Do we have condoms?” he said with a surrender pose.
“I’ll go get some.” Andrea said triumphantly. “You go inside and keep her company. I’ll be back in a jiffy.”
She jumped up and ran out the door.
“Hey, wait” Jay ran after her. She was in the living room picking up her purse and keys.
“He said OK” Andrea told Heather who smiled in approval. “Going off for condoms at the drugstore. You two get acquainted.”
After the door slammed shut, Jay was left alone with Heather. He felt a little uncomfortable as she kept smiling at him. He smiled back a bit apprehensively, but not wanting to let her know his feelings just yet. This evening had changed drastically from what he had expected. Andrea was right that this was every young guy’s fantasy. But not knowing Heather, he felt apprehensive.
“So were having a threesome I hear.” He said nonchalantly as if they were discussing playing bridge.
“Are you ok with it?” she asked.
“Well, it happens to me so much I don’t mind anymore,” he replied with a hint of sarcasm.
Heather smirked and moved closer to him.
“Jay…do you find me attractive?” she was turning on the charm. The hip movement, the seductive smile, her boobs prominently pushed forward. His cock twitched…and grew.
He nodded keeping his eyes on her as she came closer and stopped inches away.
“Jay, your mom means the world to me. I want her happy. She is finally happy after all she had been through. I would die before I would do anything to hurt her. Or you. You and she are one as far as she is concerned and so do I.”
“Ok…Let’s do this for Andrea,” he replied with a mocking smirk.
She laughed and smacked his arm.
“Oh please, you want to fuck me…admit it.”
“You do not seem like the submissive she says you are. Far from it.”
“I am submissive Jay. Not for anyone but her Jay. Only her. She is and will forever be my top. She says jump…I say how high. You and everyone else are not and will never be what she is to me.”
“Why her?” he asked.
“Don’t question it,” she replied. “I no longer do. I just accept it.”
Her hand reached for his and held his fingers. There was a warmth and sexuality in her touch. Nothing like Andrea’s but still impressive. He got harder just from that. He was disturbed by her effect on him. It was like he was cheating on Andrea. He pulled his hand away.
“Whatever we do Heather, we’ll do with Andrea and in front of her. It’s all about her.”
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