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I believe that one of the most powerful motivational forces in the world is to deny a man something that is constantly waved in front of their nose day in and day out. If the man knows that the denied item has been had and enjoyed by another man the force is multiplied. My wife Vivan is an attractive lady, she has many fine attributes, but her finest has to be her nice round ass and it is not only me that feels that way. In town or on the beach it was not uncommon to have guys stop whatever they were doing to stare glazed eyed as my wife’s nice ass went walking by. I have seen guys watch her walk by, and then grab their crouch and make hunching motions as they laughed and lusted after her. When we first dated she worked in a factory that was known for its many levels of hedonism. Dancing, drinking, swinging, fornication, and adultery was open and welcomed. It was a running sport to see who and where a couple could have sex with while on the clock without being caught. On occasions women would have a contest to see how many cocks they could suck off during break time. The contestants would spend the rest of the night and return home after work with semen stains on their shirts as testimony of their success. Vivan although she had been raised in the church by very straight laced parents flirted and was enticed into participating at times and with various men in assorted ways while she worked there. Once the men in the factory had an election to decide which women was the most desirable and what body parts of various women were the best. Vivan won by a landslide as the woman with the most desirable ass.
Before our marriage we enjoyed each other’s bodies frequently. We discussed turn ons and turn offs. When the discussion turned to anal sex Vivan informed me that anal sex was out of the question. As a teenager she had grown up believing that the greatest gift a girl could give her husband on her wedding night was her virginity. She had dated only one boy in high school, as with most young couples their hormones raged and on a number of occasions they had come close to crossing the line, but no matter how hot she felt or how horny he was she always insisted on waiting till the honeymoon.
After the wedding ceremony they had driven for several hours to their motel and she had teased him all porno along the way. Rubbing and even once unzipping his fly while he was driving to take him in her mouth. By the time they reached the motel, his cock was hard as steal and her pussy was heated with expectancy. They both were so hot that they forsook a meal to consummate the marriage. She had planned the evening to make memories for both of them. A sexy nightgown and perfume was waiting inside her night case. She never got a chance to even freshen up. When they got in the room he locked the door and before she knew what was happening her wedding gown was torn from her body and he was forcing himself between her legs. Her own heat was such that although the tearing of the gown made her sad, she also with great excitement was ready to experience the pleasure in her body that for eighteen years she had denied herself.
She instinctively raised her legs and wrapped them around his back while trying to pull his face down for a kiss. He reached down and grasp his cock which was rock hard and lined it up with her virgin pussy. With a mighty shove his cock entered into her pussy only about a quarter of an inch. Frustrated he rammed again and again, but her pussy would not grant him access to her inner most treasure. Where the resistance drove him to shove harder and harder, she had experienced incredible pain at his first shove. She had awaken from the hot heated desire of lust to wide eyed intense pain in her pussy. She cried out for him to stop, something was wrong. His increasingly hard shoves and the pain they created drove scream of pain even louder from her mouth. His attempts to cram his cock into the pussy that had been denied him for so long changed him from loving and lusting to an animal that would not be denied.
She tried to wrestle him off, but her sounds of pain and physical resistance only intensified his lust. Sweating and straining they wrestled there on the bed. She twisting and turning trying to escape till she managed to turn over on her stomach still screaming “No, and Stop please your hurting me” as she tried to crawl off the bed to escape. Hanging on with all his strength to the squirming screaming girl, lust and anger consuming his entire being, His rock hard cock ran up the crack of her ass. The memories of all the teasing and nights he had gone home with a hard-on after she had gotten him hot and sent him away with a “NO, not till our wedding night” ran through his mind. In a voice that haunts her even today he said, “If your pussy is too dry and want let me fuck it, I know another place that is always ready.” With that he reached down and aligned his rock hard cock with the opening to her anus. With all the built up lust and animal passion from the physical interaction and frustration provided he rammed his hugely swelled cock all the way to his balls into her bowels in one mighty shove.
As the pain exploded in her ass all strength to fight disappeared. As her mouth screamed in pain and anguish, her mind locked onto the vulgarity of her beloved new husband, ass fucking her. “How could he be doing this to me, she thought only whores take it in the ass”. The pain and shame seemed to last forever as he humped and grunted in her sore ass. Later she would remember her bladder letting go and her pissing herself from the pain. The feel of stretching and tearing seemed to go from her ass to her throat, and she vomited from an empty stomach. How long he fucked her ass and when exactly she passed out she was not sure. When she awoke, she found herself naked lying in a bed wet with piss and vomit. Hurting all over and her mouth tasting terribly she tried to get up. Shit, dried cum and blood were all over the mattress her tattered wedding dress lying where it had fallen.
Her new husband had gotten hungry after fucking her and gone out to get something to eat. She crawled to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. Shit, dried blood and cum were smeared all over her face and matted even in her hair where after raping her ass he had stuck his dirty cock into her mouth to clean it of her filth while she was passed out. He told her later after using her mouth to clean his cock he had gotten horny again and raped her ass a second time while she lay unconscious.
The first week of marriage was terror. Once in the morning and sometimes twice at night she was forced to submit as a good wife. At times he would try again to bust her cherry, mostly with his cock, but sometimes with his fingers or the handle of the broom. The failure to open her up would only frustrate him to imagine other attacks. Anytime his desire grew he would force her to chose too either an anal fuck or sucking his dick off again. Sometimes when she sucked him off he would laugh at her and then sodomize her anyway. When the opportunity came she went to the doctor who discovered that here pussy had an extremely thick hymen. The doctor after explaining the problem took a scalpel and cut through the hymen to allow normal intercourse.
The painful memories of her abuse and suffering caused her to reject any and all thoughts of anal sex. Her first marriage lasted only a short time. Despite the fact that she was able and willing to allow him to have normal oral and vaginal sex, he became more and more abusive. Coming home from work early one day she found him in her bed fucking his cousin. After a year she got pregnant and during a fit of anger he beat her and knocked her down the stairs causing her lose the baby. At last broken and abused she was forced to seek a divorce. In a state of brokenness and feeling like a failure she like many others sought to find something to help her overcome the pain in her life. Drinking partying, bars and one night stands became her life. A simple escape from what she saw as a failed life. This was where we found each other.
Knowing all of this I understood the pain that she carried and tried ignore the desire that was in me to have anal sex with her. Sometimes when we went out partying I would pretend to be really drunk and try to fuck her ass, but it never happened. In time her swaying and wiggling that beautiful ass in front of me day in and out got to me. Some nights I would lie beside her and the warmth and smell of her body would envelope me, I would reach out and wake her as we enjoyed each other with sighs and cries in the dark. Other nights she would reject my advances and I would lie beside her and the story of her first honeymoon would run through my mind and I would have to get up and masturbate to relieve the pressure. Guilt and desire became a constant companion, I did not want to hurt or add to the hurt, but I burned with desire to own that ass. As time went on the lust to have her as he had her grew larger and stronger. In time I became the beast and got what I wanted from her body as well, but that is for another story.
If you like reading this story give me good replies and I will write you a continuation that will feed your lust.
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